Name: ______Date: ______Block: ______

Scary Story

October isfast-approaching; this isa perfect time to create a suspenseful, scary story to share with your classmates. With your parent’s permission, you also have the opportunity to enter’s 18thAnnual Ghost Story Contest.

Requirements (See grading rubric on back for complete details)

Length:4 - 5well-developed paragraphs or 500-700 words. You may write more, but keep in mind that this is a short story.

Format: This assignment will be drafted in your Writer’s Notebook andtyped in Arial or Tahoma 12 point font, double-spaced with one inch margins. Please make sure yourcreative, catchy title is centered at the top of the first page along with your name and block number.

Figurative Language: Your story must contain at least 2 examples of figurative language and at least 3 examples of imagery (sight, sound, touch, taste, smell).

Plot structure: Your story must have a clear exposition, an initiating event, rising action, climax, falling action & resolution.

Your scary story will also be graded basedon suspensefulness, originality, entertainment value, and writing quality. Ask yourself these questions: 1.Will my readers be on the edge of their seats?2.Does this sound like something I’ve heard before? 3.Will readers want to share my story with others? 4.Did I follow the rubric directions?

Due Dates

Plot Diagram: Draft: Final:

If you plan to enter the online contest, please read the complete rules at, have a parent/guardian sign the form below, and return to me. Please submit your text in the body of theemail to the contest no later than Oct. 22.Please copy (cc:) me on the email so I know you have submitted it. My email is:______. You must also include in your email your town, state, and that you attend Stone Hill Middle School.


My child ______has my permission to enter’s 18th Annual Ghost Story Contest. I have read the rules and requirements of the contest with my child and will assist him/her in entering this contest. I understand that entering this contest is optional and will not impact my child’s grade in language arts.

Parent Name (please print) ______

Parent Signature: ______Date: ______

Child’s Name: ______Block: ______

Scary Story Rubric

Yoursuspenseful, scary story of 4 -5 well-developed paragraphs or 500-700 words in length will be graded on this rubric .The story will be drafted in your Writer’s Notebook, and typed in Arial or Tahoma 12 point font, double-spaced with one inch margins. Please make sure your creative, catchy title is centered at the top of the first page along with your name and block number.

Criteria / Four Points / Three Points / Two Points / One Point
Plot Structure / The story has a clear exposition, initiating event, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution; the plot flows so the reader can follow easily, and isn’t distracted. / The story has an exposition, initiating event, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution; the plot structure is difficult to follow. / The story has an exposition, an initiating event, rising action, climax, falling action &/or resolution, but one or more of these is missing and/or it is very hard to follow. / The story is in the developing stages of organization; the story does not yet have a clear exposition, initiating event, rising action, climax, falling action &/or resolution.
Figurative Language Imagery / The story contains at least 2 examples of figurative language. The figurative language enhancesflows within the story. Imagery is used throughout. / The story contains 2 examples of figurative language, but the examples only somewhat enhance/flow within the story. Imagery is rather hard to find. / The story contains only 1 or 2 examples of figurative language; however the same device may be used. Imagery is scarce or absent. / Figurative language is not used and/or imagery isn’t evident.
Suspense, &
Value / The writer uses words and phrases to describe the story elements. The writer “shows,” and does not “tell.” Story is quite original, suspenseful & has entertainment value. / The writer uses words and phrases to describe the story elements, but words “tell,” more than “show.” Story has some originality, suspense &/or entertainment value. / The writer uses words and phrases to describe the story; but originality, suspense and/or entertainment value is lacking. / The writer has difficulty using words and phrases to describe the story. Story contains little originality, suspense & entertainment value.
Grammar, spelling and punctuation / Correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation are used consistently throughout the story. There are no sentence fragments or run-ons. If dialogue is present, it is written correctly. / The story has a fewgrammatical, spelling, punctuation,and/or sentence structure errors, but these errors do not distract the reader. If dialogue is present, there are a few mistakes. / The story has several grammatical, spelling, punctuation, and/or sentence structure errors that distract the reader. If dialogue is present, there are several distracting errors. / There are numerous grammatical, spelling, punctuation, and/or sentence structure errors that make the story difficult to read &/or understand. If dialogue is present, it is written incorrectly.

Due Date: ______Student’s Actual Turn-In Date: ______Final Grade: ______