Lea and Garsdon CE Primary School

Newsletter 16 –Monday 22nd January 2018

Tel: 01666 823534 email:


This week we will be focusing on the value of Friendship and will be thinking about how we can show friendliness to those we do not know.

Our Learning this week will include:

Maths / English
Hedgehogs – Reception / Ordering numbers to 20, counting up to 20 actions, adding 2 single digit numbers using objects. / Text: Katie Morag Delivers the Mail. Writing words, captions or simple sentences. Letters & Sounds – ai & oa.
Hedgehogs – Year 1 / Addition bonds to 8 & 9, adding double numbers, adding 3 numbers. / Text: Katie Morag Delivers the Mail. Rewriting a story by ordering it’s main events. Writing clear sentences consistently suing finger spaces & full stops. Letters & Sounds – igh & ur.
Foxes / Multiplication (Yr 2) Times tables.
(Yr 1) Number bonds. / Text: Katie Morag Delivers the Mail. Write list. Use commas in a list. Write addresses (Capital letters for names & places). Write Letters.
Otters / Bar modelling & negative numbers. / Learning reading comprehension skills & learning about Chinese dragons.
Seals / Long division. / Flashback writing.
Owls / Decimals with four number operations. / Polishing our Explanation writing.

What will Mrs Vousden be up to this week and next?

This week Mrs Vousden will be in Lea on Monday morning and Friday. Next week she will be in on Tuesday and Friday.

Lea and Garsdon CE Primary School – Expansion update

Mrs Vousden, Mrs Alderson and Mrs Jones (governor) met with the architect and local authority representative to discuss the process for the expansion for the school. Things are looking very positive. They will be working with the architect over the next couple of months to draw up plans for the expansion which will include a new build of three classes and a hall big enough for the whole school, as well as redesigning of some current parts of the school.

The aim is to bring these plans to a public consultation at the end of March or beginning of April, which will be held in the school hall after the school day for everyone to see, ask questions about and comment on. This will lead to the planning application being put in, with the target of construction starting in November 2018, and hand over to the school in October 2019.

We can confirm that parking for cars and our school bus has a high profile in the planning process, as the Local Authority are aware of the impact of additional cars in the village. They are working closely with us to come up with a solution to these issues.

We will keep you informed of any further developments as soon as we can.


Sadly our school grounds are looking very muddy at the moment and this is sometimes walked into school. To give the grass the chance for to grow back and to try to preserve our carpets we will not be using any grassed (including artificial grass) areas until further notice, other than as part of lessons. We therefore ask that ensure your children do not go on such areas before and after school, including the field and the castle in the small playground, until further notice. We thank you for your help and support with this matter.


1.  Parents are not allowed in the classrooms unless they have been to reception to sign in and see Mrs Goodey, who will then decide whether it is appropriate for the adult to see the teacher at that time. Please do not follow the children up the slope by Foxes class. We ask that any messages are given to teachers in the playground and appointments are made to see the teacher after school if more time is needed.

Letter for Hedgehogs Class

Please see the attached letter from Mrs Bartlett and Mrs Upton. Please also note that Mrs Upton will be working on Monday 5th Feb & Mrs Bartlett will be working Friday 9th Feb.

Planetarium – Outstanding payments

It is not long to go now until Immersive Theatres bring the amazing Planetarium Dome to the village hall on Tuesday 30 January. All the children at the school will be attending. Please pay £3 p/pupil for the school class tickets onParentmail ASAP.

Sports News

Yesterday we took two teams to compete in the Gymnastics’ Festival. The children were able to develop their skills using the variety of equipment at the Activity Zone and Secondary School, as well as competing in both a floor sequence and vault. There were twenty four teams taking part, resulting in over one hundred children competing. Ayla, William, Ellie, Daisy and Annabel put in a brilliant performance. Our other team made up of Livia, Cate, Sophie, Eleanor and Mia put in a very convincing performance and were proud to have come 2nd in the advanced level. William managed to come second in both the boy’s floor and vault class, whilst in the advanced floor sequence Cate came 1st and Livia came 3rd. Well done to you all you should feel very proud of your achievements.

All children will be taking part in a Street Dancing day on Monday 29th January, paid for by the Sports Grant. Please see the attached Sports Newsletter for all the latest school sports news.

Social Media – please follow the link below to complete the form and return it to school asap so that Mrs Goodey can get our Face Book Page up and running. We would like to use your child’s photo, but we will never identify the children in our posts.

Please complete the online form below:


School Council – Lea’s Got Talent – 1.30pm Wednesday 7th February

This week there are auditions taking place for this event. If your child is hoping to take part, please help them to prepare for their audition by ensuring they have everything they need with them on the day.

Tickets for the event will cost £1 with all money raised going to Cancer Research. They will be on sale from next week.

Music System - help needed

The music system we use in the hall is woefully inadequate for what we need, to give us music for PE lessons and also for collective worship. This year we would like to invest in a new hall sound system and we are looking for someone to advise us on the best possible sound solution for the hall. If this is something you have some knowledge and interest in and would be able to spare some time to advise us,please speak with Mrs Vousden about our requirements.

Art Week and Mini Masterworks Exhibition

OnMonday 5thFebruary 2018the School will begin a very special Art Week in which all pupils will have the opportunity to create a really special piece of their own artwork on their class theme alongside normal lessons.

We are really excited to announce that Mini Masterworks will then enhance, enlarge, frame and display every student’s picture in a stunning Art Exhibition onMonday 26thFebruary 2018!Mini Masterworks will transform the school hall into a stunning art gallery and the children will be able to view the exhibition in their classes that afternoon.The exhibition will remain open until 6pm that evening so we hope families will be able to come and see their handiwork themselves.Monday 26thFebruary 2018 is also Parents’ Evening so we hope many of you will be coming along anyway. You will have the opportunity to buy the framed piece on the day and order further items that will be delivered in time for Mothering Sunday (11thMarch 2018) should the need arise! There is absolutely no obligation to buy, no cost to the school and all original artwork will be returned. We hope you will agree that it promises to be a lovely finish to Art Week, albeit not quite in Art Week!

To add to the excitement, Mini Masterworks willchoose a “Best in Show” picture at the Exhibition. This talented artist will receive a lovely art gift and certificate.

We hope you will agree that it promises to be a lovely finish to Art Week, albeit not quite in Art Week!

Siblings can join in too:

We would love large and small budding artist siblings to join in too! They just need to provide a labelled A4 piece of artwork to the school by Wednesday 7thFebruary 2018.

Full details will be given in due course. In the meantime please do have a look athttp://www.minimasterworks.co.uk/, which shows you some beautiful artwork and inspired children.

PTA News

Thank you for all your help over the past few weeks. We appreciate that therearea lot of activities and events happening this term and this can be a challenge for us all but we really appreciate everything you do to help the PTA. A whiteboard costs approximately £4,500 and we will need to replace at least another two. We have already raised £2,400 this school year so we are working towards our targets.

Upcoming Events

Tuesday 30 January - It is not long to go now until Immersive Theatres bring the amazing Planetarium Dome to the village hall on Tuesday 30 January. All the children at the school will be attending. Please pay £3 p/pupil for the school class tickets onParentmail. Many of the performances outside of the school lessons are fully booked but there is still some availability for toddlers at the 2.35pm show and for KS1 at 3.15pm. This show starts at 3.20 pm. Please email for tickets. Moredetailscan be found on the PTA page of the school website.

Beyond the show itself please do join Ben Edmonds of INVENTOR CLUB for some Space-Craft and savour the Space Cafe goodies.

Please do bring any cakes for the cafe if you are able (on the day), any space books we can borrow for the chill-out Space Capsule or any lovely space decorations. Thank you!

Friday 2 February - Film Club - Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 (U) Friday 2nd February - 3.05 to 4.45

We will be showing Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 at the next film club. This showing will be open to all children at school and will cost £2.50. This includes a drink and a packet of crisps. Please pay in advance to Mrs Goodey.

Saturday 3 February - Clothes Swishing night at 8pm in Lea Village Hall

Please join us for some prosecco and nibbles whilst browsing at our Pop Up Shop for the nearly new second hand clothes on offer. Ladies, children’s clothes and handbags, scarfs and accessories will be available. Cards will be accepted on the night. All the profits will go to the school. This event will be run in association with Bev Willis from Belle and Bear in Malmesbury.

Donations of items: Thank you for the donations that are coming in. We have had some beautiful items donated. Please remember we are after good, clean nearly new ladies and children’s clothes (age 5 years and up) in all sizes as well as accessories like handbags, shoes, scarfs and costume jewellery. Please no men’s clothes, sports shoes/clothes or babies’ clothes. They don’t have to be designer wear. Please can you drop them off in the named bag in the lobby of the school or contact Kellie Chandler (mum to Honor, Otters) f you would prefer to drop off at her house in Lea.

Fairy lights/lamps - please can we borrow some fairy lights and lamps for the event. Please leave in reception or give them to Kellie Chandler.

Wednesday 7 February – Disco – 5.30pm to 7pm

Sarah Revans (Henry’s Mum Y5 Seals) and Nirpal Sandhu (Leo, Kassia & Simran’s Mum Y2 Foxes) are selling tickets in the playground most days. Please try to buy your tickets in advance to alleviate the time and congestion in queuing to get in. The tickets are £2.50 per child. This includes a packet of crisps, drink and a glowband.

We need some parent helpers for the disco please - five parents and one staff member. Please let Sarah or Nirpal know if you can help.

Friday 9 February 3.05pm–Cake and Second-Hand school clothing sale - in the playground (a classroom if it is wet)

Please deliver your cakes and biscuits to receptionbefore 2.45pm on Friday 9 February(with a Valentine theme if you wish). Alongside the cake sale will be a Second-Hand Uniform table so please bring along any items on Friday you would like to donate. All items will be 50p each. Please can we have a few more helpers on the cake stand.

Save the date:

- Friday 23 February - Quiz night. Doors open at 7.45pm to start at 8 pm. A maximum of six people per team.£5 entry fee per adult.

- Tuesday 27 February - Rags to Riches collection. 9 am at the school.

Contacting PTA

You can contactthe PTA via our email address: by speaking to Kellie Chandler, Rachael Fairburn, Nicola Earle and Karen Neal in the playground before or after school or by using the PTA Facebook page.

Attachments to newsletter:

Hedgehog’s letter

Sport Newsletter

School Council minutes

Shrove Tuesday Event at St Giles Church, Lea

Grassroots holiday club

Diary Dates

Monday 22nd, 29th January, 5th Feb Parenting session led by Terry Jones in the staff room

Monday 29th January Street Dancing Workshops for all classes

Tuesday 30th January 2018 Planetarium at the Village hall – for all classes

Friday 2nd February PTA Film Club

Friday 9th February Cake and 2nd hand school uniform sale

Saturday 3rd February Clothes Swishing night at the village hall. 8pm.

Monday 5th February Art Week

Wednesday 7th February School Disco

Friday 9th February Last day of term 3.

TUESDAY 20th February 1st day of Term 4

Friday 23rd February Quiz night. Doors open at 7.45pm to start at 8 pm. A maximum of six people per team.

Monday 26th February Parent Teacher meetings