Brazos Theatre
TalentShow / OpenMicRules,Application andRisk/Responsibility
Age: The TalentShow has no age limit.
Deadline: Contestants must complete andsubmitentryform and accompanying video to byThursday,November 2, 5:00pm.Amaximum of 30 registrations will be chosen to compete in the show.You will be notified by email on Friday, November 3.
Applicationsandvideo CDs can also bemailedordroppedoffat:Brazos Theatre
Attn: Talent Show
7524 Bosque Blvd., Ste. Q
Waco, TX 76712
Eligibility:The contest is opento allamateur entertainers and artists whoare McLennan Countyresidents. Groups/bands must have amajorityof participants whoare McLennan Countyresidents. Professionalmusicians and artistswhose talentis a significant source of income are not permittedtoenter.No individual may perform inmore than one entry. All artwork much be gallery ready.
ContestantAge: Allindividualorgroups under 18 years of age willrequire anadultsignature.
Accompaniment: Asound system will be provided. A piano is also available. Vocalistsmayusea recordedaccompaniment, provideditcontains instrumental accompanimentonly.Each contestantis responsible for the quality andreliabilityof anybackground music used.Contestants requiringaccompanimentmust provide their ownaccompanist andinstrument.
TimeLimit:The time limitis fiveminutes.Time limitswillbe strictlyenforced. Amedleyof songs is allowed within thefive minutes.
Required Rehearsal: All participants are required to attend a rehearsal session the week of the show (Tentative date: November 9)
Judging:Judges willscoreeach performance based ona points system;stage presence (10), quality of performance (10),choice of composition(10), entertainmentvalue (10) andCrowdReaction(10).Inthe event of a tie, the judges will determine the winners.Alldecisions are final.
SoundSystem: Allcontestants are requiredto use the soundsystem andsoundtechnician provided.There are noexceptions. The contestantmust provide allinstruments and additional amplifiers needed to perform.
ContestCheck-in:Check-inSaturday,November 11 at6:30 p.m.
Show Time:The show willstart at7:30p.m.onSaturday, November 11 at the Brazos Theatre.
Prizes:First Place -$100, SecondPlace -$50, Third Place -$25.
Questions:For more information,,Attention: TalentContest
Brazos Theatre
Open Mic / TalentShowRules,Application andRisk/Responsibility
Contestant Information:
Address:______City: ______
State:______Zip:______Birthdate:____ /______/______
ParticipantorTeamName: ______
What isyourtalent:______
Givea detailed descriptionofwhat yourfiveminutesoftalent willentail. Send a sample video to (Dropbox or Google Drive is also a good option)
Please include anylyrics to songs and/or otherperformancecontent, attach a separate pieceof paper if necessary.The Committeewill review these descriptions todetermine participation:______
What categoryisyour performance?____ Individual_____ Group (Howmany in yourgroup?)______
Will you beperformingwith a:
___None____CD____I-Pod___Single Instrument___Band___Piano____Other(please list):
Pleasereturnentryformandrisk/, or tothefollowingaddressbyNovember2,2017.
Brazos Theatre
7524 Bosque Blvd., Ste Q
Waco TX 76712
Brazos Theatre’s Open Mic & Talent Show 2017
TalentShowRules,Application andRisk/Responsibility
Allparticipantsoftheshowmusthave a riskand responsibilityform signed and turnedin with yourentry form. Noonewill beable toparticipatewithoutthesigned form. Forms will notbe available the dayof theevent.Pleaseduplicate thisformas necessary. (all members of a group must have a form filled out and turned in)
1.I have read, understand, and agree to abide bythe TalentShow Rules.
2.I accept that thereare inherent dangersin preparing for and participating inthese activities including, but not limitedto, personalinjurywhichcouldresult inmedical treatmentandthe costs associatedwithmedicaltreatment,long-termdisabilityand/or death.It may also include loss of or damage to property of the Brazos Theatre for whichI will be held responsible. I acknowledge that participationinthe Open Mic / Talent Show could involvea degree of physicaldanger, andI certifythatI will exercise reasonable care andcaution atalltimes.
3.I herebyrelease the Brazos Theatreand its officers, directors, agents andemployees, all Brazos Theatresponsors and their officers, agents andemployees andits contractors; I agree toindemnify and hold harmless the Brazos Theatre andits officers, directors, agents,employees, and contractors from any and allliabilitiesandclaims made byother individuals or entities asaresult of my and/or business’/organization’s actions during the festival.
Team Name:______Participant Name: ______
Parent/GuardianSignature: ______Date:______
Phone:______Email: ______
I understand that the Brazos Theatre is a BYOB facility, and I assure my underage child will not consume any alcohol on the premises. I also agree to not hold the Brazos Theatre responsible if my minor consumes alcohol on the premises without my knowledge.
Risk andresponsibilityforms forALL participants must accompany the entryform.Bothmust be turnedin by5:00 p.m.Thursday, November 2,2017: Brazos Theatre,Attn: Talent Show,7524 Bosque Blvd., Ste. Q,Waco TX 76712