CAD/CAM Module Page 6


Foston A. L. & all.
Fundamentals Of Computer Integrated Manufacturing.
Prentice Hall, 1991
ISBN 0-13-333071-0 Library class mark TS 155 F6 / B
Hawkes Barry
The CAD CAM Process.
Pitman Publishing, London., 1994
ISBN 0-273-0252-4 Library class mark T353 H2 / B
McMahon, C.
CAD/CAM, from principles to practice.
Addison Wesley, 1993
ISBN 0-201-56502-1 Library class mark T 353.M2 / B
Medland A. J.
The Computer Aided Design Process.
Chapman & Hall, 1992
ISBN 0-442-31515-5 Library class mark T353 M3 / B
Rooney Joe and Steadman P.
Principles Of Computer Aided Design.
UCL Press Ltd, The Open University, 1994
ISBN 1-85728-222-1, Library classmark T 353 P7 / B
Shah J.J. & Mantyla M.
Parametric and Feature Based CAD/CAM.
John Wiley & Sons Inc, 1995
ISBN 0-471-00214-3 / B
Stark, John
Engineering Information Management Systems, beyond CAD/CAM to Concurrent Engineering
New York, Von Nostrand Rainhold 1992
ISBN 04420010753, Library class mark TS 176.S6 / B
Zeid, Ibrahim
CAD/CAM, Theory & Practice.
McGraw Hill, 1991
ISBN 0-07-072857-7, Library class mark T 353 Z3 / B
Hill F.S.
Computer Graphics
Macmillan, 1990
ISBN 0-02-354860-6, Library class mark QA 79.2 H4 / C
Chang, T.C.
Expert Process Planning for Manufacturing
Addison Wesley, 1990
ISBN 0201182971, Library class mark TS 183.3.C4 / C
Jones, Peter F.
CAD/CAM: Features, Applications and Management.
The Macmillan Press Ltd, 1992
ISBN 0-471-53473-0, Library class mark T 353 K8 / C
Intelligent Design and Manufacturing.
Wiley, 1992
ISBN 0471534730, Library class mark T 353.K8 / C
Shina, Sammy G.
Successful Implementation of Concurrent Engineering Products and Processes
New York, Von Nostrand Rainhold, 1994
ISBN 04420012527, Library class mark T 353.S8 / C
Ranky Paul
Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Prentice Hall, 1985
ISBN 0-13-165655-4, Library class mark TS 155 R2 / C
Besant C.B and Lui C.W.K.
Computer Aided Design and Manufacture.
Ellis Horwood, Chichester,UK, 1986
ISBN 0-85312-909-6, Library class mark T 353 B3 / C
Corafas D.
Engineering Productivity Through CAD CAM.
Butterworths, London., 1987
ISBN 0-408-01588-8, Library class mark T353 C4 / C
Groover M.P.Zimmers E.W.
CAD/CAM Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing.
Prentice Hall, 1987
ISBN 0-13-110130-7, Library class mark T353 G7 / C
Roger D.F & Adams A. J.
Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics.
McGraw Hill, 1990
ISBN 0-07-053529-2, Library class mark QA 79.2 R6 / C
Pugh Stuart
Integrated Methods for Successful Product Engineering.
Addison Wesley, 1990
ISBN 0-201-41639-5, Library class mark T353 P8 / C
Venkatesh V. & all.
Computer Aided Production Engineering
Elsevier, 1991
ISBN 0-444-892141 / C
Wang, H.P.and Li, J.K.
Computer Aided Process Planning
Elsevier, 1991
ISBN 0444886311 / C
Dillman B. & all.
Integration of Robots into CIM.
Chapman & Hall, 1992
ISBN 0-442-31243-1, Library class mark TS 155 I6 / C
Delchamber, A.
Computer Aided Assembly Planning
Chapman & Hall, 1992
ISBN 041243170, Library class mark TS 178.4.D3 / C
Kochan, D.
Solid Freeform Manufacturing, Advanced Rapid Prototyping
Elsevier, 1993
ISBN 044489652x, Library class mark T 353.K6 / C
Law K.H.
Engineering Data Management, Proceedings of the 1993 ASME Conference & Exposition.
ASME, 1993
ISBN 0-791-81169-7, Library class mark T 353 A8 / C
Ryan Daniel
Computer Aided Graphics and Design.
Mareel Dekker Inc, New York, 1994
ISBN 0-8247-9164-9, Library class mark T357 R9 / C
Soenen, Rene, Olling, G.
Advanced CAD/CAM Systems, State of the art and future trends in feature technology: Proceedings of international working conf. by international federation for information processing
Chapman & Hall, 1994
ISBN 0412617307, Library class mark T 353.S6 / C
Rapid Prototyping Systems, compilation of papers from conference held May 11-13 1993 at Dearborn, Michi.
SME, 1994
ISBN 087263454x, Library class mark T 353.R2 / C
Timimi, K. A. & MacKrell, J.
STEP, Fundamentals & Business Benefits
CIMdata, USA, 1996
ISBN 1-889760-00-5 / C
Gadh, Ranjit, ASME, Design Engg. Div
Concurrent Product Design/ International Symposium on Concurrent Product Design
ISBN 0791813991, Library class mark T 353.I6 / C
Rembold U. Nnaji B. & Storr A.
Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Engineering.
Addison Wesley
ISBN 0-201-56541-2, Library class mark TS 155 R3 / C
Faux I.D. & Pratt M.J.
Computational Geometry for Design and Manufacture.
Ellis Harwood Ltd. Chicester, 1979
ISBN 0-85312-114-1, Library class mark QA 607 F2 / C
Hartley John
FMS at work
IFS(Publishers)UK, 1984
ISBN 0-903608-62-6, Library class mark TS 155 H2 / C
Rembold U. & all.
Computer Integrated Manufacturing Technology and Systems.
Mareel Dekker Inc. New York, 1985
ISBN 0-8247-7403-5, Library class mark TS 155 R3 / C
Dimitris C. & all.
The engineering Database
Butterworths, 1988
ISBN 0-408-02280-9, Library class mark T 353 C4 / C
Onwubiko C.
Foundations Of Computer Aided Design.
West Publishing Co, 1989
ISBN 0-314-48134-6, Library class mark T353 O6 / C
Coyne R.D. & all.
Knowledge Based Design Systems.
Addison Wesley, 1989
ISBN 0-201-10381-8, Library class mark T353 K6 / C
Foley J.D. & all.
Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice.
Addison Wesley, 1990
ISBN 0-201-12110-7, Library class mark QA 79.2 / C
Farin Gerald
Curves and surfaces for Computer Aided Geometric Design.
Academic Press Inc, 1990
ISBN 0-12-249051-9, Library class mark QA 79.2 F2 / C
Koenig Daniel
Computer Integrated Manufacturing Theory & Practice
Hemisphere New York, 1990
ISBN 0-89116-874-5, Library class mark TS 155 K6 / C
Ranky Paul
Manufacturing Database Management and Knowledge Based Expert Systems.
Cimware Ltd., Guildford, Surrey, 1990
ISBN 1-872631-03-7, Library class mark TS 155 R2 / C
Ranky Paul
Flexible Manufacturing Cells & Systems in CIM.
Cimware Ltd., Guildford, Surrey, 1990
ISBN 1-872631-02-9, Library class mark TS 155 R2 / C
Taylor Dean L
Computer Aided Design
Addison Wesley, 1992 / C
Roe John
Elementary Geometry.
Oxford Uni. Press. 1993
ISBN 0-201-16891-x, Library class mark T353 T2 / C
Case, K., Gindy, N.N.Z.
Features: Special issue, papers drawn from the Feature workshop held at LUT 1991.
Talor & Francis, 1993
ISBN v7550749 / C
Parsaei Hamid & Sullivan W.
Concurrent Engineering Contemporary Issues and Modern Design Tools.
Chapman & Hall, 1993
ISBN 0-412-46512-8, Library class mark T353 C6 / C
Syan, C.S., Menon, U.
Concurrent Engineering, Concepts, Implementation and Practice.
Chapman & Hall, 1994
ISBN 0412581302, Library class mark T 353.S6 / C
Radford, A. Chal, J.
Design for Assembly, principles and practice
McGraw Hill, 1994
ISBN 0077078381, Library class mark TS 178.4.R3 / C
Zhang, H.C.and Alting, L.
Computerised Manufacturing Process Planning Systems
Chapman and Hall, 1994
ISBN 0412413000 / C
Farin Gerald
NURB, Curves and Surfaces from projective geometry to practical use.
A.K. Peters Wellesley. 1995
ISBN 1-56881-038-5, Library class mark QA 607 F2 / C
Corbett J. & all.
Design for Manufacture: Strategies, Principles and Techniques.
Addison Wesley 1995
ISBN 0-201-41694-8, Library class mark T353 D3 / C
Ulrich, Karl T., Eooinger, S.D.
Product Design and Development
McGraw Hill 1995
ISBN 0070658110, Library class mark HN 270.U5 / C

CAD/CAM Module Page 6