Monmouthshire’s Scrutiny Forward Work Programme 2017

Adults Select Committee
Meeting Date / Subject / Purpose of Scrutiny / Responsibility / Type of Scrutiny
Joint Select Meeting: (Economy, Strong, Adults with Planning Committee invited)
14th Feb 2017 / Supplementary Planning Guidance on Affordable Housing / Scrutiny of Supplementary Planning Guidance on Affordable Housing in Monmouthshire. / Mark Hand / Policy Development
Monmouthshire Letting Service / Scrutiny of the proposed approach for accessing private rented sector accommodation to prevent homelessness. / Steve Griffiths / Pre-decision Scrutiny
Homeless Prevention - Rent Guarantee Scheme / Pre-decision Scrutiny of the Scheme, which is a component of the above (Monmouthshire Lettings Service). / Ian Bakewell / Pre-decision Scrutiny
27th Feb 2017
Joint Select Committee / Alternative Service Delivery Model / Scrutiny of the business case for the new Delivery Model / Tracey Thomas
Ian Saunders
Cath Fallon / Pre-decision Scrutiny
Well-being Objectives for the Council / Scrutiny of the Council’s Well-being Objectives. / Matthew Gatehouse / Pre-decision Scrutiny
28th Feb 2017 / Social Services and Wellbeing Act
(responsibilities and performance monitoring) / Scrutiny of the responsibilities to ensure the Council delivers its duties in terms of providing information and advice (requires implementation by April 2017). The approach needs scrutiny and clear performance measures to monitor the delivery.
Link with the Community Coordination implementation (Place Based approach), as this approach is critical in delivering the requirements of the act. The placed-based approach cuts across the adults and children’s services portfolio, theduties around preventive work linking directly to the requirement to ensure well-being. / Claire Marchant
Nikki Needle / Performance Monitoring
Transport Policy for Adult Services / This a new policy for adult services, being brought for scrutiny prior to implementation. Budget saving have been identified by implementation of this policy acrossadult social services. / Clare Morgan / Policy Development
Safeguarding / Progress report. / Claire Marchant / Performance Monitoring
Budget Monitoring / To review the financial situation for the directorate, identifying trends, risks and issues on the horizon with overspends/underspends). / Mark Howcroft / Budget Monitoring
Pre-Election Period ~ Friday 17th March
Special Meeting late March 2017
*Date TBC* / Stroke Services
(Invite ABUHB and Stroke Association) / ABUHB to present their reformed stroke service.
Invite public questions. / ABUHB
MCC Carers Team
ABUHB / Policy Development
Joint Meeting with CYP
Possibly add to 23rd March CYP / Young Carers Strategy
(Invite Carers Strategy Group and ABUHB)
TBC / Following the successful agreement of the Adults Carers Strategy, work is progressing towards producing the first ever Young Carers Strategy in Monmouthshire.
Invite the Carers Strategy Group who are instrumental in delivering the Strategy and the Young Carers Team. Both strategies have highlighted health specific topics which need partnership working to ensure Carers are supported. / Kim Sparrey
Bernard Boniface / Policy Development
25th Apr 2017 / Supporting People
Community Coordination
Support for Carers / Scrutiny of the Carers in Employment Policy. / People Services / Policy Development
Disabled Facilities Grants
May TBC / Learning Disability provision and commissioning / Scrutiny of the continuing journey towards modernising services progressed through “My Day My Life”. The scrutiny should focus on the care that the Council provides and commissions. There is a need for a renewed push on models of accommodation and support for people with learning disabilities, so scrutiny could explore how the Council prioritises the modernising of services for people with learning disabilities with the newly appointed learning disabilities commissioner funded through the intermediate care fund. / Claire Marchant
Julie Boothroyd / Policy Development
Integrated Services / Scrutiny of the journey to integrate primary care through neighbourhood care networks (established by the Health Board). Discussions on wellbeing approaches have been discussed with a range of partners with a view to moving towards integrated governance. / Claire Marchant
Julie Boothroyd / Policy Development
Violence against Women and Domestic Abuse Act / The context of the act is the alignment to the Future Generation Act in terms of the Council’s responsibilities around well-being. There are ramifications for all services / cross cutting. / Claire Marchant / Policy Development
June TBC / Housing Support Gateway / To understand how the Housing Support Gateway is impacting people in terms of preventing homelessness, prevention, preventing domestic abuse, ensuring people have opportunities for re-housing according to their affordability. / Ian Bakewell
Tracy Finnis / Performance Monitoring
July TBC
Possible Special / Housing and Welfare
~ Invite all Members / Discussion with Registered Social Landlords on how they are supporting tenants to manage the welfare reforms. Discussion with Monmouthshire Housing Association on current stock and new home development. / Ian Bakewell
RSL’s / Performance Monitoring

Future Work Programme items:

Turning the World Upside Down (link with CSSIW Domiciliary Care Report) - Invite staff for this item.

Gwent Frailty Annual report.

Regulation and Inspections Act - This act focusses on our responsibilities in terms of regulated care settings and learning disability facilities as well as our role as a commissioner of services. Need to invite the commissioning team / those with new roles around the act, particularly new statutory roles. Need an overview and position update report.

Children and Young People’s Select Committee
Meeting Date / Subject / Purpose of Scrutiny / Responsibility / Type of Scrutiny
16th February 2017 / Education Achievement Service Business Plan 2017-18 / To scrutinise the Business Plan to ensure added value for Monmouthshire. / EAS / Performance Monitoring
Final performance report on Key Stages 4 and 5 / Scrutiny of the final results. / Will Mclean
Nicola Allan (EAS) / Performance Monitoring
Budget Monitoring report / To review the financial situation for the directorate, identifying trends, risks and issues on the horizon with overspends/underspends). / Mark Howcroft / Budget Monitoring
27th Feb 2017
Joint Select Committee / Alternative Service Delivery Model / Scrutiny of the business case for the new Delivery Model / Tracey Thomas
Ian Saunders
Cath Fallon / Pre-decision Scrutiny
Well-being Objectives for the Council / Scrutiny of the Council’s Well-being Objectives. / Matthew Gatehouse / Pre-decision Scrutiny
Pre-Election Period ~ Friday 17th March
23rd March 2017
Invite Adults / Young Carers Strategy
TBC / To consider the first Young Carers Strategy in Wales.
*Invite Aneurin Bevan University Health Board* / Kim Sparrey
Deborah Saunders / Policy Development
Safeguarding / Progress report due. / Claire Marchant / Performance Monitoring
20th April 2017 / TBC

Standing /Future Items for Scrutiny:

CYP Self-evaluation – continued scrutiny/annual report (November 2017)

Update on Schools Budgets

EAS Commission Report - Evaluation of the impact made by the EAS in academic year 2015/16 and consideration of the improvements that will be commissioned from the EAS in line with the new 3 year Business Plan from April 2017.

Monmouthshire’s strategic review for Education (All Schools Strategy / ESR)

ALN Review

Corporate Parenting Report - Annual scrutiny together with discussion on the issues, actions proposed and strategies in place to manage placements and reduce MCC’s dependency upon external agencies.

Review of Collaborative Arrangements – proposed reduction in spending on 16-17 and 17-18.

Youth Offending Service Report

Acorn And Flying Start

Schools Funding Formula – May 2017

Childcare Sufficiency Assessment - monitoring the outcomes of the action plan – Summer 2017

Response from WG on Children’s Services Funding

SRS and ICT in schools

Schools Sickness data

Economy Select Committee
Meeting Date / Subject / Purpose of Scrutiny / Responsibility / Type of Scrutiny
9th Feb 2017 / Future Monmouthshire / Presentation on work undertaken to date. / Kellie Beirne / Review
Supplementary Planning Guidance on Tourism / To scrutinise a working draft of an SPG on tourism. / Mark Hand
Nicola Edwards / Policy Development
Budget Monitoring / To review the financial situation for the directorate, identifying trends, risks and issues on the horizon with overspends/underspends). / Mark Howcroft / Budget Monitoring
14th Feb 2017
Joint Select Meeting (Economy, Strong, Adults with Planning Committee invited) / Supplementary Planning Guidance on Affordable Housing / Scrutiny of Supplementary Planning Guidance on Affordable Housing in Monmouthshire. / Mark Hand / Policy Development
Monmouthshire Letting Service / Scrutiny of the proposed approach for accessing private rented sector accommodation to prevent homelessness. / Steve Griffiths / Pre-decision Scrutiny
Homeless Prevention - Rent Guarantee Scheme / Pre-decision Scrutiny of the Scheme, which is a component of the above (Monmouthshire Lettings Service). / Ian Bakewell / Pre-decision Scrutiny
27th Feb 2017
Joint Select Committee / Alternative Service Delivery Model / Scrutiny of the business case for the new Delivery Model / Tracey Thomas
Ian Saunders
Cath Fallon / Pre-decision Scrutiny
Well-being Objectives for the Council / Scrutiny of the Council’s Well-being Objectives. / Matthew Gatehouse / Pre-decision Scrutiny
Pre-Election Period ~ Friday 17th March
27th April 2017
Potentially move earlier in month / 2017/18 Youth Enterprise Delivery Plan / To present the action plan for scrutiny. / Cath Fallon
Hannah Jones / Performance Monitoring
Business Rates Update
*TBC* / Update on rate re-valuations and the allocation of the £10,000,000 Welsh Government Grant. / Cath Fallon / Performance Monitoring
ROI of Velethon *TBC* / To discuss the report of the Velethon / Nigel Russell, Event Director, Velethon Wales / Performance Monitoring
Broadband Rollout / Progress on the rollout of the Superfast Cymru programme in the county. / TBC / Performance Monitoring

Future Work Programme items:

Museums Transition Report

Chief Officer Enterprise Annual Report

Vale of Usk LDP Strategy and projects

YPrentis Business Plan

I-county ~ summer 2017

ICT in schools ~ update on the PSBA programme

City Deal ~ regular updates

Tourist Information Centres ~ resourcing and funding

June 2017 ~ WG update on position on Broadband

Car Parking ~ position update

Asset management

County Farms

Strong Communities Select Committee
Meeting Date / Subject / Purpose of Scrutiny / Responsibility / Type of Scrutiny
14th Feb 2017
Joint Select: (Economy, Strong, Adults)
Planning Committee invited) / Supplementary Planning Guidance on Affordable Housing / Scrutiny of Supplementary Planning Guidance on Affordable Housing in Monmouthshire. / Mark Hand / Policy Development
Monmouthshire Letting Service / Scrutiny of the proposed approach for accessing private rented sector accommodation to prevent homelessness. / Steve Griffiths / Pre-decision Scrutiny
Homeless Prevention - Rent Guarantee Scheme / Pre-decision Scrutiny of the Scheme, which is a component of the above (Monmouthshire Lettings Service). / Ian Bakewell / Pre-decision Scrutiny
27th Feb 2017
Joint Select Committee / Alternative Service Delivery Model / Scrutiny of the business case for the new Delivery Model / Tracey Thomas
Ian Saunders
Cath Fallon / Pre-decision Scrutiny
Well-being Objectives for the Council / Scrutiny of the Council’s Well-being Objectives. / Matthew Gatehouse / Pre-decision Scrutiny
2nd March 2016 / Public Protection Performance Report / Scrutiny Public protection (6 monthly performance report), focus on licensing and Commercial Environmental Health). / David Jones / Performance Monitoring
Castle Meadows Abergavenny / Scrutiny of the request for a change of policy to allow canoeing and swimming in the River Usk at Castle Meadows. / Matthew Lewis / Policy Development
Environment Act Biodiversity and Resilient Ecosystems Forward Plan / Scrutiny ahead of full Council approval on 20th March with the Wellbeing assessment / objectives. / Matthew Lewis / Policy Development
Budget Monitoring / To review the financial situation for the directorate, identifying trends, risks and issues on the horizon with overspends/underspends). / Mark Howcroft / Budget Monitoring
Pre-Election Period ~ Friday 17th March
6th April 2016 / Employee Wellbeing
TBC / -Scrutiny of the Attendance and Wellbeing Policy.
-Performance report on Sickness Absence. / People Services / Policy Development
Strategic Equality Plan Monitoring Report / Scrutiny of the ongoing plan for strategic equality. / Alan Burkitt / Performance Monitoring

Possible Future Work Programme Items:

  • Burial Charges ~ Position report requested (possibly emailed to members)
  • Refugees and Asylum Seekers
  • Flood Risk Management Plan – Action Plan delivery/progress report.
  • Rights of Way Improvement Plan ~ Scrutiny and Cabinet on the final plan (Jan / Feb 2018)

Public Service Board Select Committee
Meeting Date / Subject / Purpose of Scrutiny / Responsibility / Type of Scrutiny
28th June 2016 / Governance Report for the Public Service Board (PSB) Select Committee / To discuss and agree a framework for the future working arrangements and general conduct of the PSB Select Committee, including the governance arrangements and drafting of appropriate terms of reference. / Hazel Ilett / Governance
Public Service Board Working Arrangements / To scrutinise the governance arrangements for the Public Service Board and make recommendations. / Sharran Lloyd / Pre-decision Scrutiny
11th Oct 2016 / Discussion with the Chair of the Public Service Board / To discuss with the Chair of the PSB:
  • His perspective on the powers afforded to scrutiny to hold the PSB to account
  • The resources and capacity of the PSB to gather the evidence for the well-being assessment
  • The recommendations made by the Select Committee to the PSB on their governance arrangements which are:
in instances where a PSB partner cannot attend a PSB meeting, a deputy attends to ensure that absence is not detrimental to the board’s overall progress.
That the PSB agrees a brief action list at the close of each of their meetings to assist the Select Committee in monitoring the PSB’s progress. / Paul Matthews, Chair of Public Service Board / Governance
Community Engagement activity in preparation for the Well-being Assessment / To consider the engagement process that has been undertaken and to scrutinise the emerging findings. To discuss the data, academic research and future trends that will inform the well-being assessment. / Matthew Gatehouse
Sharran Lloyd
Rhian Cook / Policy Development
Terms of Reference for the PSB Select Committee / To agree the draft terms of reference for the PSB Select Committee that were prepared at the meeting on 28th June 2016. / Hazel Ilett / Governance
16th Feb 2017 / Well-being Assessment / Scrutiny of the Public Service Board’s draft Well-being assessment ~ process undertaken, findings of the review and forward priorities. / Matthew Gatehouse
Sharran Lloyd / Policy Development
Pre-Election Period ~ Friday 17th March
28th Mar 2017 / To scrutinise the final Well-being Assessment / TBC / Matthew Gatehouse
Sharran Lloyd / Policy Development

To invite the Commissioner Sophie Howe to a future meeting and to provide training.