2016Tumwater Youth Farmers


WHAT IS THIS PROGRAM: GRuB is a grassroots non-profit organization based in West Olympia. GRuB’s mission is to inspire positive personal and community change by bringing people together around food and agriculture, to partner with youth and people with low-incomes to create empowering individual & community food solutions, and to offer tools & trainings to help build a just & sustainable food system. The Tumwater School District is starting a new GRuB-like youth farm program in partnership with the City of Tumwater and GRuB. Through this program, Tumwater high school students will have an opportunity to earn school credit, an educational stipend award, and gain valuable skillsthrough farming the land to grow produce for district schools.


  • Earn 1.0 Credit in CTE Horticulture (New Market Vocational Skills Center) (180 hours)
  • Earn $150 per week contingent on attendance and participation (Educational Award) – 7 weeks
  • Take home good fresh food from the farm every week


Farming Land -Growing vegetables and flowers organically on a small farm, learning practical gardening skills through workshops and trainings, and harvesting and prepping crops for use in school cafeterias.

Farming Community - Leading volunteers at the farm, engaging in fieldtrips to other farms/gardens that grow food for the greater community, representing the program well, and working with diverse members of a team.

Farming Self - Developing strong leadership and facilitation skills, practicing compassionate/non-violent communication tools, growing and eating great food

SCHOOL YEAR PROGRAM: After completing the summer program, students may re-apply to be part of Tumwater Youth Farmers for the Academic Year. The off-campus 3-period block class includes hands-on sustainable farming and learning about and educating the greater community on hunger issues and prevention.If selected, students will earn 3.0 creditsduring the school year: CTE Horticultural Biology,CTE Introduction to Business (cross-credited to American Studies), CTE Entrepreneurship.

CONTACT INFORMATION:Mallorie Shellmer, Assistant Project Manager: 360-753-5522 or

2016Tumwater Youth Farmers


Applications Due by May 13, 2016


1) To qualify for Tumwater Youth Farmers (Summer and Academic Programs):

  • You must be enrolled at one of these high schools: Tumwater High School, Black Hills High School, or Secondary Options
  • Students from the 2018 (currentsophomores) and 2019 (current freshman)graduating classes who qualify for free lunch, and/or who are in foster care, and/or students from all incomes not thriving in current school offerings will be given priority in the selection process. And, we welcome any student interested in the program to apply as long as you are enrolled in one of the high schools listed above.
  • Must be able to attend the ENTIRE 7-week Summer Program from 7/5-8/19
  • Can commit to a full 3-period blockif accepted into the Academic Year Program (weekday afternoons)

2) If you meet the above conditions:

  • Fill out the application on page 2
  • Answer all questions on pages 4 & 5

After you complete the application, please bring it to the Counseling Center at your high school anytime before May 13, 2016. Students who submit applications after May 13 will be placed on a waiting list. For more information about this program please contactMallorie Shellmer, Assistant Project Manager: 360-753-5522or .

Employment Training Days (Required to attend):

When: ThursdayJune 30th & Friday July 1st (12-3 PM both days)

Where: The Linwood Farm–1436 Linwood Ave SW, Tumwater, WA 98512

Typical Summer Schedule (July 5th – August 19th):

Tuesdays(9am to 3:30pm)

Wednesdays(9am to 3:30pm)

Thursdays(9am to 3:30pm)

Fridays (9am to 3:30pm)

  • Fieldwork/Harvests
  • Team & Trust-building activities
  • Agriculture workshops
  • Leading Volunteers & Facilitation
  • Field Trips (to local farms and food bank gardens)
  • Non-Violent Communication Skills
  • Processing food for it to be used in school cafeterias

Student Commitment (Our Standards):

  • Arrive on-time!!
  • Come prepared to participate and contribute in all activities
  • Uphold the GRuB Community Contract
  • Come with a lunch everyday
  • Wear appropriate clothes and shoes
  • Complete program evaluation forms
  • Commit to entire 7-week program

General Information

Full Name: ______

Last First Middle Initial

Nickname / Name you prefer to be called: ______

Home Address: ______

City: ______ZIP: ______

Home Phone:( ) Cell: ( ) Email: ______

Gender (optional): Date of Birth: ______/______/______Current Age: ______

month day year

Race (optional; circle all that apply):African-American/Black Asian-American Caucasian/White Pacific Islander

Latino/Hispanic-American Middle Eastern Native American Multi-Racial Other

Are you eligible for Free Lunch (Y/N)? ______Are you currently in Foster Care (Y/N)? ______

Parent/Guardian Name: ______Telephone(best):( )______

Place of Employment:______

This person is my: Legal Guardian MotherFather Relative (describe): ______

Other Parent/Guardian Name: ______Telephone (best):( )______

This person is my: Case-WorkerMother Father Relative(describe): ______

Name and phone number for two emergency contact people who do not live with you.

1:______Phone: ( )______

2:______Phone: ( )______

Current Grade Level: ______

How did you find out about us?: ______

Any Questions/Concerns for us?

For Office Use Only Date Application Received:______

Please Check: Free Lunch Eligible ___ On-Track ___ Foster Care ___ IEP ___ Grade Level ______

Special Notes:



This is a chance for us to get to know a little more about you! Please think carefully about your answers and be honest. You can attach additional sheets if you need more room.

1. Why do you want to be a member of the Tumwater Youth Farmers Program? What interests you about the program?

2. Tell us about a time when you helped someone or volunteered in your community. Describe the situation and what you did. How did it feel?

3. What is good about working in a team? What do you think is hard about working in a team with other people?


4. What would you like to achieve this summer? How can the Tumwater Youth FarmersProgram help you achieve your goals? What do you want to get out of thisopportunity?

5. One of our core values is “try it on”. For us that means opening up to new ways of thinking, ways of being, engaging in activities that are new to us, and being open to feedback from others. Why is “trying it on” important when working with other people? Is “trying it on” something that will be easy for you or challenging? Please explain.

Anything else you would like to share?