Thomas Gray Primary School
Chesnut Grove
L20 4LX
Telephone 0151 288 6530
Fax 0151 288 6545
Head teacher: Mrs Rachael Rimmer
Deputy Head teacher: Miss Emma Thomson
/ Thomas Gray Primary SchoolWelcome to Thomas Gray /
Thomas Gray Nursery & Infant School and Thomas Gray Junior School were opened in the mid to late 1970’s. The Nursery & Infant School replaced the old Salisbury Road School and The Junior School replaced the old, but still standing, Gray Street School. After many years apart, the schools amalgamated as Thomas Gray Primary School in 2004.
In September 2009 Thomas Gray Primary School opened on one site based in Chesnut Grove.
So why choose this school for your child?
Because we believe we are good at what we do.
We have outstanding teachers and support staff.
We educate children to high standards of achievement.
We care about children and we are committed to the duty and privilege we have in being their teachers, teaching assistants and helpers in many ways.
Thomas Gray is recognised throughout Bootle and Sefton as being a very good school. We have a reputation for doing things well and we will continue to do things well.
In March 2012 the school was inspected by OFSTED Inspectors. They found that pupils at Thomas Gray work and play together in a calm and secure environment. Behaviour is outstanding. There are examples of outstanding teaching and achievement is good. Attainment by Year 6 is in line with National Average.
It is important to governors and staff that you and your child feel at ease, not only in your child’s introduction to school life, but throughout the years at our school.
Thomas Gray Primary
Mission Statement
At Thomas Gray we:
Bring out the best in Bootle
Understand we are all special in
Different ways
Celebrate our success
Keep smiling & have fun
Educate for the future
Think independently & work together Strive to achieve our goals
The vision of the Governors and Staff of Thomas Gray Primary School is to ensure a broad and balanced curriculum within a caring ethos.
We aim to provide a calm, secure and pleasing environment where children may learn and grow. We will have high regard for the families of our pupils and value the importance of a working partnership with parents.
We will seek, within this partnership, to give each child a range of activities which will enable the development of skills and provide opportunities for enriched personal, social and spiritual development.
Our aim is for all children to develop confidence and self-esteem which will enable them to reach their full potential within a framework of equal opportunities.
We will encourage and support behaviour and values which result in the development of sound personal and social relationships.
In doing so we hope this will serve as the basis for our pupils to become adults with positive skills and attitudes who can contribute fully in society.
Information for Parents
Welcome / Page 2 / Security / Page 19Mission Statement / Page 3 / Leaving School Early / Page 19
Vision / Page 4 / Illness or accident / Page 19-20
Contents / Page 5 / Medicines / Page 20
School Staff 2013-2014 / Page 6 / Internet safety / Page 20
School Governors / Page 7 / Accessibility / Page 20
Outside Agencies / Page 8 / Curriculum (Including RE and Sex Education / Page 21-23
Term Dates / Page 9 / Assessment, Recording and Reporting / Page 24
The School Day / Page 10 / Results 2012 / Page 25
Attendance and Punctuality / Page 11 / Additional Needs / Page 26
Lunchtime / Page 12 / Homework / Page 27
School Organisation / Page 13 / Extra-Curricular Activities / Page 27
Admission Arrangements / Page 14 / Residential Trips / Page 27
School Uniform / Page 15 / Charging policy / Page 27
Jewellery, Toys, Sweets
And other unsuitable items / Page 16 / Parental Partnership / Page 28 -29
Rewards and Consequences / Page 17 / Communication / Page 30
Bullying / Page 18 / Concerns / Page 30
Health and Safety / Page 18 / OFSTED / Page 30
Safeguarding / Page 18 -19 / Final Comment
Amendments / Page 31
/ The School Staff /
DEPUTY HEAD: Miss E Thomson
Miss. H. Bailey Mr. J. Giblin
Mrs. O. Ball Miss K. Gilbertson
Mrs. C. Connolly Miss. L. McGaw
Miss E. Thomson Mrs. J. McKie
Miss H.Judge Mrs M. Currall
Mrs. M. Piercy Mrs L Frackleton
Miss E Hodgson
Mrs. K. Davison Miss L. Archbold
Mrs .L. Walton Miss. R. Lennie
Ms. T. Valentine Miss. C. Thornberry
Mrs. C. Geddes Mrs C. Miller
Mr. T. Ward Miss D. Sharkey
Mrs. B. Cosgrove Mrs. J. McDermott
Mrs G. Faraday Mr L Johnson
Miss B Conroy
Mrs. J. Arrowsmith – Pastoral Officer
Mrs. P. Leadbetter –Office Manager
Miss. L. Price – Administrative Assistant
Mr. S. Waller Mrs. S.Hughes
Mrs J. Lunt
Mrs M. Crouch
Mrs M Connell
Mrs S. Hughes Mrs. D. Foster
Mrs. M. Molyneux Mrs. J. Lunt
Mrs M. Crouch
/ The School Governors /The Governors make decisions about how the school is run and are responsible for setting the overall direction of the school by ensuring that all aspects of policy, curriculum, and legislation are complied with.
Thomas Gray Primary is very fortunate in having so many dedicated, accomplished members on its Governing Body representing a varied cross section of the community.
The Governing Body is made up of different groups:
There are LEA governors. These people are appointed by the Local Education Authority.
There are Parent Governors. These people are parents of children attending or who have attended Thomas Gray Primary and are elected by the parents.
There are Staff Governors. These people are elected by the teaching and non-teaching staff of Thomas Gray Primary.
There are Community Governors. These people are from the community and are co-opted to the Governing Body by the above Governors.
Below are the names of those people and their designations, who serve on Thomas Gray Primary School’s Governing Body.
Mr P Gretton Chair of Governors Representative Mr S Wilson Representative
Mrs K Smith Parent Representative
Mr M Finn Parent Representative
Mrs. K Lang Community Representative
Mr B Campbell Community Representative
Mrs P Taylor Vice Chair Community Representative
Mr. P Lang Community Representative
Mrs R Rimmer Staff Representative
Mrs M Piercy Staff Representative
Miss E Thomson Staff Representative
Contact with the Chair of Governors, Mr. P Gretton
should be made through the school on 0151 288 6530
In March 2012 OFSTED said “The school’s well supported by its Governing Body which knows the school well”.
/ Outside Agencies /To ensure the welfare and development of your child there are times we may need to work closely with other agencies.
These agencies include:
· School Nurse
· Health Visitors
· Counsellor Mrs J Whalley
· SAIS (Sefton Advisory Inclusion Service)
· Educational Psychologists
· Educational Welfare Officers
· Behaviour Support
· Speech and Language
· Occupational Health
· Children services
· Community Police
We also work with Families First, Seaforth & All Saints Family Centres, May Logan, Sefton Community Service and Hugh Baird to offer support and training for parents.
The school provides training opportunities to trainee teachers and teaching assistants and is in partnership with Hugh Baird College, Edge Hill and Hope University.
/ Term Dates2014-2015 /
Autumn Term 2014
Monday 1st September – Friday 19th December
Half Term
Monday 27th October – Friday 31st October
Monday 22nd December – Friday 2nd January
Spring Term 2015
Monday 5th January –Tuesday 2nd April
Half Term
Monday 16th February – Friday20th February
Spring Break
Friday 3rdApril – Friday 17th April
Summer Term 2015
Monday 20th April–Tuesday 21st July
Half term
Monday 25th May – Friday 29th May
/ The School Day /Nursery & 2 Year Old Room
Morning session – 8.45am -11.45 am
Afternoon session – 12.15pm – 3.15 pm
8.45am – 3.15pm
Morning Playtime – 10.20am-10.30am
Lunchtime 12.15pm-1.15pm
Infants (Year 1, Year 2)
8.45am - 3.15pm
Morning Playtime – 10.20am-10.30am
Lunchtime 11.30am-12.30pm
Juniors (Y3, Y4, Y5 & Y6)
8.45am - 3.20pm
Morning Playtime – 10.20am-10.30am
Lunchtime 11.30am – 12.30pm (Year 3 & Year 4)
Lunchtime 12.15pm – 1.15pm (Year 5 & Year 6)
Afternoon Playtime – 2.10pm -2.20pm
It is not advisable for children to arrive for school to early. The official time that teachers can be legally responsible for the supervision of children will be from 8.45am. Therefore children should not come to school before this time unless special arrangements have been made or the children are attending early bird or another morning club.
The School does have an Early Bird Club which starts at 8.30am.
/ Attendance and Punctuality /ATTENDANCE
Your child is expected to attend school on time every day with the absolute minimum of absence. As parents/ carers, you must be aware that any absence from school will have a negative impact on your child’s education.
Any absence from school should be covered by a note or a telephone call from parents.
It is not acceptable for children to have time off for shopping or birthdays.
Holidays in term time are not allowed by Sefton LEA (Local Education Authority) and you may incur a fine. Holidays in term time are granted under very special circumstances and need the permission must be obtained from the Head teacher.
If your child is absent and we have not heard from you then we will telephone you requesting the reason for the absence.
If the absences become frequent then the Education Welfare Officer will be informed and you will receive a visit.
In March 2012 OFSTED found our Attendance has improved rapidly and is just above National Average. We have many initiatives to encourage children to have a high level of attendance.
Being late for school can also count as absence, and so we would encourage parents to ensure that children arrive at school on time. Much of the education process that we offer can be severely hampered if children are regularly late for school.
We reward good attendance and punctuality at our and achievement assemblies. Children receive certificates and prizes. Children who have excellent attendance all year get to go on a Summer trip such as Blackpool pleasure Beach.
/ Lunchtime /LUNCH TIME
Those children who remain in school at lunch time will be supervised by our LUNCHTIME SUPERVISORS.
The number of supervisors is determined by the number of children on site during the lunch period
Many children stay for a packed lunch. At present we have no difficulty making arrangements for them in the school halls. Children who bring a packed lunch will require a plastic container with their name clearly printed on it.
Drinks should not be brought into school.
Water is provided or juice can be purchased at 10p a day
Parents who pay for school meals are asked to pay for the meals on Friday mornings in advance.
Thomas Gray Primary School uses Sefton Catering as our meals provider. Sefton Catering use a very high percentage of fresh food, hot and cold, and promise a healthy and varied diet.
Each year our school is given money from Sefton Council to support the running of the school.
One of the factors used to determine how much additional funding we get is based on the number of children entitled to free school meals.
You are therefore encouraged to register your claim to free meals, at the Town Hall, if you are so entitled.
Even if your child does not actually take the meal, our school is still given the extra funding to which we are entitled. All Infant children from Reception to Year 2 are now entitled to free school meals.
/ Organisation /Foundation Stage
The Foundation Stage is Nursery, 2 Year Olds and Reception
We have 52 places in Nursery. The children attend either in the morning of the afternoon.
Reception attend full time we have places for 30 children.
The Foundation Stage is staffed with three teachers (one full time and two part time) and three teaching assistants we also have a number of trainee teaching assistants and volunteers.
The school also has a very successful Nurture base providing support for a small number of vulnerable children. In March 2012 OFSTED said the Nurture base provided outstanding support to the children.
The school will be opening a 16 place 2 Year Old room in the Spring Term.
Includes Year 1 and Year 2 also known as Key Stage 1
Includes Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 – also known as Key Stage 2
All these classes are staffed by a qualified teacher. Seventeen teaching assistants work across these classes providing valuable support and intervention. Classes are based on a mixed ability basis. Within each class children may be grouped for certain subjects. Some groups are based on the class teacher’s assessment of children’s ability and attainment, yet are flexible to allow for individual differences and needs.