West of Berkshire Safeguarding Adults Board members and other key safeguarding personnel
January 2018
Safeguarding Adults BoardTeresa Bell / Independent Chair / ;
Business Manager
Berkshire Healthcare Foundation Trust
Helen Mackenzie / Director of Nursing & Governance / 01344 415611 / ;
Jane Reynolds / Deputy Director of Nursing / 07900 587500 / ;
Jane Fowler / Head of Safeguarding / 01753 638621 / ;
Charlotte Mackenzie / Communications and Marketing Officer / 01344 41 5737 / ;
Clinical Commissioning Groups Berkshire West
Debbie Simmons / Nurse Director / 07810 630734 / ;
Kathy Kelly / Head of Safeguarding Adults / 01189825328 /
Steven Buckley / Head of Strategic Communications & Engagement
07789 933276 / ;
Emergency Duty Service
Abbie Murr / Head of Service / 01344 786 543 / ;
Learning and Development
Eve McIlmoyle / Chair of Learning & Development Subgroup / 0118 937 4142 / ;
Legal Services
Simon Leslie / Joint Legal Service / 0118 328 2976 / ;
NHS England, Thames Valley Area Team
John Trevains / Assistant Director of Nursing, Patient Experience and Safeguarding and South of England Mental Health Homicide Lead / 07710152478 /
Sheila Jenkins / Safeguarding Lead Thames Valley Area Team / 07825256875 / ;
Reading Borough Council
Seona Douglas / Director of Adult Care and Health Services / 0118 93 73882 / ;
Jo Purser / Service Manager Adults Social Care and Health Services / 0118 9374121 / ;
Jo Wilkins / Safeguarding manager / 0118 9373818 / ;
Sue Bellis / Communications Manager / 0118 93 72131 / ;
Cllr Rachel Eden / Lead Councillor for Adult Social Care / 0118 9675687 / ;
Cllr Graeme Hoskin / Chair of Health and Well Being Board / 0118 958 9241 / ;
Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service
Dave Myers / Area Manager East / Response / 0118 938 4500 / ;
Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust
Caroline Ainslie / Director of Nursing and Executive Lead for Safeguarding / 0118 322 7745 / ;
Patricia Pease / Director of Nursing for Urgent Care and Corporate Trust Lead for Safeguarding / 0118 322 8253 / ;
Elizabeth Porter / Lead Nurse for Safeguarding Adults / 0118 3227482 / ;
Thames Valley Community Rehabilitation Company
Geoff Davies / Head of Operations (South) / 0118 9560466 / ;
Thames Valley Police
Stan Gilmour / Superintendent, Reading LPA Commander / 0118 9536001 / ;
Jim Weems / Superintendent, West Berkshire LPA Commander / 07779 030618 / ;
Robert France / Wokingham LPA Commander / 0118 918 1645 / ;
Chris Inness / A/Detective Chief Inspector , Berkshire West Protecting Vulnerable People / 07970 145209 / ;
Graham Enright / Police MASH Manager for Berkshire / 101 x 3516125 / ;
Thames Valley Probation
Norma Kueberuwa / Senior Probation Officer / 0118 956 0466 / ;
South Central Ambulance Service
Anthony Hesleton / Named Professional for Safeguarding& Prevent Lead / 07803 760616 / ;
West Berkshire District Council
Rachael Wardell / Corporate Director, Communities Directorate / 01635 519723 / ;
Andrea King / Head of Service, Prevention and Safeguarding / 07884 235707 / ;
Tandra Forster / Head of Adult Social Care / 01635 519736 / ;
Kathryne Abbott / Service Manager, Adult Safeguarding / 01635 519056 / ;
Peta Stoddart Crompton / Press Office / 01635 519670 / ;
Cllr Rick Jones / Elected Member, Adult Social Care / 07710 981278 / ;
Cllr Graham Jones / Chair of Health and Well Being Board / 07767 690228 / ;
Wokingham Borough Council
Paul Senior / Director of People Services (Interim) / 01189746205 /
Martin Sloan / Head of Wokingham Integrated Social Care and Health / 07342062572 /
Winnie Spencer / Safeguarding & DOLS Team Manager / 0118 974 6863 / ;
Andrea Jenkins / Strategic Communications Lead / 0118 974 6010 / ;
Cllr Julian McGhee-Sumner / Lead Member for Health and Well Being, Chair of Health &
Wellbeing Board / 0118 978 9766 / ;
Carol Cammiss / Assistant Director Quality Assurance and Safeguarding
Standards / 01189748048 /