Name of Course:


Name of Course Author:

Level 2 Registered Specialised Kinesiologist AKA member lodging submission:

¨ Qualifications of course author (Kinesiology and other qualifications) included in CV or resume.

¨ Letter of permission from course author if applicable

¨ Signed declaration

¨ Payment $275 inc GST received first submission. $110 inc GST for resubmission

¨ Course Outline and Course submission material (17 following points) :-

1.  Name of Course

2.  Category applying for A B C

Category A courses checklist if applicable (fill out checklist supplied in this document)

3.  Course Materials

a.  Workshop Manuals

b.  Materials required by students

c.  Handouts

4.  Aims and Objectives of the Course

a.  How will it benefit the students?

b.  How will it benefit the well being of anyone with whom the students will work with in the future?

c.  What is unique about the course and how does it add to the body of kinesiology discipline.

d.  How will the course add to the personal development of the student and increase their kinesiology knowledge.

5.  Learning Outcomes

6.  Delivery of Course Material

a.  Prerequisites for the Course

b.  Table of Contents

c.  Hours Required for Teaching

d.  Breakdown of Workshop Hours into topics presented

Time / Topic / Delivery Style

7.  Descriptions of any Theory other than Kinesiology Theory

8.  Descriptions of Types of Muscle Monitoring (testing) Used

9.  Descriptions of Pre-Checks Used and Muscle Monitor Evaluations

10.  Descriptions of Challenges Used

11.  Research (formerly called Outline of Prior Verification Procedures)

12.  Advertising (attach relevant documents)

13.  Copyright, Plagiarism and Attributing Sources of information

14.  Instructor and Examiners List

15.  Competency assessment evaluation (attach relevant documents)

¨ Oral ¨ Written ¨ Practical Assessments

16.  Attendance Certificate ¨ Proficiency Certificate (attach copies of each)

17.  Class Lists verifying twenty (20) new students in a minimum of three (3) classes. (attach relevant documents) To comply with privacy laws only include name of students on the class list.

Category A Checklist

Minimum requirements for accreditation

Category A courses

Please fill out the pages on which the detail can be found

1.  Include the nature of muscle function and structure

2.  Have a definition and explanation of meridian-organ/

gland-muscle relationships including a brief history of its

development, a definition of meridians and description of acupoints.

3  Include an introduction and explanation of Neurolymphatic and

Neurovascular reflex points including a history of their development.

4  Include a description of the mechanism and application of Pause Lock (also known as Circuit Retaining Mode, or Putting it in Circuit).

5  Include a description of Finger Mode (Digital Determinators), their practice and application.

6  Have a clear outline of balancing processes used including

identification, correction and challenge procedures.

7  Include a basic philosophy and theme of the “Triad of Health”

(Physical, Emotional, Nutritional) and explain the importance of this balance.

8  Include an assessment procedure for students requiring both

theoretical understanding of the concepts and techniques, and

demonstrate proficiency in their application.


1)  Copyright - This course complies with the current laws in Australia relative to copyright including any treaties and obligations to the International community. This course does not contain plagiarism. Where I have used other people’s works it has been in a lawful manner, the original sources have been acknowledged and attributed to the author thereof.

2)  Course Content - This course complies with the Trade Practices Act 1974 in that it does not enable students to diagnose, prescribe, claim to cure or treat a disease.

3)  I have read and agree to the AKA Code of Conduct, Code of Practice and Code of Ethics

Name of course ______

Print Full Name______



Additional Declaration for person submitting a course who is not a current Level 2 Registered Specialised Kinesiology Practitioner with the AKA.

Name of course______

Name of person submitting course______

I am not a current Level 2 Registered Specialised Kinesiology Practitioner with the AKA. I undertake to complete the required training to become a current Registered Specialised Kinesiology Practitioner (formerly Level 2) with the AKA within two years of my course submission.

I understand that failure to comply will result in my course being withdrawn.

Signed ______Dated ______

AKACAB P.O. Box 233 Kerrimuir, Melbourne, Victoria 3129 Australia

AKA Ph: 1300 780 381 Fax : 1300 780 3610

AKACAB Chairperson: Julie Gunstone E-mail: