NBS HL7 Workgroup Meeting Call Notes

March 10 2017

Attendees: Riki Merrick, Ashleigh Ragsdale, Susan Downer, Brendan Reilly, Rhonda West, Rebecca Goodwin, Joshua Miller, Careema Yusuf

LRI items:

  • #18: Reason the OBX segment requirement exists; making birthtime required may be an issue for some instances – that’s why we didn’t require HH MM
  • Can we check specimen collection date time format?
  • SPM-17 is RE; current TS is to the day, if not 0000, support to minutes
  • #286: for NDBS a single provider’s office is also considered a facility, so the ID in the OBR-16 would match the ID in ORC-21 – for NDBS
  • #198: 62320-7T-cell receptor excision circle [#/volume] in Dried blood spot by Probe and target amplification method – for this there are alternate means for reporting these as Cqs = Quantitation Cyle and MoMs = Mulitple of Median. - Find considered for future use

For Tuesday’s call:

  1. Bring up what to put in OBR-16, when no ordering provider is known, since there is a regulatory requirement / law for testing so authorized person does not apply.
  2. Grouping discussion

Reviewed the LOI Spreadsheet:

  • For NDBS leave Visit group as O, so no need to define PV1
  • NK1
  • NK1-3 – NDBS Comment: This is intended to get information about the mother (‘MTH’). Only if no information about the mother is available send information about the responsible person.
  • NK1-4 – not collected in WA, have place for it – follow LOI, do we want to use the more strict datatype, or follow LOI
  • NK1-5 – follow LOI use same datatype
  • NK1-7 – not helpful for NDBS – will follow LOI – Make ballot comment that this should be O in LOI_Common
  • NK1-11 ok to follow LOI, condition will never be met
  • Since NK1-2 is R, NK1-13 condition will never apply, so is essentially X
  • NK1-33 – leave O = Follow LOI
  • IN1- part of optional profile = not used
  • GT1 – same as IN1
  • PRT-4 make CS to allow use of ONLY ‘RCT’
  • PRT requires name/ID of person AND either address or Phone/email
  • DG1 is Required in LOI
  • Initial screen = mandate or repeat screen for result confirmation, routine second screen, mandated second screen – use the LOINC we have
  • Baby has already been Dx with a condition then could.
    Add usage note for ICD-10 to use in general, but not restrict folks from using other
  • DG1-6 = working, Final, admitting – suggest to use Working for NDBS
  • Are we supporting cancelation?
  • Not many do electronic orders yet, so could occur, but not common – be silent
  • For LOINC table will use the word document dated 12/16/2016 – Rebecca will check if she has something later
  • Next call Tuesday 3/14/17 at 2 – 3 pm ET

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