Ms. Girvan

Exam Review – Summer School 2014

Your exam will be composed of types of questions that fit under the four assessment and evaluation categories: knowledge/understanding, communication, inquiry, and making connections. Practice each kind of question in your review.

The exam covers material from the entire course. Any assigned work is fair game for the exam.

Good luck and don’t be afraid to ask for extra help!!

UNIT #1: Diversity of Living Things (~25%)

1. Three Species Concepts

-morphological, biological, phylogenetic

2. The Classification of Living Things

- Taxonomy

- Linnaeus’s system of classification

- Binomial nomenclature

3. Dichotomous Key’s

4. Determining How Species are Related

-anatomical evidence, physiological evidence, DNA evidence

5. Phylogeny

-phylogenetic trees/cladograms

6. Prokaryotes vs. Eukaryotes

7. Domains – 3 domains and their characteristics

8. The Six Kingdom System – Basic comparison

9. Viruses

- general characteristics

- types – provirus, retrovirus

- lytic and lysogenic cycles – be able to differentiate and describe all phases

10. Comparing Bacteria and Archaea

11. Theory of Endosymbiosis

12. Protists

13. Plants

-general characteristics

-overview of kingdom

14. Fungi Kingdom

15.Animal Kingdom

-characteristics used to classify animals

-invertebratephylas: Porifera, Cnidaria, Platyhelminthes, Annelida, Mollusca, Echinodermata, Arthropoda & vertebrate phylum: Chordata

UNIT #2: Genetic Continuity (~25%)

1. DNA Structure and Function

2. DNA Fingerprinting

3. DNA Replication

4. The Cell Cycle (interphase, mitosis, cytokinesis)

5. Stages of Mitosis

6. Types of Pairing of Chromosomes

7. Stages of Meiosis

8. Genetic Variation in Meiosis

9. Mitosis vs. Meiosis

10. Nondisjunction Disorders (trisomy vs. monosomy)

11. Prenatal Testing Procedures (amniocentesis and CVS)

12. Introduction to Understanding Genetics

13. Probability and Genetics

14. Monohybrid Crosses

15. Test Crosses

16. Dihybrid Crosses

17. Incomplete DominanceCo-Dominance

18. Multiple Alleles

19. Polygenic Traits

20. Sex-Linked Traits

21. Patterns of Inheritance/Pedigrees

a.Autosomal vs. Sex-Linked Inheritance

b.Dominant vs. Recessive Inheritance

UNIT #3: Internal Systems (~25%)

1. The Function of Respiration

- Four Types of respiration – breathing, external, internal and cellular respiration

- Main requirements of a respiratory system

2. Types of Respiratory Surfaces in Animals (outer skin, gills, tracheal system, lungs)

3. Pathway of air (all of the structures involved, location & function)

- How Blood Transports Respiratory Gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide)

4. The Mechanics of Breathing

-Inhalation and Exhalation (diaphragm and intercostal muscles)

-Lung volume measurements and formulas

  1. Inspiratory Reserve Volume
  2. Expiratory Reserve Volume
  3. Tidal Volume
  4. Vital Capacity

5. The Mammalian Circulatory System

  1. Three Main Functions of the Circulatory System
  2. Arteries, Veins, Capillaries, Arterioles, Venules
  3. Pathway of Circulation (diagram of heart)

6. Control of the Heartbeat (SA node, AV node, Bundle of His, Purkinje fibres)

7. Cardiac Output, Stroke Volume, Heart Rate and Fitness

8. Diagnosing Heart Conditions (ECGs) and Blood Pressure

9.The Function of Circulation

- Three Cycles of Blood (cardiac, systemic, pulmonary)

- Composition of Blood (rbc, wbc, platelets, plasma)

10. The Function of Digestion

-inorganic vs. organic molecules, macromolecules, metabolism, essential nutrients

-feeding mechanism: filter, substrate, fluid and bulk feeders

-stages of food processing: ingestion, digestion, absorption and elimination

-mechanical vs. chemical digestion

11. Four Major Macromolecules

-carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids

-know subunit, function, enzyme that breaks it down, example

12. The Human Digestive Tract

-mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine


-accessory organs

13. The Chemical Digestion of Food

-hydrolysis and digestive enzymes (salivary amylase, pepsin, trypsin, lipase)

14. Factors that Affect Enzyme Activity

-temperature and pH

UNIT #4: Evolution (~15%)

1.History of Evolutionary Thought

-Comte du Buffon, Cuvier, Lyell, Lamark, Darwin, Wallace

-Catastrophism, Uniformitarianism, Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics

2. Natural Selection

-The Peppered Moth Simulation

3. Evidence for Evolution

4. Artificial Selection

5. Mechanisms of Evolution

-Population, Species, Gene pool, Microevolution

-Causes of Microevolution:

  • Mutations
  • Gene Flow
  • Genetic Drift (Bottleneck Effect, Founder Effect)
  • Non-random Mating
  • Natural Selection (Stabilizing, Directional, Disruptive, Sexual)

6. Adaptations and Speciation

-Types of adaptations: structural, physiological, behavioural

-Biological species concept

-Speciation pathways: transformation (phyletic) and divergent

-Barriers to Reproduction

  • Pre-zygotic Isolation: habitat, behavioural, temporal, mechanical, and gametic
  • Post-zygotic barriers: hybrid inviability, hybrid sterility, hybrid breakdown

-Types of Speciation: sympatric and allopatric speciation

-Adaptive Radiation

-Divergent and Convergent Evolution

-The Pace of Evolution – gradualism vs. punctuated equilibrium

UNIT #5: Plants (~10%)

1. Plant Anatomy

-vascular vs. non-vascular plants,

-angiosperms vs. gymnosperms

-monocots vs. dicots

-vascular bundles (xylem and phloem)

2. Transport in Plants - transpiration & translocation

3. Plant Reproduction – alternation of generations

4. Plant Growth and Development

-plant hormones

-nastic movements

-tropisms (3 types)

**note: a number of these topics were covered in the Diversity of Life Unit**