Qustandi Shomali
Curriculum Vitae
May 2014
Table of Contents
Education 3
Languages 3
Professional Experience 3
Awards 4
Administrative Experience 4
Books 4
Books Editor 5
Textbooks for Teaching 5
Multimedia 6
Translations 7
Research Papers 7
Articles 10
Newspaper Articles 11
Lectures 13
Conferences Attended 17
Colloquia 21
Professional Societies 22
Workshops & Courses 23
Research & Teaching Visits 25
Radio Talks 25
Interviews 26
Committees 28
Expositions Coordinator 29
Qustandi Shomali
Born: Beit-Sahour, West Bank, Palestine.
Address: P.O.Box 9, Bethlehem University, West Bank. PA
Tel 970 02 2741243 extension 2259 Fax 970 02 2744440
Home: 6 al-Madris Street, Beit-Sahour, P.O.Box. 100, West Bank. PA
Telfax 972 02 2773957. Cell: 0599-588804
1971 B.A. Arabic Literature, Oran University, Algeria.
1974 M.A. Comparative Literature, Montreal University, Canada.
Thesis:"La Nature du Fantastique dans les Voyages du Sindbad leMarin".
Ph.D. requirements (30 credits) in Comparative Literature.
Montreal University. Canada.
1977 Doctorat in "Sciences de l'Information et de la Communication".
Option: Lingusitics, University de Paris-Sorbonne, France.
Thesis: “La Morphologie du Conte Fantastique".
2005 Training of Trainers and Consultants. Maasstricht School of
Management. 2005-2006, The Netherlands
Arabic, English, French.
Professional Experience:
2011-2012 Fullbright Visiting Specialist-California State Universtiy
San Birnandino. Spring & Fall Semesters
2010 – Oct. Visiting Professor, Osaka University, Japan.
2004 Fullbright Visiting Specialist-California State Universtiy
San Birnandino. Spring Semester.
1995-2000 Visiting Professor (Teaching), Reims University (France),
1995 (January-February-March), 1996 (January-Febraury),
1999 (June-July), 2000 (June).
1995 Visiting Professor, College de France (November), France.
1986-1987: Visiting Professor, Georgetown University, Washington, USA.
1983-1985: Associate Professor, Arabic Department, Bethlehem University
1980-1986: Chairman Arabic Department, Bethlehem University.
1977-1980: Assistant Professor, Bethlehem University.
1965-1972: Teacher of Arabic, “Center de Formation Administrative”,
Oran, Algeria.
· Fulbright Award, 1986-1987
§ Rashid Hussien Prize, Arab Heritage Center, 1991
§ Medal “Francois 1er”. Founder of College de France 1995
§ The Ghassan Kanafani Medallion, July 1996
§ Bethlehem University Recognition Medal, September 2002
§ Fulbright Visiting Specialist Award 2004
§ Peacemaker Award, Centro Internazionale per la Pace fra Popoli, Assisi, Italy, Dec. 9, 2004
§ World Arab Translators Association Award, January,1, 2005
§ Union of Palestinian Journalist. Appreciation Certificate, July 2005
§ Full Professor, September 1, 2006.
§ Award for Teaching Excellence,The Palestinian Faculty Development Program, July 13, 2007.
§ Ministry of Culture and al-Majdal Institution Award for Creativity. 6 April 2011
§ Arabic Department Award, Bethlehem University, June 2011
§ Fulbright Award, 2011-2012
· Faculty of Arts Recognition Certificate, Bethlehem University
6 June 2012
Administrative Experience:
2005-2010 Secretary of the Annual Conference on Palestinian Literature.
2006-2010 Secretary, Cultural Divan, Biet Sahour.
1995-1996 Secretary, Bethlehem 2000 Committee.
1996 Coordinator of “Bethlehem 2000” Photographic Exhibition.
1992-1995 Board of Directors, Family Bookshop Group Holdings, Cyprus.
1980-1985 Assistant Editor, Bethlehem University Journal.
1979-1981 Coordinator of Alumni Association. Bethlehem University.
1972-1975 Editor in the Arab World Review. Canada.
1973-1975 Translator, Government of Quebec, Canada.
1. The Arabic Typewriter. The Administrative Formation Center, Oran. 1970
2. Work Opportunities for the Graduates in the West Bank Universities,
Jerusalem:Arab Thought Forum, 1981.
3. Introduction into Modern Linguistics, Jerusalem: Arab Studies Society, 1982, Second Edition, 1986, Third Edition, 1993.
4. History of the La Sallian Institutions in the Middle East, Bethlehem University, 1984.
5. The Arabic Press in Palestine: Bibliography of Literary & Cultural Texts. "Falastin" Newspaper (1911-1967). Volume I: Alphabetical Bibliography. Jerusalem: Arab Studies Society,1990
6. The Arabic Press in Palestine: Bibliography of Literary & Cultural Texts."Falastin" Newspaper (1911-1967). Volume II: Literary Genres. Jerusalem: Arab Studies Society, 1990.
7. Literary and Critical Trends in Modern Palestinian Literature. Jerusalem: Dar al-Awdah for Studies and Publication, 1990.
8. A Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. Jerusalem: Arab Studies Society, 1990, Second Edition 1996.
9. The Arabic Press in Palestine:"Falastin" Newspaper (1911- 1967). Volume III, Chronological Bibliography. Jerusalem: Jerusalem Research Center, 1992.
10. The Arabic Press in Palestine: Mir'at al-Sharq (Mirror of the East) 1919- 939. A Critical Study & Chronological Bibliography. Jerusalem: Arab Studies Society, 1992.
11. Introduction to Translation. Jerusalem: Arab Studies Society, 1996
12. The Arab Press in Palestine: al-Akhbar Newspaper 1909-1947. Jerusalem:Arab Studies Society,1996.
13. The Arab Press in Palestine: al-Carmel Newspaper 1908-1942. Jerusalem: al-Lika’Center, 1996.
14. Tourism, Development and Culture. The Case of Palestine. World Decade for Cultural Development. UNESCO, 1995.
15. Dialectics of Life & Death in the Poetry of Rashid Hussien. Taibeh: Arab
Heritage Center, 1996. 120 pages.
16. Bethlehem 2000, A Guide to Bethlehem and its Surroundings.
Waldbroel, Flamm Druck, 1997
Bethlehem 2000, Ein Reisefurer for Bethlehem und Umgebung, (German)
Waldbroel, Flamm Druck, 1997
Bethleem 2000, Un guide pour Bethleem et ses environs, (French)
Waldbroel, Flamm Druck, 1998
Belen 2000, Guia de Belen y sus alrededores. (Spanish)
Waldbroel, Flamm Druck, 1999
Bethlemme 2000, Guida alla citta et ai suoi dintorni, (Italian)
Touring Club Italiano, Milano, 1999.
17. Cultural Tourism in the West Bank & Gaza. Ramallah: MAS, 1999.
18. The Nativity in Bethlehem & Umbria. et al. AP& S, Perugia, 2000
(Arabic, English, Italian)
19. Beit Sahour, the Shepherds Field, the Field of Ruth & Bir as-Syydah.
Biet Sahour: al-Andalus Press, 2001
20. Bibliography of Bethlehem. Center for Cultural Heritage Preservation. EuroMed
Heritage II. Bethlehem, 2004. Published electronicaly on the website of
Mediterranean voices.
21. Names and Symbols in Modern Palestinian Literature. Ogarit Cultural Center, Ramallah, 2010
22. The Living Stones. Bethlehem: Lasallian Educational Center, 2013.
23. Palestinian Popular Heritage. Bethlehem: Al-Lika’ Center For Religious and Cultural Heritage, 2013
24. Bethlehem and the Holy Land. Bethlehem, Rai, 2014
25. Literary and Critical Trends during the Nakbah Period. Nazareth, Mawakeh, 2014
26. The Arabic Press in Palestine: History , Pioneers and Legilations. Amman: Al-Waraq Publication, 2015
1. Studies in Language & Literature. Jerusalem: Arab Studies Society, 1982
2. The Art of Arabic Writing, Jerusalem: Arab Studies Society, 1984
3. Third Arabic Calligraphy Exposition, Bethlehem University, 1984.
4. Women's Rights, Jerusalem: Family Planning Society, 1984.
5. Family & Vocation, Jerusalem: Latin Seminary, 1992.
6. Canadian Studies. Jerusalem: Canadian Palestinian Studies Association, 1994.
7. Pope John Paul II in the Holy Land. Jerusalem: Imprimerie du Patriarcat Latin,
2001. Editing the Arabic Translation.
8. The International IDEA Handbook of Electoral System Design. Stockholm:
IDEA. Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, 1997. 168 pp.
Editing the Arabic Translation.
9. Guide for Training Skills. Ed. Bethlehem, Holy Land Trust, 2007, 182
10. "Assessing the Quality of Democracy. A Practical Guide" (Arabic), IDEA, Sweden. 2010
11. “The State of Democracy in the Arab World”, (Arabic), IDEA, Stockholm. 2010
12. Democracy, Peace and Security: The Role of the UN. International IDEA, Policypaper by Massimo Tommasoli, Editing the Arabic Translation, September, 2010.
13. Palestine & Palestinians. Guide Book. Alternative Tourism Group. Editing the Arabic Translation, 2012.
1. The Arabic Typewriter. Center of Administrative Formation, Oran, 1972
2. Andalusian Literature, Bethlehem University, 1982.
3. Contrastive Study of Arabic & English, Bethlehem University, 1983.
4. Novel & Drama in Modern Arabic Literature, Bethlehem University, 1983.
5. Glossary of Comparative Terminology, Bethlehem University, 1984.
6. Modern Criticism in Arabic Literature, Bethlehem University, 1985.
7. Selected Essays from Arabic Literature, Bethlehem University, 1986.
8. Palestinian Media: History, Law, and Contemporary Issues. 1998
9. Editing & Design in the Palestinian Media. 2000
10. Cultural Heritage and Tourism. 2004
1. Bethlehem… Past & Present. A 40-minute documentary prepared in
cooperation with ar-Ruaat TV in Bethlehem.
2. “The Star of Bethlehem”. A Web Site for the Municipality of Bethlehem.
2001. (www.bethlehem-city.org).
3. “Editing & Design”. Online Course in the Editing and Design of Palestinian
Newspapers, Course JMCO 332, June 2002.
4. “A Journey of 50 years in the Holy Land”. A powerpoint presentation. 19
October 2002
5. “Manger Square: History & development”. A powerpoint presentation. 21
August 2003. (Arabic and English)
6. Arab Israeli Conflict. A PowerPoint Presentation. 12 April 2004
7. Edward Said: His life and works. PowerPoint Presentation. A Tribute to
Professor Edward Said. Bethlehem University.Cardinal Furno Hall, 7th of November
8. Bethlehem University, PowerPoint Presentation, November 2003
9. Faculty of Art, PowerPoint Presentation, November 2003
10. Arabic Department. Website on FrontPage, 2004
11. Arabic Press in Palestine. PowerPoint Presentation. April 2004
12. Arab Cultural Revival in Palestin. PowerPoint Presentation, April 2004.
13. Fr. Ibrahim Ayyad: His Life and Works. Power Point Presentation. Fourth
Jeruslalem Festival for Arabic Poetry. International Center, Bethlehem, .
8 July 2004.
14. Fadwa Tuqan: Her life and works. Power Point Presentation. International Center, Bethlehem, 6 February 2004.
15. Alternative Tourism. Power Point Presentation. ATJ. Beit-Sahour, September 2004.
16. Palestinian Women: Education, Training and Employment. Power Point Presentation, Institute of Fashion & Desgin, Beit Sahour, 12 October 2004.
17. The Star of Bethlehem. A bi-Weekly Electronic Newspaper, 2005-2008
18. Bethlehem: A Universal Cultural Heritage Site. Video Presentation, Peace Center, Bethlehem, April 2006.
19. Najib Mahfouz: His Life and Works. Study Day on Najib Mahfouz, Bethlehem Universiy, 21 October 2006.
20. Beit-Sahour. Beit-Sahour Municipality. 15 March 2007. PowerPoint Presentation
21. Issues and Stories from the Middle East: Voices from Bethlehem. Three Radio Programs: The Separation Wall and its influence on the life of Palestinian Students in the Occupies Territories. The Wall and the Land Grab, The Wall and Jerusalem. 16-17-18 July 2007, Milleunavoce, Italy. www.milleunavoce.org
22. Salma al-Khadra’ al-Jayyusi. Her Life and Works. The Palestinian Literature in the Diaspora Conference, Bethlehem University, 14-15 June 2007.
23. Jubraiel Abu Sada: His Life and Works. Cultural Divan, Beit Sahour, 29 October 2007. PowerPoint Presentation
24. Yacub al-Atrash: His Life and Works, The Ministry of Culture and the Cultural Divan, Beit Sahour, 21 February 2008. PowerPoint Presentation.
25. Sahar Khalifa: Her Life and Works. The Palestinian Women Literature Conference, Bethlehem University. 6-7 June 2008.
26. A Farewell to Mahmud Darwish, a tribute Organized by Ministry of Cultural, Peace Center 23 September 2008
27. Life and Works of Mahmud Darwish. Memorial Ceremony in Tribute to Mahmud Darwish. Bethlehem University. 4 September 2008, Birziet University 11 March 2009
28. The Riwaya Museum, Virtual Presentation. the Second International Conference on the Inclusive Museum. University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. 8-11 July 2009
29. Palestinian Women Voluntary Work, Bethlehem, February 2009
30. A Tribute to Yacub al-Atrash, Beit-Sahour, July 15, 2009
1. Bethlehem Museum of Folklore. Arab Women Union. Franciscan Printing
Press, Jerusalem, 1985
2. Prix Gitelson Pour La Paix. Intervention de Mme Simone Veil. Jerusalem. May,
3. Open your Hearts to Mary Queen of Peace by Tomislave Vlasic,
Rome, 1994. 230 pp.
4. Bethlehem 2000 (Catalogue), 43 pp. 1995
5. Frere Bernard-Edmond (A. Rock),19 pp. 1996
6. The Master. A Life of Jesus. By John Pollock. Beirut: Dar-al-Jil, 1999, 200 pp.
7. The Gospel in Dostoyevsky. By Ernest Gordon. Beirut: Dar-al-Jil, 1999, 320 pp
8. Krupp Bautechnik Operating Instruction. 1998, 60 pp..
9. Drained. Stories of People who wanted more. By Johann Christoph Arnold.
Farmington: The Plough Publishing House, 1999. 160 pp.
10. "Ne a Bethléem" par Charles Singer. 1999.
11. Stranger on the Road. By John Russell C. GoodSeed International, Durham,
Canada, 2000, 370 pp.
12. Journy of the Magi: A Pilgrimage for Peace. Holy Land Trust. Dec. 2000
13 . Justice and only Justice. A Palestinian Theology of Liberation. By Naim
Stifan Ateek, 2002. 220 pp.
14. Bethlehem University: Standing on Tradition..Reaching for the Future.
Powerpoint presentation translated into French. May 2002.
15. Theology of Land and Covenant. By Robert Davidosn and David Sinclair.
The Committee on Church & Nation.The Church of Scotland.Edinburgh, 2003
16. Guide pour la conservation de la vieille ville de Naplouse. Etude de Faisabilite, par Ferial Fahoum, Unesco. Decembre 2003.
17. Fredrick Zuendel. The Awakening. One Man’s Battle with Darkness. Farmington, the Plough Publishing House, 2007
18. Endangered: Your Child in a Hostile World. By Johann Christoph Arnold. Plough Publishing House, Farmington, 2010
19. ACE Encyclopedia: Media and Election, Cost of Registration and Election. IDEA, Stockholm. 2010
20. Constitutional Reform and Political Parties. Editing the Arabic Translation, IDEA, June, 2012.
21. Deepening Democracy: A Strategy for Improving the Integrity of Elections Worldwide. Editing the Arabic Translation, August, 2012
22. The Rehabilitation Project of the Syriac Hosh (Syriac Neighborhood): Hreizat
Quarter in Bethlehem. Bethlehem. Center for Cultural Heritage Preservation, 2014
23. Guide to Palestine. Ministry of Tourism. 2014
Translation into English:
1. The Arab Women in Israel: Reality and Challenges.2005
2. Palestine: A Thirsty Land. Video Presentation.2005
3. Palestinian Women: The Pioneers. Women Affairs Task Force. Ramallah, Eyes Media, 2005
4. Palestinian Short Stories. Pyalara,Palestinian Youth Association for Leadership and Rights Activation, Ramallah, 2009.
5. “The Roles of the Palestinian Women in the 40s” Palestinian Women’s Documentation Center, March, 2011, 180 pp.
6. The Achievements of Bethlehem Municipality Council 2005-2012, November 2012, 63 p.
1. "A New Design for the Arabic Typewriter Key Board" al-Bahith, December,1979.
2. "Origines et Compositions des voyages de Sindbad le marin", Bethlehem
University Journal, September, 1980. (In French).
3. "Science Fiction", al-Bahith, no. 10. January, 1980.
4. "The Fantastic Literature", al-Bahith, no.16. April 1981.
5. "A New Reading of the Voyages of Sindbad the Sailor", 1st Symposium of
Palestinian Literature, Arab Thought Forum, August 1981.
6. "A Contrastive Study of the two Sound Systems of English and Arabic"
BUJ, 1983. ( in English).
7. "An Introduction to Palestinian Poetry" 1908-1984", BUJ, 1983.
8. "The Arabic Press in Palestine 1876-1976". BUJ, 1985.