Peer Review of Draft Grant Application Program
A Service for Members of the Central Virginia Chapter GPA
Would you like to receive comments and suggestions from a peer on the draft of your next grant proposal? Would you like to sharpen your critical skills by reviewing draft applications and offering feedback to your colleagues? Read on!
Program Purpose
To improve the quality of grant proposals submitted by Central Virginia GPA members through a voluntary process of peer review and feedback.
Who Can Take Part
Any current member of Central Virginia GPA may submit a draft application or proposal for review. Peer reviewers are chapter members who have volunteered to read drafts and offer comments.
Free to current members of Central Virginia GPA.
How Does It Work?
For peer reviewers: Many grant professionals advise that one of the best ways to improve your own writing skills is to review the applications of others. If you would like to volunteer to be a peer reviewer, please complete the Peer Reviewer Application form and send it electronically to Board Member Susan FitzPatrick at . Peer reviewers may also submit draft applications for review. If you wish to discontinue serving as a peer reviewer, simply notify Susan via email.
For grant seekers: The more time you allow for peer review, the better your chances of receiving meaningful feedback. Complete the Request for Peer Review form. Email it, along with your draft and a document or link to program guidelines/RFP/instructions to applicants, to Board Member Susan FitzPatrick at . Peer review will not begin without all the required materials. Grant seekers requesting feedback may also volunteer to serve as peer reviewers.
Susan will maintain a database of active peer reviewers who are available to read and offer comment on drafts. When a grant seeker submits a draft for review, she will notify all peer reviewers via email with some basic information about the nature of the draft. Peer reviewers volunteer and are provided the draft and all additional information. If no peer reviewer volunteers, Susan will attempt to match the draft with a qualified peer reviewer. Peer reviewers provide comments directly to grantseekers, and notify Susan after they have done so.
Before receiving the application to be reviewed, peer reviewers will be asked to accept a confidentiality agreement stating that information in the draft proposal/application will be kept confidential unless the grant seeker expressly agrees.
Conflict of Interest
Peer reviewers volunteering to review a draft application will be asked to certify that neither they, their spouse, significant other, nor an immediate family member will submit a completing application in the same funding cycle. They will also be asked to certify that neither they, their spouse, significant other, nor an immediate family member is currently an employee or board member of the funding agency.