Time Scoring:Content Scoring:

100% / 0-10 minutes / 100% / 7
99% / 11-20 minutes / 93% / 6.5
98% / 21-30 minutes / 86% / 6
97% / 31-40 minutes / 79% / 5.5
96% / 41-50 minutes / 71% / 5
95% / 51-60 minutes / 64% / 4.5
94% / 61-75 minutes / 57% / 4
93% / 76-90 minutes / 50% / 3.5
92% / 91 minutes-2 hours / 43% / 3
91% / Up to 2.5 hours / 36% / 2.5
89% / Up to 3.5 hours / 29% / 2
88% / Up to 4 hours / 21% / 1.5
87% / Up to 4.5 hours / 14% / 1
86% / Up to 5 hours / 7% / .5
85% / Up to 5.5 hours / 0% / 0
84% / Up to 6 hours
82% / Up to 7 hours
81% / Up to 7.5 hours
80% / Up to 8 hours
75% / 8-16 hours
70% / 16-24 hours
60% / 24+ hours
0% / No response

Content Requirements:

1. Salutation: Use a greeting AND their name

2. Appreciation: Thank them for their interest in the community

3. Answer Questions: Answer all specific questions

4. Features and Benefits: Demonstrate to the prospect how each feature is a benefit to them as a renter

5. Differentiate Your Community: Demonstrate to the prospect how your community differs from the others they have inquired about

6. Call to Action: Invite them for an appointment with a specific day and time and include office hours

7. Courtesy Sign-Off: Use a closing phrase and your auto signature (formatted to guideline specifications)

Remember- If you feel there are any issues with your score or content please email for clarification. If you feel your time score was incorrect, provide your backup documentation for a rescore.