The goals and objectives from Standard 1: Nature of Science are incorporated throughout the other science concept based units of study. These are the process standards of science. They are the tools of science, the scientific method. Please be sure as you develop the lessons to teach the science concept based units for your grade level that you include the objectives specific to your grade level from standard 1.

Standard 1: Nature of Science

Goal 1.1: Understand Systems, Order, and Organization

7. S.1.1.1 Define small systems as a part of a whole system.

7. S.1.1.2 Determine how small systems contribute to the function of the whole.

7. S.1.1.3 Identify the different structural levels of an organism (cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems).

Goal 1.2: Understand Concepts and Processes of Evidence, Models, and Explanations

7. S.1.2.1 Describe how observations and data are evidence on which to base scientific explanations and predictions.

7. S.1.2.2 Use observations to make defendable inferences.

7. S.1.2.3 Use models to explain or demonstrate a concept.

Goal 1.3: Understand Constancy, Change, and Measurement

7. S.1.3.1 Identify concepts of science that have been stable over time.

7. S.1.3.2 Recognize changes that occur within systems.

7. S.1.3.3 Make metric measurements using appropriate tools.

Goal 1.4: Understand the Theory that Evolution is a Process that Relates to the Gradual Changes in the Universe and of Equilibrium as a PhysicalState.

Goal 1.5: Understand Concepts of Form and Function

Goal 1.6: Understand Scientific Inquiry and Develop Critical Thinking Skills

7. S.1.6.1 Identify controls and variables used in scientific investigations.

7. S.1.6.2 Use appropriate tools and techniques to gather and display data.

7. S.1.6.3 Evaluate data in order to form conclusions.

7. S.1.6.4 Use evidence and critical thinking to accept or reject a hypothesis.

7. S.1.6.5 Evaluate alternative explanations or predictions.

7. S.1.6.6 Communicate and defend scientific procedures and explanations.

Goal 1.7: Understand that Interpersonal Relationships are Important in Scientific Endeavors

Goal 1.8: Understand Technical Communication

7. S.1.8.1 Read and evaluate technical instructions.
Idaho Content Standards

Science Concepts and Vocabulary Grade 7

(Actually covers grades 5, 6, & 7)


Organ systems




Scientific explanations

Scientific procedures



Technical instructions





Dependent variable

Independent variable






Chemical reactions





Dominant traits



Energy flow




Limits to resources



Natural selection


Organ systems



Recessive traits




Tissues organs






Artificial light


Cellular respiration









Endoplasmic reticulum





Flow chart


Graduated cylinder

Guard cells



Indicator solution




Manipulated variable


Measured variable






Natural light







pH indicator











Critical Content/Concept Web

Unit Topic:

Conceptual Lens:


Grade: 7th – Life Science
Subject: Science
Unit: All Living Things are composed of cells
Lens: Characteristics of Life

Enduring Understandings


Guiding Questions

  1. All living things are composed of cells
  1. We classify living things based on their cell structure (plant v animal)
  1. Cells have many organelles which carry out specific functions in a cell to keep them alive
  1. How do we classify an object as living non-living?
  2. What is the “basic unit of life?
  1. How do we classify living things?
  2. What cell structures help us make that determination?
  3. Why are those cell structures different?
  4. How do those cell structures help the organism survive?
  1. What do cells all need to survive?
  2. How do the organelles in a cell provide for those needs?
  3. What would happen to the cell if one of those organelles no longer carried out its function?

Grade: 7th – Life Science
Subject: Science
Unit: All Living Things are composed of cells
Lens: Characteristics of Life
AC = Assessment Code:Q – QuizzesP - Prompts

Critical Content and SkillsO – ObservationsWS – Work Samples

D – DialoguesSA – Student Self-Assessment
T - Tests
Students will Know… / AC / Students will be able to… / AC
  1. Three parts of cell theory
  • All living things are made of cells
  • Cells are the basic unit of structure and function in living things
  • Cells come from preexisting cells
  1. In multicellular organisms there are specialized cells that perform different functions
  2. Form and function of the following organelles:
  • Nucleus
  • Chloroplast
  • Mitochondria
  • Cell membrane
  • Cell wall
  1. Cells can be classified as plant or animal by the organelles they contain
  1. Describe why a living thing is considered living using the six characteristics of living organisms.
  2. Identify those organelles in a cell
  3. Classify cells based on their organelles
  4. Describe the basic function of the organelle
  5. Interpret models of cells to classify them based on their organelles
  6. Design and conduct inquiry based investigations
  7. Analyze and interpret data
  8. Be able to use a microscope properly including finding the total magnification, focusing a specimen, and preparing slides.

Instructional Plan/Activities
  1. Use a microscope to compare onion cells and cheek cells on wet-mount slides

  1. Create basic cell models

  1. Argue if viruses are alive using the characteristics of living things

4. Look at pond water through the microscope
  1. Design and conduct an experiment related to cells

Critical Content/Concept Web

Unit Topic:

Conceptual Lens:


Grade: 7th Life Science
Subject: Science
Unit: Cells Processes
Lens: Characteristics of Life: energy use, chemicals of life

Enduring Understandings


Guiding Questions

  1. Cells do processes that keep plant and animal systems alive using energy and matter from their surroundings
  1. What processes are unique to plants that support most life on earth?
  1. What processes do plants and animals have in common that are critical to the survival of the plant or animal?
  1. What is the relationship between the processes unique to plant and the processes common to plants and animals?
  1. How do these processes cycle both energy and matter between plants and animals?

Grade: 7th – Life Science
Subject: Science
Unit: Cells Processes
Lens: Characteristics of Life: energy use, chemicals of life
AC = Assessment Code:Q – QuizzesP - Prompts

Critical Content and SkillsO – ObservationsWS – Work Samples

D – DialoguesSA – Student Self-Assessment
T - Tests
Students will Know… / AC / Students will be able to… / AC
  1. Photosynthesis and cellular respiration form a cycle
  2. Both plant and animal cells respire
  3. Photosynthetic organisms convert sunlight to chemical energy.
  1. Materials are exchanged among and within cells by way of diffusion
  1. Compare and contrast photosynthesis and respiration
  1. Create a model to represent how photosynthesis and respiration work together in a cycle
  1. Model how diffusion facilitates the movement of matter in and out of cells
  1. Design and conduct inquiry based investigations
  1. Analyze and interpret data

Instructional Plan/Activities
  1. Make a model to represent how photosynthesis and respiration work together in a cycle (drawings are models)

  1. Breath lab- CO2 indicator

  1. Elodia lab- oxygen production


Critical Content/Concept Web

Unit Topic:

Conceptual Lens:


Grade: 7th – Life Science
Subject: Science
Unit: Cells are organized into systems
Lens: Characteristics of Life: growth and development

Enduring Understandings


Guiding Questions

  1. Multicellular organismshave multiple levels of organization, all of which are essential to its survival
  1. Within organisms, processes work together to deliver needed substances, remove waste and maintain homeostasis
  1. Why would complex organisms need to have a hierarchy of organization?
  1. How does that organizational system contribute to the survival of the organism?
  1. What function does each organ system do which is critical to the survival of the organism?
  1. How do systems interact and what process do they do?
  1. Are there any systems that are not necessary for the survival of the organism?
  1. Are there any systems that are not necessary to the survival of the species?

Grade: 7th – Life Science
Subject: Science
Unit: Cells are organized into systems
Lens: Characteristics of Life: growth and development
AC = Assessment Code:Q – QuizzesP - Prompts

Critical Content and SkillsO – ObservationsWS – Work Samples

D – DialoguesSA – Student Self-Assessment
T - Tests
Students will Know…(testable information) / AC / Students will be able to… / AC
  1. Each level of organization has a specific function crucial to the function of the next level
  1. General function of each system, relate functioning of systems to the survival of the organism
  1. Components of individual systems
  • General function of each system
  • Relationship of the function of systems to the survival of the organism
  1. Compare and contrast plant and animal organ systems
  1. List the levels of organization from cells to organism
  1. Model how levels of organization within an organism allows it to maintain homeostasis
  1. Design and conduct inquiry based investigations
  1. Analyze and interpret data

Instructional Plan/Activities
  1. dissections

  1. grow plants

  1. model organ systems/ organisms


Critical Content/Concept Web

Unit Topic:

Conceptual Lens:


Grade: 7th – Life Science
Subject: Science
Unit: Reproduction
Lens: Characteristics of Life: reproduction, chemicals of life

Enduring Understandings


Guiding Questions

  1. Cells undergo the cell cycle to produce cells with similar genetic information.
  1. Meiosis reduces the genetics by half to produce a reproductive cell.
  1. Sexual reproduction leads to biodiversity and genetic change.
  1. DNA is responsible for the transfer of traits from parents to offspring.
  1. Principles of probability can be used to predict the outcomes of genetic crosses.
  1. Why do cells need to reproduce?
  2. Why would they need to make exact copies of themselves?
  3. Why would this be important to the survival of the organism?
  1. Do organisms need to reproduce?
  2. What impact does reproduction have on the survival of the organism?
  3. What impact does reproduction have on the survival of the species?
  1. Why do organisms only contribute half their genetic materials when they reproduce?
  2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this type of reproduction?
  1. How are traits passed from parents to offspring?
  2. Are all traits “good” or “bad”?
  1. How do we predict the outcome of any genetic cross?
  2. How do we use that understanding to our advantage?
  3. What would happen to a breed of dog (Poodle, Lab, German Shepard, etc.) if dogs were allowed to reproduce freely?

Grade: 7th – Life Science
Subject: Science
Unit: Reproduction
Lens: Characteristics of Life: reproduction, chemicals of life
AC = Assessment Code:Q – QuizzesP - Prompts

Critical Content and SkillsO – ObservationsWS – Work Samples

D – DialoguesSA – Student Self-Assessment
T - Tests
Students will Know…(testable information) / AC / Students will be able to… / AC
  1. Cellular reproduction (cell cycle) produces an exact genetic copy with the possibility of mutation
  2. Cellular reproduction (meiosis) reduces the chromosome numbers in half to form sex cells
  1. Recombine sex cells to form new organism with new combination of genes
  2. Leads to genetic diversity within a species
  1. Organisms have adapted a variety of reproductive strategies: sexual and asexual
  2. DNA is found in the nucleus of most cells and is an instructional code for all living things
  3. DNA contains genes which control inherited traits
  4. Mutations occur leading to positive, negative and neutral outcomes.
  5. Punnett square are a tool used to predict the probability of a genetic cross
  6. Predictions can be reported as fractions, percentages and ratios
  7. Probability is a chance not an absolute
  1. Compare and contrast the outcomes of sexual versus asexual reproduction using models
  2. Compare and contrast the outcomes of mitosis and meiosis using models
  3. Explain how and why a mutation could have a positive, negative or neutral effect on an organism
  4. Create, read and interpret Punnett Squares to show the probability of inherited traits being passed from parent to offspring
  5. Design and conduct inquiry based investigations
  6. Analyze and interpret data

Instructional Plan/Activities
  1. Dissect flowers

  1. Paper Pets activity

  1. Flip coins for traits (human, reindeer, Spongebob) activity

  1. Look at onion root cells for stages of the cell cycle


Critical Content/Concept Web

Unit Topic:

Conceptual Lens:


Grade: 7th – Life Science
Subject: Science
Unit: Plants and Animals are Interdependent
Lens: Characteristics of Life: chemicals of life, energy use

Enduring Understandings


Guiding Questions

  1. Energy flows and matter cycles through an ecosystem
  1. Plants and animals are interdependent
  1. There are biotic and abiotic factors that limit the carrying capacity of an ecosystem
  1. Organization of organisms and ecosystems are a continuum
  1. If we all started life as a single microscopic cell and we are all now very much bigger, where did all the “stuff” that we now consist of come from?
  2. How do we get the energy and matter we need to grow bigger?
  3. What does the saying “You are what you eat” mean?
  1. How does energy and matter flow and cycle between plants and animals?
  2. Why do we say plants and animals are interdependent?
  1. Why is there more biomass in some parts of Idaho or the United States then others?
  2. Why some areas are heavily forested and others have no trees at all?
  3. What factors limit the amount of biomass?
  1. How do we organize living systems?
  2. Why do we organize them that way?

Grade: 7th – Life Science
Subject: Science
Unit: Plants and Animals are Interdependent
Lens: Characteristics of Life: chemicals of life, energy use
AC = Assessment Code:Q – QuizzesP– Prompts

Critical Content and SkillsO – ObservationsWS – Work Samples

D – DialoguesSA – Student Self-Assessment
T– Tests
Students will Know…(testable information) / AC / Students will be able to do… / AC
  1. Carbon and oxygen cycle through an ecosystem
  1. Human activities impact an ecosystem both positively and negatively
  1. Biotic and abiotic factors influence the carrying capacity of an ecosystem
  1. Changes in ecosystems can affect organisms and populations both positively and negatively
  1. Energy is reduced throughout a food chain or web
  1. Energy roles in an ecosystem include producer, consumer, decomposer
  1. Changes in one level of a food web or chain impacts the overall system
  1. Continuum of levels of Organization
  2. organism
  3. population
  4. community
  5. ecosystem
  1. Model how energy flows and matter cycles among living and non-living parts of an ecosystem
  1. Predict the impact on an ecosystem if biotic or abiotic factors change
  1. Create or interpret a model of a food web identifying the energy roles and consumer levels of the organisms
  1. Diagram the levels of organization from cell to ecosystem
  1. Design and conduct inquiry based investigations
  1. Analyze and interpret data

Instructional Plan/Activities
  1. Bottle ecosystems

  1. Camouflage butterfly activity

  1. Vernier probes to measure carbon dioxide and oxygen in a closed system.

  1. Analyze predator / prey population graph data

  1. Create a food web using a given set of organisms

Unit Topic:

Conceptual Lens:


Subject: Life Science
Unit: Change over Time
Lens:Characteristics of Life: respond to surroundings

Enduring Understandings


Guiding Questions

  1. Plants and animals adapt and change as they respond to their surroundings
  1. Many factors influence how organisms change over time
  1. What environmental pressures would cause an organism to adapt or change?
  1. Can environmental pressures favor a trait in a species over another?
  1. How could that effect a species over time?
  1. What are the factors that can cause a species to change over time?
  1. How do those factors cause the changes?

Subject: Life Science
Unit: Change over Time
Lens:Characteristics of Life: respond to surroundings
AC = Assessment Code:Q – QuizzesP - Prompts

Critical Content and SkillsO – ObservationsWS – Work Samples

D – DialoguesSA – Student Self-Assessment
T - Tests
Students will Know… / AC / Students will be able to do… / AC
  1. Environmental conditions lead to the predominance of certain traits in a population and the suppression of others
  1. Humans have the capacity to influence certain characteristics of organisms by selective breeding and genetic manipulation
  1. Species change over time (multiple generations) in response to changes in environmental conditions
  1. Individual organisms can adapt behaviorally
  1. Traits that support successful survival and reproduction in the new environment become more common, those that do not become less common
  1. Gather and synthesize information about the technologies that have changed the way humans influence the inheritance of desired traits in organisms (GMO, gene therapy, selective breeding, cloning)
  1. Create or analyze and interpret a model of how an environmental change may lead to natural selection and the increases or decreases of specific traits in populations over time
  1. Design and conduct inquiry based investigations
  1. Analyze and interpret data

Instructional Plan/Activities
  1. Debate the ethical implications of modern genetic topics (genetic engineering, GMOs, cloning, gene therapy)

  1. Study Galapagos Island creatures

  1. Create a new species and identify its adaptations

  1. Activity from Zoo Boise on how zoos decide to breed tigers
