Introduction: Importance of materials, historical perspective, Future aspects of engg.


Crystal Structure: brief on BCC, FCC and HCP Structures, coordination number and atomicpacking factors. Bravais lattices, Miller indices, crystal imperfections-point line and surface imperfections. Atomic Diffusion: Phenomenon, Ficks laws of diffusion, factors affecting diffusion.

Ferrous and non- ferrous materials: Properties, Composition and uses of Grey cast iron,malleable iron, SG iron and steel, copper alloys-brasses and bronzes, Aluminium alloys. Introduction to BIS & ASTM codes and practice on material and testing.


Mechanical Behaviour: Stress-strain diagram showing ductile and brittle behaviour ofmaterials, mechanical properties in plastic range, yield strength off set yield strength, ductility, ultimate tensile strength, toughness, Plastic deformation of single crystal by slip and twinning, Hardness Tests.

Fracture Creep Fatigue: Fracture: Type I, Type II and Type III. Creep: Description of thephenomenon with examples. Three stages of creep, creep properties, stress relaxation. Fatigue: Types of fatigue loading with examples, Mechanism of fatigue, fatigue properties, fatigue testing and S-N diagram.


Solidification: Mechanism of solidification, Homogenous and Heterogeneous nucleation,crystal growth, cast metal structures. Phase DiagramI: Solid solutions Hume Rothary rule, substitutional and interstitial solid solutions, intermediatephases, Gibbs phase rule. Phase Diagram: Construction of equilibrium diagrams involving complete and partialsolubility, lever rule. Iron carbon equilibrium diagram description of phases, solidification of steels and cast irons, invariant reactions.


Heat Treating of Metals: TTT curves, continuous cooling curves, annealing and its types.Normalizing, hardening, tempering, mastempering, austempering, hardenability, surface hardening methods like carburizing, cyaniding, nitriding, flame hardening and induction hardening, age hardening of aluminium-copper alloys.

Comparativestudyofmicrostructureof various Ferrous,nonferrous metals andalloys.


Composite materials: Definition, classification, types of matrix materials & reinforcements,fundamentals of production of FRP's and MMC's advantages and application of composites. Ceramics: Structure types and properties and applications of ceramics. Mechanical/ Electricalbehavior and processing of Ceramics.

Plastics: Various types of polymers/ plastics and its applications. Mechanical behaviour andprocessing of plastics, Future of plastics. Introduction to Smart materials & Nano-materials and their potential applications.

Books andReferences:

  1. Callisters Materials Science and Engineering, by William D. Callister, Jr, (Adopted by R.
  1. Balasubramaniam), Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.
  1. Elements of Material Science & Engineering by Van Vlack, PearsonMaterial Science and Engineering by Smith, Hashemi and Prakash, MCGRAW HILL INDIA
  2. The Science and Engineering of materials, by Askeland & Balani, Cengage Learning
  1. Introduction to Materials Science for Engineers by Shackelford, Pearson
  2. Material Science by Narula ,MCGRAW HILL INDIA.
  1. Materials Science and Engineering - A First Course by Raghavan, PHI
  2. Material Science and Engineering Properties by Gilmore, Cengage Learning
  3. Material Science for Engineering Students by Fischer, Academic Press
  1. Technology of Engineering materials by Philip and Bolton, Butterworth-Heinamann