Examples for completing the 5 steps of the RTW elements
D26- RTW self assessment / D-27 RTW program development / D-28 RTW Physical Demands Information / D-29 RTW Case Management / D-30 RTW Performance TrackingStep 1 / *Complete RTW self assessment guide and write policy outlining how this will be accomplished / *Write a program that includes procedures, R&R, letters, forms and RTW plans / *Write a policy stating that PDIF will be completed for injured workers, by whom and how. / *Add Case management to your program including employee contact, meetings, reporting, cooperation and program end. / *Document what you will use to evaluate performance- use qualitative and quantitative indicators
Step 2 / Workplace must know you are completing this assessment / Communicate RTW program to everyone / Notify workplace parties that PDIF are to be completedand by whom / Communicate case management R&R to everyone / Communicate the process for evaluation and program targets
Step 3 / Train those who will be completing the assessment (general RTW principles and program requirements)
(PSHSA RTW Part 1) / Train workplace parties on their responsibilities (RTW program duties)
(PSHSA RTW Part 1) / Provide training on the RTW program and the purpose of form / *RTW manager/coordinator must attend training/ seminar regarding managing claims
(PSHSA RTW Part 2) / Educate those with responsibilities for collecting the data, how to achieve improvements and how to evaluate program(can review Step 5 from PSHSA RTW Part1- with the evaluation team)
Step 4 / Outline the gaps you found (scorecard summary). / Determine if the program is working- being followed
-Worker/ supervisor audit/survey of responsibilities / Evaluate if PDIF are accurate/ being utilized / Is the case management process working?
-stats of accommodation
-worker satisfaction survey / *Utilize a tool to keep track of your outcomes
Step 5 / *Develop an Action Plan to address the gaps / Acknowledge the work that was done +/or make changes/improvements to the program / Acknowledge those who assisted in the completion. Revise any incomplete/ inaccurate PDIF / Acknowledge participation and report on success of interventions. Make improvements as necessary. / Report on success and stats. Improve processes as necessary.
(*Refer to Employer guideline clear direction of these steps) Steps 1,2,3 must be completed in the calendar year.