
1What subject was central to Greek art and culture?

2What qualities were the Greeks trying to achieve in their paintings and sculptures?

3What was the subject of the Parthenon frieze?

4In what area of art did the Romans make their greatest contribution?

5How are the eyes of Constantine the Great (fig.6–45) different from the eyes of most of the classical Greek sculptures?


1Why did people suspect that the Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations had existed even before archeologists discovered their ruins?

2Describe the Palace of Knossos.

3What is happening in the Bull Dance fresco? Of which contemporary Spanish sport does this remind you ?

4List some characteristics of Minoan frescoes.

5Draw a sketch of the Lion Gate at Mycenae. Identify the lintel on your sketch.


1How did the Greek artist create a sense of movement in the Kritios Boy?

2Why have so few original bronze Greek statues survived?

3Between the Archaic and Classical Greek periods, how did Greek artists change the way they conceived a sculpture?

4How is it that we have some idea of what Greek wall painting looked like although no example has survived?

5How did the sculptor show depth in the Parthenon frieze?

6Compare the Dying Gaul to the Charioteer of Delphi. What are the differences between this Classical Greek statue and this Hellenistic sculpture? Which is more emotional?

7What art principle is most important in the Nike of Samothrace?

8Draw the column capitals of the three Greek orders of architecture. Which order has the heaviest look? Which order seems tallest and most slender?

9During which period of Greek art was the Parthenon built?

10How were Attic black-figured ware and red-figured ware different? Which style was older?


1Who inhabited the land that became Rome before the Romans took it over?

2Name several Roman architectural masterpieces.

3Both The Baths of Caracalla and The Pantheon have domed roofs. Draw several arches that cross at the center to explain how a series of arches can be joined to form a dome.

4Why was The Pantheon built? Describe its roof. What happens to rain water that falls into The Pantheon?

5How were Roman cities similar to modern cities? How were they different?

6How is the Column of Trajan like a comic strip?

7The early Christians destroyed many of the Roman statues. Why did they preserve the statue of Marcus Aurelius?

8Compare your height to that of the head of Constantine the Great. How tall are you? How tall is the head of Constantine? Guess the size of one of the feet of this statue.

9Why are so many Roman wall paintings preserved in Pompeii and Herculaneum?