The Chapter Letter

FifthSunday after Trinity

Sunday 16 July 2017


A very warm welcome to worship at the Cathedral, with a particular greeting to those who are newcomers or visitors. It is a delight to welcome you.

A July series of addresses at Evensong: Saints and Holy Ones: Clergy from across the diocese have been invited to preach on a favourite saint or holy one at Evensong in July. The details of the preachers and topics are as follows:

16th: The Revd Tobie Osmond (St Thomas, Wells)
Raphael the Archangel

23th: The Revd Dr Simon Bale (Bridgewater St Francis) / St Francis

30th: The Revd Preb Noel Hector (Clevedon with Clapton in
Gordano) / St LaurenceJohn Davies, Dean

Visiting Choir: It has really been very good to have the visiting choir from St. Mark’s Choir of Geneva, ILUSAin residence here this week. Not only have they sung most of the evening services though the week but many have also been present for the daily Eucharist in the Lady Chapel at 8am. Chapter hosted the usual drinks party in the Vicars’ Hall on Tuesday evening – a very happy occasion with the chance both for formal speeches of introduction and welcome, but also lots of informal conversation too.

John Davies, Dean

Elizabeth Cairncross: It was announced very recently at Wells Cathedral School that the Principal, Mrs Elizabeth Cairncross, will retire at the end of the next academic year. Elizabeth will be a hugely difficult act to follow. This is not the moment to say a full thank you – another year of work lies ahead: But it would be remiss not to note now the real achievements of ‘The Cairncross Years’

John Davies, Dean

St Mary Magdalene:Saturday is the feast of St Mary Magdalene. There will be a service of Festal Evensong at 5.15pm to mark the day.

Teresa of Avila – The Interior Castle: Last Sunday I preached a sermon at the Cathedral Eucharist and invited any who would like to take the message a little further over the summer, to read Teresa of Avila’s treatise on prayer entitled The Interior Castle. The invitation involves getting a copy of the book, (buying or borrowing it), reading it and coming to discuss what you have appreciated about it in September. The two dates I have booked in the Old Deanery, Wells, just across from the Cathedral are Tuesday 19 September at 2.30-4.00pm or Thursday 28 September 6-7.30pm. Note that these are alternatives – come to one or the other, not both. There are various translations of the book. It will be good to compare how each translator has interpreted Teresa’s work, so feel free to get whichever translation to which you are drawn. If you missed the service but would still like to participate then you can read the sermon on the Cathedral’s website. All are welcome. A reminder will be posted in September.

The Revd Canon Dr Graham Dodds, Treasurer

All in a Dean’s week: One real highlight of the past week was a visit to the Taunton Archdeaconry, guided by the Archdeacon, as part of my familiarization process in the diocese: it was good to see not only some of the landscape and the churches, but also to meet some of the people. Two characters stood out – a parish priest who isn’t downcast at having seven parishes, but rather seemed very fulfilled and positive; and a farmer who gave me a really good account of the ambiguities of farming today. A smashing day, and I took greetings from the Cathedral of course!

There have been some diocesan clergy reviews; lunch with the departing Organ Scholar to say farewell; meetings with the tower captain, Financial Controller, my clergy colleagues, the Principal of WCS, and the Friends Council. And of course there have been daily services underpinning it all.

John Davies, Dean

Congregational Meeting:We have put in place arrangements for the annual congregational meeting, by custom held in July. This year’s meeting will be on Wednesday 19 July, but with a slightly altered format: Evensong is at 5.15pm, with a visiting choir; the congregational meeting will begin at 6.15pm in the Education Room; and a cheese and wine party is planned to follow the meeting, at about 7.15pm. The Cathedral will gladly provide glasses, and cheese. But those attending are invited to bring a bottle! The party will be in the East Cloister.

At the congregational meeting there will be a report by the Dean, with plans offered for the autumn too. There will be a financial report. And I hope there can be reports by others too – the Taste and See group, Wellsprings, Christian Aid, the coffee team, Amnesty International, Traidcraft and the bell ringers are all being asked to offer short reports.

By adding a party we hope to strengthen the sense of immediate community at the Cathedral. All will of course be very welcome. In order that we can gauge numbers, please sign the list on the table near the north transept, or email Chris t will be good to reflect on the past year here, and to plan together for the future of the community here. John Davies, Dean

Website:There is often too much to report about Cathedral life and ministry in a short Chapter Letter. So do please keep in regular contact with the Cathedral’s website On the website there are presently details of much that is happening here over the summer.

July Specials in the Cathedral Café: Week commencing 17 July - Our popular Seafood Chowder – Cod, Smoked Haddock and Bacon with leek, onion, peas and cream served with one of our bread rolls £5.75.

Revising:From time to time cathedrals revise their constitution and statutes. And Chapter here is embarking on such a revision. We’ll do this in dialogue with the Cathedral Council, with our Bishop, and with other interested parties. We will keep readers of the Chapter Letter in the loop about our progress. I doubt it will be a rapid process, but Chapter has already made a beginning.

John Davies, Dean

The project to relight the Lady Chapel: Having put out information about this project several weeks ago, it is hugely impressive to be able to report that the costs have now been found, and the project has been commissioned. Many thanks go to the donors who stepped forward so generously and so promptly. More details will follow as the work begins. Meanwhile Chapter expresses its thanks to the donors.

John Davies, Dean

Financial Giving: The Cathedral, like all other churches, looks to the financial contributions of those who worship and visit here. Regular worshippers who value the life and ministry of this place are invited to make a regular financial contribution, either by planned giving envelopes or standing orders. The Financial Controller, Richard Churchill,now deals with these matters in complete confidence. He can be contacted via 01749 674483 Ext. 233. The Chapter expresses its thanks for financial support given in this way.

Kelly Hallwho has handled the above responsibilities until very recently, moves this week to more part time work with the Genesis Trust in Bath. Chapter is very grateful for all that Kelly has contributed to the work at the Cathedral in her role as Head of Development.

John Davies, Dean


Readings for next Sunday’s Eucharist, The Sixth Sunday after Trinity,

Romans 8.12-25 and Matthew 13.24-30, 36-43


Mon / 17 / All Week
10.45am / Jesmarie & Timsbury Art Exhibition SC until 29/7
Organ Recital & Talk, Assoc of Anglican Musicians (USA) - Quire
Wed / 19 / 5.15pm
7.15pm / Evensong sung by the Swan Singers
Congregational Meeting- Education Room
Cheese and Wine party (please bring a bottle)
Thurs / 20 / 5.15pm / Evensong sung by the Bluecoat School Coventry
Fri / 21 / 5.15pm / Evensong sung by the Bluecoat School Coventry
Sat / 22 / 5.15pm / Festal Evensong sung by the Bluecoat School Coventry, for St Mary Magdalene’s Day