Minutes of the Meeting of Stapenhill Parish Council

held at Immanuel Church, Stapenhill

on Wednesday, 14th October 2015 at 7.00pm


Councillors: S Paxton, W Turton, I Gibson, S Godfrey, I Gibson and B McLelland

Also Present: District Councillor M Fitzpatrick

District Councillor A Legg

A Mason – ESBC

R Young – Clerk to the Council

Prior to the start of the Meeting, Councillors reviewed Play Equipment options.

107/15 Apologises

Apologises for absence were received from P Hancox, M Bott and P Davies.

108/15 Members to Declare an Interest in matters to be considered

Declarations of Interest to be made when the relevant matter is discussed.

109/15 Public Participation

Ø  No matters were raised.

110/15 Planning

a)  Planning Applications for Consideration

Ø  No new applications received.

b) Planning Decisions

Ø  P/2015/01138

36 Ferry Street, Stapenhill

Erection of a part two storey and single storey side extension.

Application Approved

Ø  P/2015/01060

51 Rosliston Road, Stapenhill

Erection of single storey front and rear extensions.

Application Approved

Ø  P/2015/01045

129 Stanton Road, Stapenhill

New Residential Development (2 dwellings)

Application Approved

Ø  P/2015/01051

118 Heath Road, Stapenhill

Erection of a part two storey, part single storey side extension.

Application Approved

Ø  P/2015/01021

Ferry House, The Dingle, Stapenhill

Erection of a 1.1m high flood barrier boundary wall.

Application Approved

111/15 County and Borough Councillors’ Reports

a)  County Councillor’s Report

Ø  No matters were reported.

b)  Borough Councillor’s Report

M Fitzpatrick mentioned the following:-

Ø  Play area barriers at Stapenhill Gardens appear to be adequate.

Ø  Fountain in Stapenhill Gardens – Reviewing usage and what can be done in the future.

Ø  Combined Authority – No enthusiasm to join.

Ø  Extra Ordinary Meeting regarding the Local Plan. Inspector will approve Plan if modifications applied.

Ø  Borough Council want good relations with Parish Councils.

Ø  Play Areas Report to go to Controlling Group. Informal review with officers. 37 play areas by end of financial year. Budget of £87k to be reduced by £17k which will be used for maintenance.

Ø  Community infrastructure levy will generate up to 25% of any contribution to Parish Councils.

A Legg mentioned the following:-

Ø  Land from Bedford Road to half way down Waterside Road – Available for Parish usage.

Ø  Contacted by representative from Allotments.

Ø  W Turton mentioned poppies growing over the footbridge from Stapenhill Gardens – Considered planting more poppies.

112/15 Approval of the Minutes

It was proposed, seconded and agreed to approve the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 9th September 2015.


To approve the Minutes of the meeting held on the 9th September 2015.

113/15 Matters arising from the Minutes

a)  M Fitzpatrick - Funding

The Clerk to contact M Fitzpatrick regarding availability of funding.

b) Play Equipment

S Paxton commented that an application for funding would be submitted to ESBC.

c) Footpath – Bretlands Way

The Clerk to enquire with the Allotment Association as to whether they could arrange for the weedkiller to be applied on the footpath.

d) Tree on Stapenhill Allotments

The Clerk reported that he had informed the Allotments Association they could remove the tree by the roadside on condition a suitable replacement is planted.

e) Parish Map

The Clerk reported that ESBC (M Hoves) had said they could not provide a Parish Map.

f) Permanent Cycle Route on St Peter’s Bridge

P Davies to enquire with SCC Highways.

114/15 Correspondence

Ø  St Peter’s Church – Remembrance Day Parade – M Bott and W Turton to attend. The Clerk to order a wreath.

Ø  SCC – St Peter’s Bridge Maintenance Work – 14th until 23rd October 2015. Bob Allen Structural Engineer.

Ø  ESBC – Local Plan 2012-2031 Inspectors Report – To be considered at an Extra Ordinary Council Meeting - 15th October 2015.

Ø  Santander Bank – Conditions of Banking.

Ø  Pennies for our Heroes – Tree Planting behind Burton Library on 24th October 2015 at 11.00am.

115/15 Parish Projects Report

a) Play Equipment

Ø  Andy Mason said the Neighbourhood Forum will take place on the 15th November 2015 and details of any projects for 2016 would be needed by the 31st October 2015.

Ø  S Godfrey asked Andy Mason to confirm when funds were last allocated to Stapenhill.

b) Parish Name Signs

Ø  S Paxton confirmed that three locations had been agreed with SCC Highways.

Ø  The Clerk gave details of design and cost plus funding available.

c) Neighbourhood Plan

Launch Events

Ø  Saturday, 17th October 2015, 10.00am – 2.00pm, Immanuel Church Hall.

Ø  Saturday, 31st October 2015, 10.00am-2.00pm, Heath Road Community Centre.

The Clerk mentioned the following:-

Ø  Details given to Burton Mail and Radio Derby.

Ø  Flyers circulated in Parish.

116/15 Financial Matters

a)  Cheque Payments

Date / Name / Details / Amount / Cheque No.
14/10/15 / R Young / Salary / £479.00 / 000577
14/10/15 / HMRC / PAYE / £119.00 / 000578
14/10/15 / JPW Dist. / Leaflet Dist / £234.00 / 000579
14/10/15 / R Young / Expenses / £117.92 / 000580
14/10/15 / S Paxton / Expenses / £62.65 / 000581
14/10/15 / S Green / Prepare List / £30.00 / 000582
14/10/15 / J Wright / Display Board / £242.40 / 000583
Total: £1,284.97


To issue the above listed cheques.

117/15 Clerk’s and Members’ Reports

Ø  No matters were raised.

118/15 Any Other Business

Ø  Footpath Stapenhill Gardens along river at back of church – Report excessive weeds.

Water gathering in road outside 51 Rosliston Road – Report to Highways.

119/15 Exclusion of Public

Ø  No matters were raised under this section.

120/15 Date of Next Meeting

Ø  Wednesday, 11th November 2015.

The meeting closed at 8.55pm

S Paxton


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