Spring 2015 Section 10421

INSTRUCTOR: Earl T. Wylie, Ph.D.

PHONE: 707-688-2944

WEB – to an external site.)
Skype -earl.wylie2

This course has 17 modules which cover the text book.Contained in the various modules are discussions( 3 pts. each), lab assignments (10 pts. each), Exams ( 50 pts. each) andExtra Credit (10 pts. each). Read the course syllabus for details of each.
Note: The first discussion "Something about yourself" is due 1/23/15. If you have not entered in the first discussion by then you will be dropped from the class. I will check each student progress a minimum of twice a week and alert you when I believe your progress is not timely for completion of the course. Discussions,Assignments and Exams must be posted by their due dates or credit will not be given. SCC and I want you to be successful. Please feel free to contact me through e-mail with any concerns you have that you do not want to discuss in the Office threaded discussion. I will respond to your submissions, discussions, exams, question in the office thread discussion, e-mail ()or phone (707-688-2944) within 24 hours during the work week (Monday-Friday). Additionally,Skype (earl.wylie2) will be used to schedule individual and group interactive discussions. I will be blogging you of upcoming drop dates, exams, and information that will enhance your learning experience.
Progressing through the Course:

Do a module a week (which is an assigned chapter) and you will complete the course on time.

Plagiarism and academic integrity policies.
Do your own work!!!Labs, discussion and exams that I find to be Plagiarize or
cheating has occurred will receive a 0 on that Lab, discussion or exam.
Each lab is graded on the task assignedbeing completed properly and submitted. "
Each discussion is graded on the points discussed.
Each exam is graded on the correct answer to true/false and multiple choice questions.
Each extra credit is graded on the content subjectively by me. In the extra credit essays I am looking to know how the data presented will effect your life and how you feel about the subject.

Accessibility for Disable Students.

Disability Support Services: It is the policy ofSCC to accommodate students with disabilities, pursuant to federal law and state law. Any student with a disability who needs accommodation, for example in arrangements for seating, examinations, note-taking should inform the instructor at the beginning of the course. It is also the policy and practice of SCC to make web-based information accessible to students with disabilities. If you, as a student with a disability, have difficulty accessing any part of the online course materials for this class, please notify the instructor immediately. The chair of the department offering this course is also available to assist with accommodations. Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact Disability Support Services: to an external site.)

Student Services

SCC offers a number of student services to enable student success. They can be accessed at to an external site.). Make sure you review the student services as there are many services offered that my be very helpful to you.


1. Introduction- Office chapter.
2. Word- Creating a document - WD1-52
3. Word tutorial 2- Editing and formatting a document- WD 53-108
4. Word tutorial 3- Creating a Multiple-Page Report - WD 109-160
5. Word tutorial 4- Desktop Publishing and Mail Merge-WD161-216
6. Excel - Getting started with Excel -EX1-56
7. Excel tutorial 2 - Formatting a Workbook - EX 57-114
8. Excel tutorial 3 - Working with Formulas and Functions- EX115-168
9. Excel tutorial 4- Enhancing a Workbook with Charts and Graphs - EX169-232
10. Access - Creating a database - AC 1-48
11. Access tutorial 2 - Building a Database and Defining Table Relationships - AC 49-108
12. Access tutorial 3 - Maintaining and Querying a Database - AC 109-164
13. Access tutorial 4 - Creating Forms and Reports- AC 165-216
14. PowerPoint - Creating a Presentation - PPT1-62
15. PowerPoint Tutorial 2 - Adding and Modifying Text and Graphic Objects - PPT 63-120
16. Integration Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint - INT 1-56
17. The end- Extra Credit and Level 3 -Final Exam

Discussion Board Guidelines

Think before you post. Any time we are communicating in print, there is a greater risk of misunderstandings occurring because we do not communicate our ‘tone' when we write. Read your message thoroughly before you post it. Include friendly comments or emoticons to make sure your message is taken as you intend it.

Use lower and upper case appropriately. DO NOT USE ALL CAPS! It appears as if you are shouting at your classmates.

Keep the focus on the topic at hand. Remember, this is an academic discussion board. While we want to get to know each other as appropriate, not all of your classmates want to read sidebars to the class discussion.

Focus your comments on the message, not the messenger. Debating ideas is encouraged, but make sure you do not attack another for his or her ideas.

Avoid posting “me too” or “I agree” posts. If you have nothing more to add to the content, don't post a reply. These posts take your classmates extra time to weed through without adding substance to the discussion. If you agree with a post, take the time to articulate why you agree, and then your reply will be worthy of posting.

Keep your replies brief. Replies should be no longer than three paragraphs.

Avoid the use of foul language or insults. Remember that there are real people out there who may be offended by something that you find humorous. Be overly cautious about posting anything that is even slightly off-color.

Do not create a new thread unless you are indeed introducing a new idea. If a discussion is in progress, reply to the last message on that topic instead of creating a new topic or thread. Make sure you do read through the messages on that thread before replying because someone may have already posted a response that is similar to yours. Make sure you add something new to the discussion instead of being redundant.

Keep discussion threads pure. Just as you don't want to create a new thread for a topic already in progress, don't muddy a given thread by adding something else to it. It will make it more difficult to follow the discussion. For example, if we are discussing the History of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and you reply to a post on that topic, but you also have a question about Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, don't post your question at the bottom of your reply to the ADA topic. Create a new topic called Section 508 .

Check the discussion board frequently. You will enjoy and get more out of the discussions of your read posts regularly instead of waiting until the end of the week and reading 100 posts all in one sitting.

Data Files: to an external site.)for the first laband to an external site.)for Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, and Integration labs. From Fairfield Campus lab M:\CIS50\wylie\26808-5D or to an external site.)

Free software

to an external site.)you will receive an e-mail at your Solano Student E-Mail that will give you step by step instructions after you register.

OFFICE HOURS:Online 1:00 to 2:00 MWOnline, Phone, Skype

CLASS DATES: 1/12/15 to 5/19/15

CLASS ROOM: online

DSP students – let me know at the beginning of class so test can be arranged.


Class Cancellation – Call 707.864.7000 Extension 5340 to check to see if class has been canceled.

LAB HOURS Online students are welcome to come to the lab if they need help beyond the threaded discussion. Online student’s lab is built into the course. Lab is located in Building 500 room 507 and 504 Fairfield campus, Vallejo Campus, Vacaville Campus and Travis AFB.

Software purchase: to an external site.)At this site you can purchase the Microsoft Office Professional 2010 for $84.00.


Parsons, J., Oja, D. et al. New Perspectives Microsoft Office 2010 - First Course. Course Technology, US. 2008. ISBN 978-0-538-74653-3

Reading Assignments from the Text:

Week 1 Exploring the basic of &, Binary

Week 2 File Management and Browser and E-Mal Basics

Week 3 Using common features of Microsoft Office 2010

Week 4 Microsoft Word – tutorial 1

Week 5 Tutorial 2

Week 6 Tutorial 3

Week6 Tutorial 4

Level 1 Exam 2/17/15 Tuesday

Week 8 Microsoft Excel- Tutorial 1

Week 9 Tutorial 2

Week 10 Tutorial 3 & 4

Week 11 Integrating Word and Excel Tutorial 1

Level 2 Exam 3/30/15 Monday

Week 12 Microsoft Access – Tutorial 1

Week 13 Tutorial 2

Week 14 Tutorial 3-4

Week 15 Microsoft PowerPoint Tutorial 1

Week 16 Microsoft PowerPoint Tutorial 2

Week 16 Internet Creating Web pages with office 2010.

Level 3 Exam 5/18/15 Monday

Computer with internet access, Microsoft Office 2010 on computer.


1. Comprehend a computer's operation, organization, and function.
2. Recognize and apply the concepts of application programs.
3. Be able to select appropriate hardware and software.
4. Perform beginning level
a. Operating system task - Windows 7
b. Word-processing task - Word 2010
c. Spreadsheet task - Excel 2010
d. Database task - Access 2010
e. Presentation task – PowerPoint 2010
f. Web task

5. Understand the role and importance of data communications including the Internet.

b. URL
d. FTP

The class outline is located on to an external site.)


Grading will be based upon the level 1, level 2 and level 3 exams, the 12 lab
assignments, and discussion. Exams will be multiple choice and true false.
The Level 1 exam will cover Word tutorials 1 through 4, and Lectures.
The Level 2 exam will cover Excel tutorial 1 through 4 and Integrating Word and Excel.
The Level 3 Exam will cover Access Tutorial 1 through 4, Power Point tutorial 1 and 2 and Integration.

There are 17 Discussions worth 3 points each:

1. Something about yourself - Introduction- Due 1/23/15
2. Spell Checker - Word - 2/2/15
3. Text Alignment - Word 2 - 2/9/15
4. Tab Stops - Word 3 -2/17/15
5. Mail Merge - Word 4 - 2/23/15
6. Spread Sheet Use - Excel -3/23/15
7. Functions - Excel 2 -3/30/15
8. Format Painter - Excel 3 - 4/13/15
9. Chart objects - Excel 4-4/1315
10. Tables, Records, fields and Data Types - Access -4/13/15
11. Database Management - Access 2 - 4/22/15
12. Joins - Access 3 -4/29/15
13. Guidelines - Access 4 -4/29/15
14. Transitions -PowerPoint -5/4/15
15. Presentation Steps - PowerPoint 2 -5/4/15
16. Integration - Integration -5/11/15
17. Web Page -The end -5/11/15

Home work:

Extra Credit is granted if and only if you have completed all assignments, discussions and exams. 10 pts per essay. You are limited to four extra credit films.

Write a two page single spaced essay on each of the following films.
From (Links to an external site.)
1. Click on the DARPA link and pick out 10 and view from the list of short films.
2. Click on the Beyond Human link and view all 9 short videos.
3. Click on the Developing Brain link and view film.
4. Click on the Social robots, Cybernetics, and 6th sense device at MIT and view short films
5. The Great Robot Race view the entire film.
6. Where is my robot – entire film
7. from space.
8. recoded.

LAB ASSIGNMENTS –make sure you put the lab number on the lab assignment.

Note: You will have to download the student data files to complete your labs. to an external site.)for the word, excel, access, PowerPoint and integration labs; to an external site.)for the first lab files or to an external site.)are the urls for the data files.

From on campusM drive and navigateM:\CIS 50\Wylie\FM is the location of the files for the first lab andM:\CIS 50\Wylie\office2010datafiles is the location of the files for word, excel, accesss, powerpoint and integration.
You can download the following zipped files to your computer and unzip them.
0589-9d ac1-ac4.exe
0593-6d ppt1-ppt2.exe
0615-5d integration.exe
0615-5d beb-web.exe


Lab 1. In Window Vista, 7 or 8.On your personal student disk or USB flash drive or hard drive using windows explorer create three nested folders(folders inside of each other) with your first name, middle name and last name. Copy files from the student data files from the FM\TUTORIAL\ folders into each of your nested folders. Nested folders are folders that are contained within each other. Root\firstname\middlename\lastname. Put one file with the .jpg extent into the root of your disk or chip. Put two .doc file extent into your first name folder , two .bmp extents into your middle name folder, and one e-mail into your last name folder.

Note: Use Alt-PriScn to capture your active explorer window beginning with the root of the drive that you created your folder on.Paste it into word. Repeat the process for you first name, middle name, and last name folder. PriScnwill capture the entire screen not just the active window. Submit the word document .

Lab 2. Using the Windows XP, Vista, 7, or 8, Paint program or graphic program of your choice, create your symbol for you future company logo. (No clip art, word art or smart art). Also write a business letter in word using the logo that you created in the header of your business letter and how to contact you in the footer. The letter must have proper business formatting and several paragraphs. Content is up to you.

Lab 3. Review assignment WD 154-55 turn in step 16

Lab 4. Review assignment WD 207-10 turn in step 27

Lab 5. Look up each of the following Web sites. Capture the home page of each site and paste into word and write a paragraph about the information available at each site.
a . to an external site.)
b. to an external site.)
d. to an external site.)
e. to an external site.)
f. to an external site.)
g.www. to an external site.)
i(Links to an external site.). to an external site.)

Lab 6 Review assignment EX163-64 turn in step 15.

Lab 7 Review assignment EX223-224 turn in step 21

Lab 8 Review assignment AC158-59 turn in step 14

Note: you must do chapter 1 and 2 of access review assignments in order to complete this chapter’s assignment.

Lab 9 Review assignment AC205-6 turn in step 20

Note: you must do chapter 1, 2 and 3 of access case1 assignments in order to complete this chapter’s assignment.

Lab 10 Case 1 assignment AC206-7 Turn in step 19.

Lab 11 Review assignment PPT110-11 turn in step 25

Lab 12 Review assignment INT47-50 turn in step 15 page 50.

Due Dates of Labs:

Lab 1 / Week3 – 1/23/15
Lab 2 / Week 4-2/2/15
Lab 3 / Week5 2/9/15
Lab 4 / Week 6-2/17/15
Lab 5 / Week 7-2/23/15
Lab 6 / Week 8-3/23/15
Lab 7 / Week 9-3/30/15
Lab 8 / Week 10- 4/13/15
Lab 9 / Week 11-4/22/15
Lab 10 / Week 12-4/27/15
Lab 11 / Week 13- 5/4/15
Lab 12 / Week 15- 5/11/15

Grade determination:

Level 1 Exam 502/17/15Tuesday

Level 2 Exam 503/30/15 Monday

Level 3 Exam505/18/15 Monday

Labs 12 120



Application assignments, midterms, labs, and a final exam will determine your final grade. The following scale of total points will be used to assign course grades:

90-100% A Excellent >=298

80-89% B Good >=265

70-79% C Satisfactory >= 232

60-69% D Passing >=199

0-59% F Failure <199

Make up of missed exams and extra credit work by arrangement with the instructor.


Class Schedule and Important Dates:

Date / Activity
1/12/15 / Class begins
1/19/15 / Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday
2/13-16/15 / Presidents weekend – Holiday campus closed
2/17/15 / Level One exam - Word
3/30/15 / Level two exam- Excel
4/5-11/15 / Spring Break
5/18/15 / Final Exam Access, PowerPoint, Integration

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