AccessibilityDomain / Recommendation / Progress Status / Timeline / Area of Improvement / Approximate
Architectural / Second side railing up the stairs needs to be installed & Half door installed at the top of the stairs / Contractor hired and work completed / Completed April 2010 / N/A / $2,000.00
Architectural / Mechanical Lift installed in the bathroom, widening of the sidewalk ramp and automatic door opener installed / Contractor hired and work completed. / Completed April 2010 / N/A / $15,000.00
Architectural / Carpet at Bethayne is loose and needs to be pulled taut by a carpet layer. / Request submitted to BC Housing / Ongoing Request with BC Housing / $500
Environmental / Additional light fixtures required in the living room of Fleetwood House / Request submitted to BC Housing / Ongoing Request with BC Housing / $1,000.00
Environmental / Additional in set lighting needs to be installed throughout the home of Orion house / Request submitted to BC Housing / Ongoing Request with BC Housing / $3,000.00
Attitudinal / Families resistant to their family member being independent on transit. / Continue working with families to change this attitudinal barrier by explaining the safe guards and training process and continue to provide families with examples of successes and benefits to individuals who now use transit independently.
Currently 4 individuals at the day services are independent on public transit to and from their work to the day services and/or their home. / March 2011 / N/A / N/A
Attitudinal / Training and support to staff around the use of positive behavioral supports and Mandt conceptional and technical skills will be implemented in the home to foster staff’s confidence when working with the individual. / Fleetwood house staff have received Mandt Conceptual and Technical training. Additionally, Fleetwood staff have worked with CBI consultants in developing further positive behavioral supports for the indentified individual. / June 2010 / Continue annual Mandt training with staff team. / Staff meeting -&associated staff training costs
Communication / More staff with Sign Language are needed to work in programs that require sign.
Financial / Gas allowance funding has not increased with current gas prices / Continue to monitor program’s gas costs and efficiency of van usage with respect to destinations chosen, car pooling and alternative transportation sources. / Completed March 2011 / Gas prices are high – individuals served will need to utilize public transportation and handi-dart in order to reduce the financial impact of operating facility vehicles. / N/A
Employment / Continue to support people to find meaningful paid employment. / New employment programs were created in supportive, customized and social enterprises. Management and staff have received training in the implementation and outcomes of these types of programs. Persons served are finding competitive employment , customized employment and continue working in micro-enterprises and social enterprises.
We are continuing to evolve and grow this service area. / On-going review while best practices are developed and day services are transformed to be more employment focused. / Forwarded to Accessibility Plan 2011-112 / Under Review
Transportation / A new vehicle is to be purchased/leased that is equipped with a wheelchair lift for Yale House. / New Wheelchair equipped Van has been purchased for ??????