Name of school/academy: Boothroyd Primary Academy

Amount of Sports Premium funding
2014 – 2015 / £ 8000 + £5 per head (based on 440 pupils)
= £10 200
2015-2016 / £ 8000 + £5 per head (based on 470 pupils)
= £10 350
2016-2017 / £8000 + £5 per head (based on 500 pupils)
= £10 500
2017-2018 / £16 000 + £10 per pupil (based on 530 pupils)
= £21 300


2016/2017 costings

Sports Premium used for? / Amount allocated to the intervention or action (£) / Brief summary of the intervention or action, / Specific intended outcomes: What will it achieve if successful? / How will this activity be monitored, when & why whom? / Actual impact:
What did the activity or action actually achieve?
Jujitsu classes for upper key stage 2 pupils / 3 terms x 250 per week
36 x £250
£9000 / Trained coach to deliver Jujitsu classes for years 5 and 6 during PPA sessions /
  • Enthuse pupils re physical activity
  • Support self defence, especially female muslim pupils
  • Development of male role models
  • PE curriculum team to work with coach to measure impact/ progress through measuring fitness and participation before sessions and at end of year
  • Pupil questionnaires to be used to measure increase in enjoyment etc
/ Pre and post learning evidences good progress in children ‘s skill and knowledge. Monitoring Easter 2016
Lesson observations evidence high levels of engagement and enjoyment re pupils.
Fitness sessions for key stage 1 children / 3 term x 250/week
£9000 / Trained coach to deliver ‘Insanity’ based fitness sessions to lower key stage 2 and key stage 1. /
  • Enthuse pupils re physical activity and encourage access out of school
  • Support improvements in fitness of pupils
  • Development of male role models for pupils
  • PE co-ordinator to work with coach to measure impact/ progress through measuring fitness and participation before sessions and at end of year
  • Pupil questionnaires to be used to measure increase in enjoyment etc
/ Bleep test evidences good progress for all year groups Autumn and Easter monitoring 2016/2017
Post learning evidences good progress in understanding muscle groups- Easter 2017
Lesson observations evidence good standard of teaching.
Curriculum leaders for PE to monitor lessons and use of pre and post learning / ½ day every term x 3
Supply cover £150x3
£450 / Pre and post learning scrutinised termly
Progress measured against objectives and reported back to task group. /
  • Report for task group termly (progress report)
  • Pre and post learning evidenced for all year groups
  • PE curriculum team
/ Pre and post learning introduced into all PE sessions from Easter 2016.
Currently no assessment exists for PE and tis means progress is more difficult to assess.
£18 450


Focus for 2017-2018
Key objectives and actions based on last year’s evaluation
Introduce assessment for PE to inform planning and improve assessment and monitoring of progress. /
  • Introduce assessment tracking system for PE- Otrack
  • Curriculum team to monitor use and progress as cohort
  • INSET/ CPD for PE for staff

Introduce intra and inter school competition for sports using membership of Kirklees local sports groups. /
  • Subscription bought for Kirklees sports partnership (cost per child)
  • Sport co-ordinator to ensure we give children opportunity to attend events- at least one per half term
  • PE leader as project

Continue to improve general fitness of pupils across the whole school. /
  • Jujitsu and fitness coaches during PPA
  • Pre and post assessments
  • Trim trail investment

2017-2018 costings

Sports Premium used for? / Amount allocated to the intervention or action (£) / Brief summary of the intervention or action, / Specific intended outcomes: What will it achieve if successful? / How will this activity be monitored, when & why whom? / Actual impact:
What did the activity or action actually achieve?
To be completed July 2018
Subscription to Kirklees sports partnership / Membership £2730
Mission active etccoaches and travel £600 / Coordinator to manage events for school
Pupils to be given opportunity to attend events at least once per half term /
  • Pupils attend intra school competition
  • More children participating in events
  • Curriculum team to monitor attendance
  • Co-ordinator to report back on pupil numbers and events attended

Fitness sessions for key stage 1 children and Jujitsu classes for upper key stage 2 pupils / 3 terms x 250/week
£9000 x 2
£18 000 / Trained coach to deliver ‘Insanity’ based fitness sessions to lower key stage 2 and key stage 1. /
  • Enthuse pupils re physical activity and encourage access out of school
  • Support improvements in fitness of pupils
  • Development of male role models for pupils
  • PE curriculum team to measure impact/ progress through measuring fitness and participation before sessions and at end of year
  • Pupil questionnaires to be used to measure increase in enjoyment
/ This now has to be covered from main budget as from October 30th 2017 although spending for this year had already been agreed.
Curriculum leaders for PE to monitor lessons and use of assessment (otrack) / ½ day every half term x 3
Supply cover £150x6
£900 / Assessment scrutinised termly
Progress measured against objectives and reported as year groups. /
  • Report for task group termly (progress report)
  • Pre and post learning evidenced for all year groups
  • PE curriculum team

Leader to support development of intra and inter school competition and introduction of sports leaders. / Payment every term re successful completion of objectives
£500 x 3
= £1500 / To develop PE within the academy to provide long term opportunities for competition within school and with other schools.
To improve participation of extended schools sports offer for pupils. /
  • Increased % children entering competition
  • Sports leaders running sports during lunchtimes
  • Increased % children accessing after schools clubs
  • Fitness week for whole school
  • 1k a week introduced across whole school
  • Information to be collated by PE leader and shared with task group re project reports

Fitness and sports after school clubs offered free to pupils. / Dance club, fitness club, sports club, martial arts club
Cost per term:
5 x £754 = £3770
Each term
= £3770 x 3 = £11 310 / To improve number of children attending sports clubs re culture of community and also prioritising pupil premium children. /
  • Increased numbers of children attending clubs across all key stages
  • Attendance data to be collated by office and shared with PE leader half termly
  • Comparisons made each half term- PE leader
  • Pupil premium children monitoring half termly- PP champion

New sports equipment / Trim trail added apparatus to increase fitness
= £1809 / To improve apparatus for children to use during lunchtimes to support increased fitness. /
  • Increased numbers of children accessing during lunchtimes
  • Lunchtime staff termly

CPD for staff re fitness sessions / One session to be offered every term for staff development
3 x £150 = £450 / To improve confidence and skills of staff in delivering PE sessions. /
  • Majority of staff (teaching) have accessed CPD
  • KJ to monitor numbers accessing and report to task group on CPD report

Fitness week across whole school / Fitness week resources
=£2000 / To improve engagement re PE and physical activity/ health awareness /
  • All classes access fitness week
  • PE leader

Total to spend £21 300 (£451)- contingency money