Third Quiz Review Sheet

Computer Skills

  • Be able to create an amortization schedule (where the schedule zeros out)
  • Be able to calculate portfolio allocation weightings (like we have done during class). This could be a simple stock/bond/real estate weighting, or it could be something more complex like market cap weightings. You may also have to deal with complicated weightings where a fund is split between stock and bond, and within the stock allocation, it is split between US and foreign, and within the US allocation, it is split between large cap, mid cap and small cap.) Be able to calculate percentage of the category and percentage of the entire portfolio?
  • If you are given the amount of a dividend/distribution, be able to calculate the number of shares someone will receive if the distribution/dividend is reinvested.
  • Be able to calculate the percentage gained or lost from one period of time to another period
    General Form of Formula: (TimePeriod#2-TimePeriod#1)/TimePeriod#1
  • Be able to use Vlookup and Hlookup. What is the difference between each?
  • Be able to connect to external data and import it into Excel, using sources such as text files, XML data, data found on a web site, data found in a database and interactive stock quotes.
  • Given an XML file, be able to create a data map and then use that mapping to update the XML file. Be able to load an existing data map and then bind XML elements to a worksheet.
  • Be able to create a web query to import data.
  • Know how to create a pivot table. Be able to use report filters and vary the mathematical operation being used in the pivot table. Be able to format pivot table results professionally.
  • Be able to retrieve data in a web query and then manipulate it in a pivot table (likely to see this type of problem)
  • Be able to create a raw instance document in Notepad.
  • Be able to create screenshots and insert them into other files.

Computer Concepts

  • What is the purpose of an amortization schedule?
  • What is “what-if” analysis?
  • How are XML instance documents and schemas different? What does XML allow you to do?
  • When you create a pivot table, what are you specifying?
  • Be able to distinguish between an XML instance document, a schema, a stylesheet and a data map. What is the basic purpose of each one? What is binding in terms of Excel and XML?
  • What are the steps that you would follow to populate an instance document with data already found in Excel?
  • When creating a pivot table, what is a report filter (page field)? If you create one, what does it allow you to do?
  • Why would someone create a pivot table? What can you do with a pivot table that you can’t easily do with some other tool?
  • What is XML? What are the benefits of coding data using XML versus other technologies that are available? Why use XML?
  • As part of this class, you created several pivot tables and heard others present their own pivot tables. Explain what you learned as a result of your pivot table exposure and explain how you might use pivot tables in your future careers.
  • You have decided to use the vlookup function. Prior to using this function, you have to create a table containing the values you are searching for, along with the corresponding results/answers that you wish to display after a given item is found. When you make the table used by your vlookup function, how must you arrange the items in the table (specifically what must occur in the various columns (1,2,3, etc))?
  • What is the difference between optimization and satisficing? How did we practice optimization in Excel? How did we practice satisficing in Excel?
  • What is the difference between a decision support system and artificial intelligence?
  • What is the difference between a DSS, an expert system and a genetic algorithm?
  • Know examples of where someone might use an expert system.
  • Know examples of where someone might use a genetic algorithm.
  • Make sure that you review the various types of “what-if” analysis found in tutorial #10 (also seen in the class PowerPoint presentation called “What-if Analysis.
  • You will also see a matching section where you will match the computer or financial concept to its description. These items can cover anything seen in class since the last quiz.