The MARTI Project is recruiting Maine adult educators for the next cohort of the MARTI Technology Integration Certification program. Adult education programs that wish to have adult educators participate in the MARTI Technology Integration Certification program must be participating in the ConnectME Broadband Technical Assistance Initiative and must have submitted a signed Memorandum of Understanding. More information about the ConnectME Broadband Initiative is available at the Department of Education website

A completed Adult Educator Nomination/Enrollment Form must be submitted to:


Office of Adult Education and Family Literacy

23 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333-0023

Email an electronic copy to

MARTI certification will be awarded after the successful completion of the two-semester training program.

Semester One Requirements: Attend a regional MARTI Kickoff Meeting, participate in a classroom visit, complete the ten-week Technology Integration on-line course and submit a personal technology plan to integrate technology in teaching and learning. Teachers completing this work will earn 33 continuing education hours.

Semester Two Requirements: Complete the Differentiated Instruction - Universal Design for Learning, participate in a classroom visit, submit a revised personal technology plan incorporating principles of Universal Design, and complete the MARTI reflection and evaluation. Teachers completing this work will earn 37 continuing education hours.

First Name
Last Name
Adult Education Program
Mailing Address
State ME
Telephone – Work
Work Email address
Webpage (if applicable)
Subjects/courses I teach:
Coursework or workshops I have taken related to technology integration in teaching and learning:.
I am interested in participating in the MARTI program because….

Personal Contact Information – This information will not be shared.

Home Mailing Address
Telephone – Home
Telephone – Mobile
Summer/Alternate email address
Undergraduate College –
Post Graduate College –

Adult Educator Name Program Director Name Date

Adult Educator Signature Date Program Director Signature Date

The MARTI Project and the ConnectME Broadband Technology Initiative are funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act State Broadband Infrastructure Program Award Number 23-50-M09062
