Pre-AP Biology Course Syllabus
I. Description of Course and Objectives
Biology is the study of life. Biological topic objectives include ecology, cellular biology, genetics, evolution, taxonomy, human body systems and plants are covered in this course. The scope of Pre-AP Biology curriculum also covers the EOC (End of Course Exam) which is given in May. All biology students take this exam.
Pre-AP Biology curriculum places a higher emphasis on developing critical thinking skills. It examines topics in more depth and with student activities that expand beyond a regular curriculum. Laboratory experiments play an important role in student learning. Students design and carry out experiments using appropriate methods and resources. It is imperative that students follow all laboratory procedures and safety rules.
II. Grading Procedures
Biology I Pre-AP is now a semester class. Each six weeks is 28% of the final average and the final in the first and second semester is 16% of the final average. The STAR/EOC in biology is one of the five EOC’s required for graduation.
Test days are WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY
60% Major (tests, projects, presentations, extensive lab activities and district common assessments)
40% Minor (journal checks, worksheets, labs, quizzes, benchmarks daily work, computer labs and USA Test Prep).
A minimum of 3 major grades and 6 minor grades will be taken each six weeks grading period.
Make-Up Work Policy – A student is expected to make up all work missed for excused or unexcused absences in the same number of days in which he or she was absent unless the teacher lengthens the schedule. Upon request from a parent, make-up or advance assignments will be prepared for students who have been absent for at least three (3) consecutive days and expect to be out longer due to illness. Teachers are not required to provide advance assignments for students who expect to be absent for any reason other than illness. The guidelines may be waived when, in the opinion of the school principal, extenuating circumstances exist.
Late Work Policy - Daily assignments: For assignments submitted within the unit window - a 10 point deduction per day, up to 30 points will be taken from the assignment. For Pre-AP only, assignments submitted after the unit test - a maximum of 50% credit will be given for the assignment. If a student does not turn in the assignment by Wednesday of the last week of the six weeks the grade will be a zero.
Major grades: 10 points deduction per day. A maximum of 50 points will be deducted for work more than one week late. Assignments that are not turned in by the last Wednesday of the grading period will receive a grade of zero (0).
Re-teach and Retest Options - In order to take retest, a student must have scored a 69 or below on the major assignment or test. In order to retake a test, a student must meet with the teacher and have completed all assignments in the unit being tested. The student must complete a remediation activity assigned by the teacher before the test is taken. The student must not have taken the original test dishonestly. It is the students’ responsibility to meet with the teacher in order to make arrangements for attending the assigned retesting dates. If the student cannot attend one of the scheduled retesting dates, it is up to the teacher’s discretion if an additional date and time will be provided.
Notebook/Journal– each student will be required to maintain a Biology journal throughout the course. The journal may be a hard cover composition book or spiral and will be periodically checked and recorded as a double daily grade assignment.
Academic Dishonesty – If a student is found cheating, then a grade of a “0” will be given on the assignment / test. No retest or additional points will be awarded to recover the assignment. The student will also receive a “U” in conduct for the six weeks.
III. Grade Repair Procedures
Students will have the opportunity to receive instruction to recover six weeks grades. Students will have the opportunity to recover grades for the prior six-weeks grading period only. Each six week, the specified time frame of completion will be published. When a student enrolls in the Grade Recovery Class, the students will receive quality instruction. The curriculum will recapture any skills they are lacking so that they are prepared to receive credit and also be prepared for the EOC/TAKS in April or May. This intervention plan may include students attending after school Grade Recovery or Grade Recovery during the day. The highest grade a student can earn is 75. This grade will replace the appropriate six-week grade. Students enrolled in Pre-AP courses may enroll in grade repair and receive Pre-AP credit for up to one six weeks per semester.
IV. Classroom Procedures
2. Be in your seat and working on assignment in your notebook or on the computer if indicated.
3. Behavior- All rules and regulations in the student handbook must be followed. A warning will be given for the first offense (such as cell phone violations, not working on assignment,etc.) and notation will be made on a referral slip. Parents will be notified if the behavior continues. If there is no change in the behavior, the student will be sent to their assistant principal and will receive a P in conduct for that six-week grading period.
4. Do not eat or drink in class since our class is a lab room.
5. Treat everyone with respect and courtesy. Help to create and maintain a positive and safe learning environment
6. Come to class prepared to learn. Check the schedule and assignments on line website (blackboard).
7. Students are responsible for all school equipment used in class and lab (computers, clickers, calculators etc.).
8.The student is responsible for all materials presented in class. If the student is absent, check the calendar on line or ask the teacher about the work missed. The student will be expected to make up all assignments, tests, labs missed for the excused absences in the same number of days in which the student was absent. Students absent for student activities need to take the test or complete the assignment or lab before or as soon as they return to school. Being absent for a student activity the day before a test does not excuse the student from taking the test or for any work done in class or lab.
V. EOC Information
STAAR testing will be conducted on May 5, 2014 for Biology. As new information becomes available, updates will be posted to the KleinHigh School web page.
For additional information and resources concerning STAAR testing, please visit the TEA website.
VI. Office Hours
Tutoring Times:2:45-3:45PM Tuesdays and Thursdays or by appointment
VII. Test Days & Teacher Contact Information
Test Days: Wednesdays and Fridays
Conference Period: Second Period (8:22 – 9:12)
Telephone: 832-484-4273
Conference Period: fifth period (11:15-12:05)
VIII. Required & Suggested Supplies
- Standard size, loose-leaf notebook paper and binder/folder
- Pencils with erasers
- Blue or black pen
- Glue stick
- Scissors
- Notebook used for journal
- Colored Pencils
*The above information is subject to change do to school, state and district policy changes.