Northlakes High School

Notification of Assessment Task

Subject/Course: Yr 7 English

Unit or Topic: Unit 1 ‘Spooks Incorporated’ Paul Jennings

Assessment Task Number: Two

Assessment Task Name: Factual Recount

Weighting: 20%

Outcomes Assessed: EN4-9E uses, reflects on and assesses their individual and collaborative skills for learning (Understand and apply knowledge of language forms and features – develop and use vocabulary for describing, analysing and reflecting on their experiences

Task Description:

After listening to an overview of Ned Kelly’s life, and researching his history, students are required to write a recount of Ned Kelly’s life. The attached sheet is to be used by students to organise their writing. Students will need to submit their plan as well as their final piece of writing.


Above Standard
4 – 5 marks / Meets Standard
3 marks / Approaching Standard
2 marks / Below Standard
1 mark / Indicators
Spelling, punctuation and grammar are correct throughout / Spelling, punctuation and grammar are mainly correct, some errors / Persistent spelling, punctuation and grammar errors / Many spelling, punctuation and grammar errors / SPELLING
Handwriting/font is controlled and enhances presentation, text is clear and meaningful / Handwriting/font is neat and attractive and is effective in presentation, text is organised and legible. / Handwriting/font is consistent but is not used effectively in the presentation; some organisation in the text and the writing is legible. / Handwriting/font is inconsistent/messy or distracts from the presentation; the text is organised and illegible. / STYLE
Effectively describes the situation/event in fact form and can be easily related to; maintains the interest of the reader.
Report and plan both complete and submitted. / Describes the situation/event in some fact for and maintains a level of interest with the reader.
Report and plan both complete and submitted. / Attempts to describe the situation/event in fact form. At some time holds the reader’s attention.
Report and plan both submitted but incomplete. / Does not describe the situation/event in fact form that can be related to by the reader.
Only final report or plan submitted.
Final report incomplete. / CONTENT
Uses the correct structure throughout for the chosen text type. / Mostly uses the correct structure throughout for the chosen text type. / Attempts to use the correct structure for the chosen text type. / Little or no attempt to use the correct structure of the chosen text type. / STRUCTURE

MARK / 20