Version / 6
Name of responsible (ratifying) committee / HR Policy Group
Date ratified / 07 July 2016
Document Manager (job title) / Corporate HR Manager
Date issued / 16 December 2016
Review date / 15 December 2018
Electronic location / Human Resources Policies
Related Procedural Documents / Annual Leave and Planned Absences Policy; Appeals Procedure; Appraisal and Personal Development Review Policy; Flexible Working Policy; Attendance Management Policy; Maternity, Paternity, Adoption and Parental Leave Policy; Recruitment and Selection Policy; Redeployment Policy; Learning and Development Policy.
Key Words (to aid with searching) / Job sharing; flexible working: Staff working life; Part time work; Conditions of employment; Contracts of employment; Personnel procedures

Version Tracking

Version / Date Ratified / Brief Summary of Changes / Author
6 / 07.07.2016 / Review and update / Susie Lowe
5.1 / July 2016 / Extension to review date / -
5 / 01.04.2014 / Addition of 3.3.6 in relation to M&D staff / Susie Lowe





3. SCOPE 4









This policy must be followed in full when developing or reviewing and amending Trust procedural documents.

For quick reference the guide below is a summary of actions required. This does not negate the need for the document author and others involved in the process to be aware of and follow the detail of this policy.

1.  The Trust is committed to considering flexible and supportive family friendly working practices for its employees. Job share is one of the options that may be considered.

2.  Job share can be considered for any post in the organisation, both full and part time. The decision as to whether a post is suitable for job share rests with the manager and will be informed by service need.

3.  Many terms and conditions of employment will be shared pro rata by the job share partners. However, sickness absence, maternity and paternity leave, overtime and pensions will be considered separately based on the particular employee’s circumstances. Performance review and appraisal will be based on both the joint contribution of the partnership and the individual performance of each of the sharers.

4.  A job share arrangement can be considered for an existing post, where the current post holder must submit a written request to their line manager for consideration; or can be considered where a vacancy arises and is then advertised as suitable for job share. In this case, where there is a job share application, both a joint and single interview will be held to decide on suitability.

5.  Should one of the job share partners leave, the remaining partner can be offered the whole post. Where they do not wish to take up this option, the remaining half of the job share will be advertised and the existing partner can have involvement in the recruitment process.


1.1  Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust (“the Trust”) recognises that recruiting and retaining skilled and experienced employees is central to the achievement of its business goals and objectives, and the provision of a high quality service. The Trust is committed to considering flexible and supportive family friendly practices and arrangements which enable all employees to balance their work and careers with their home life , whilst also taking into account the Trust’s business aims.

1.2  Job sharing is a mechanism by which the Trust can offer a form of flexible working to staff. . Job sharing can create working arrangements whereby the Trust can widen its recruitment pool; retain the valuable skills of existing employees who no longer wish to work full time; and enable staff to retain their grade, status and career prospects, whilst working different hours.


2.1 The purpose of this policy is to explain job sharing, what it means for employees, and its impact on pay and benefits. It also outlines some additional responsibilities for employees who work under a job share arrangement, and for the managers of job sharers or prospective job sharers.


3.1 This policy applies to all employees and prospective employees of the Trust, with the exception of less than full time medical trainees, who should instead refer to the Guidance on the Wessex Deanery website.

3.2 All permanent, established posts will be considered eligible for job sharing; however there is no contractual entitlement to a job share arrangement. Part time posts may also be deemed suitable for job share. The suitability of a post for job sharing is at the discretion of the manager, and the quality of service delivery should always take priority.

3.4 Staff are under no obligation to enter into a job share arrangement to suit the needs of other employees. Such an arrangement must be entirely voluntary.

3.5 Terms and Conditions of Employment under a Job Share arrangement:

3.5.1 Salary and on call

The salary for the post will be paid on a pro rata basis according to the hours worked. Individual job sharers may be appointed on different incremental points within the salary scale for the post, according to qualifications and experience.

Where either job sharer is on call, they will be remunerated on an individual basis for this arrangement.

3.3.2 Annual leave

Job share partners may take annual leave at the same time, or at different times subject to the manager’s agreement. Annual leave entitlement will be individually calculated in accordance with the employee’s length of service, and applied pro rata for the hours worked. Public Holidays will be divided pro rata between the job sharers. For example, where the job share arrangement requires each partner to work their hours over 5 days, one covering mornings, the other afternoons, then each partner will receive eight pro rata public holidays. Where the arrangement requires each partner to work their hours over 2.5 days, then each partner will receive half the Public Holiday allowance. (Please see the Trust’s Annual Leave and Planned Absences Policy.)

3.3.3 Sickness absence

Job sharers who are absent due to sickness, will receive sick pay pro rata to the number of hours worked, and this will be calculated on an individual basis, based on reckonable length of service.

Normal self certification and requirements for medical certificates will apply according to the number of calendar days sickness involved. (Please see the Trust’s Management of Attendance Policy.)

3.3.4 Cover for absences

There is generally no requirement for a job sharer to cover a partner’s short term absence due to sickness or leave. However, given sufficient notice, job sharers may be willing to cover their partner’s absence, and will be paid at the appropriate rate, or offered time off in lieu.

3.3.5 Overtime

Job sharers in Agenda for Change pay bands 1–7, are individually eligible for overtime payments for any approved additional hours worked. These will be paid at plain time rates, until their individual hours exceed the standard full time 37½ hours per week, whereupon they will receive payment at time-and-a-half; or double time for any Bank Holidays worked as overtime.

3.3.6 Performance Review/Appraisal

Although job sharers are jointly responsible for ensuring that the duties and responsibilities attached to the post are carried out, they are individually responsible for their own performance. Therefore, each job sharer should be assessed separately on their performance in the role. However, the objectives set for the job share partners may include an objective to ensure the success of the job share partnership. (Please see the Trust’s Appraisal Policy.) Medical and Dental staff need joint and individual job planning meetings, and appraisal for these staff will be identical to other medical staff.

3.3.7 Pensions

If an existing full or part time employee moves to a job share post, this may have an effect on their pension. Employees should seek advice from the Pensions section of Payroll (by e-mailing ) with regard to any potential implications for their pension entitlement. (ROEM staff to contact their local provider)

3.3.8 Hours of work

The hours of work do not need to be shared equally between the job sharers, i.e. one job share employee may work 2 days per week, and their job share partner may work 3 days.

In certain posts, job sharers’ hours may overlap, for example in some full time posts there may be times of the day/week/month when the workload is particularly busy, and in this situation job sharers may work together to cover the busy periods.

3.3.9 Training and development

Training needs of job sharers will be determined on an individual basis. Training and development opportunities should be made available to both job sharers, and will be considered on an equal basis with all other employees.

If a job sharer is required to attend a training course outside of their contractual working hours, and it is not possible to swap hours or days, time off in lieu will be granted, or payment made. (See Trust’s Learning and Development Policy.)

3.3.10 Maternity/Paternity benefits

Job sharers will be entitled to the normal maternity/paternity/adoption benefits on a pro rata basis over the same length of maternity/paternity/adoption leave as full time staff. (See Trust’s Maternity, Paternity and Adoption Leave Policy.)

3.3.11 Equipment/uniform

Job sharers will normally share office accommodation, including any equipment required for the role (i.e. desk, telephone, computer, filing cabinet). Where uniform or special clothing is required for the role, these will be supplied individually to each job sharer.

‘In the event of an infection outbreak, flu pandemic or major incident, the Trust recognises that it may not be possible to adhere to all aspects of this document. In such circumstances, staff should take advice from their manager and all possible action must be taken to maintain ongoing patient and staff safety’


4.1 Job sharing is a form of flexible working where two (or occasionally more) employees agree to share the duties and responsibilities for a full or part time post. They share the salary and all pay related benefits in proportion to the hours they work..

4.2  Job share partners are employed on individual contracts of employment, but share one job with a single job description, in a seamless way. They may work split days, split weeks or alternate days or weeks, depending on the nature of the job.


5.1  Responsibilities of employees:

5.1.1 Employees wishing to job share their existing post, should ensure that they apply in writing to their line manager, in accordance with the process detailed in the Trust’s Flexible Working Policy.

5.1.2  It is essential for the effective working of job sharers that applicants for a job share post have a clear understanding of the commitment required to make the arrangement work. Job share is not about two separate posts, but involves working together to ensure effective delivery of the service.

5.1.3  Employees in a job share role will need to be flexible, and occasionally may be required to change their working hours/days in order to meet the needs of the service.

5.1.4  Employees in a job share role are jointly responsible for the role they hold, and are responsible for ensuring that those with whom they work, or receive the service, are quite clear as to who to approach, and how to approach them.

5.1.5 Employees in a job share arrangement need to maintain a high level of co-operation and effective communication between them. The hours worked may include provision for overlap time between the sharers to facilitate communication and maintain continuity in the work.

5.1.6 For job sharing employees with line management responsibilities, it will be necessary for them to advise their staff how they will be managed by the job sharing partnership.

5.1.7  Employees working as job share partners are usually equally required to cover the whole range of duties of the post. .

5.2  Responsibilities of line managers:

5.2.1  Managers are responsible for ensuring that every request to job share is treated on its own merits and given full and fair consideration. If an application is refused because the post is deemed unsuitable for job sharing, written reasons for the decision must be provided, in accordance with the Trust’s Flexible Working Policy. .

5.2.2  Managers should assess vacant posts for their suitability as potential job share posts.

5.2.3  Managers must discuss and agree the pattern of work between the job sharers prior to the commencement of the job share. The hours of work will be agreed to meet the operational needs of the service, and as far as possible to suit the job sharers.

When negotiating the division of duties and sharing of responsibilities with job sharers, managers should aim to implement the best method to ensure efficient service delivery. Division of duties may be into projects, tasks, clients or caseloads, and these arrangements should be subject to review.Managers are responsible for ensuring that tasks and duties are divided fairly between job sharers. .

5.2.4  Managers are responsible for discussing and agreeing effective communication mechanisms with the job sharers to ensure that information flows promptly and accurately between job share partners, colleagues and management.

5.2.5  Managers should ensure that where necessary, working arrangements allow for a degree of overlap or liaison time in the job share partners’ working hours, to ensure a proper handover of work, in order that continuity is maintained. The total hours worked by the job sharers should not normally exceed the established hours of the post; therefore the period of overlap should be arranged within the constraints of one whole time equivalent, where necessary reducing the working span of attendance.

5.2.6  Managers must give reasonable notice to job share employees of any changes to their normal working pattern, as with any change to any employee’s working arrangements.

5.2.7  Managers must discuss their expectations for the booking of annual leave and make the normal arrangements regarding this clear to job sharers when they commence in post (i.e. although it may be feasible for job share partners to take annual leave simultaneously, one of the advantages of job share is the ability for important work to be continued by one job sharer during another’s absence).