Town of Washington

Board of Selectmen


October 3, 2013


1.1 Meeting called to order at 7:00PM.

1.2 Members: Guy Eaton, Ken Eastman and Tom Marshall

1.3 Visitors: Representative Jim Grenier, Chief Marshall

2.0 MINUTES: Eastman motioned to approve the minutes of the September 26, 2013. Marshall seconded the motion. All voted in favor.

Important Dates -

October 4th – Flu Shots are available at the Town Hall 5:30-7:00

October 5th- Bake and Craft Sale to benefit the Purling Beck Hall 2278 East Washington Road from 9am – 3pm

October 8th – UVLSRPC will be hosting a meeting 5:30PM at the Lodge

October 8th – Board of Adjustment 6:30PM at the Town Hall, tabled hearing for Grunwald application

October 9th – Park and Recreation 6PM at the Town Hall

October 13th – Lamplight Hymn Sing 7PM at the East Washington Church All are welcome bring a friend and a flashlight

October 16th – Conservation Commission 7PM at the Town Hall

October 21st – Safety Complex Meeting 6:00PM at the Center Fire Station

Did you Know?


3.1  Mike Morin: TM#14-368, Coolidge Drive, requesting a building permit to construct a 24x24 barn with a 8x24 lean to on poles. Eaton inspected and found that all of the setbacks were in accordance with the Land Use Ordinance. Eaton motioned to approve the application. Marshall seconded the motion. All voted in favor, permit # 1350 was approved.


4.1 Mike Grunwald phoned to ask for the status of his variance application. Dagesse told him of a meeting scheduled next week.

4.2 Jim Bissonnette came in to work on getting a Board of Adjustment meeting scheduled for next Tuesday that was tabled at the end of September.

4.3  Don Damm came in to drop off a copy of letter from Lake Ashuelot Estates, Inc. that was written and sent to Governor Maggie Hassan, Senator Bob O’Dell and Representative Jim Grenier requesting their assistance with the NH DES administrative order in 1991 allowing deep draw downs once every five years and assistance with weed control.

4.4  Janice Philbrick came in to remind everyone that there is a flu clinic on Friday evening at the Town Hall.

4.5  A concerned citizen came in to confirm what the Selectmen had told her a few weeks ago regarding voting issues.

4.6  Wayne Riessle came in to speak with the Selectmen regarding the trim on the lodge and the gate around the propane tank. He will get back to the Selectmen with a quote.

4.7  Hanssen and Eastman discussed the lodge maintenance issues listed above.

4.8  June Manning came in and asked if a boathouse could add a dormer without getting NH DES approval. The Selectmen told her that no shoreland permit would be needed.


5.1 Michelle Dagesse:

5.1.1. Completed the LCHIP annual stewardship report for the Town Hall bell tower.

5.1.2. Coordinated the insurance inspection of the Town Hall and the lodge for next Tuesday morning.

5.1.3. Completed and submitted the MS-4 report.

5.1.4. Laurel Brown our representative from PSNH phoned Dagesse this week to inform the Town of their plans on restructuring substations. In April 2014 the Hillsboro building will be closed and our service station has yet to be determined. Brown said she would know more information closer to the end of December. Dagesse told her she would let the Selectmen know and if they had any further questions regarding the change she said she was willing to come and speak to them.

5.1.5. Coordinated a meeting with Pam Joslin a representative from Community Alliance of Human Services. Joslin wanted to bring in information regarding the Volunteer Driver Program to review with the Selectmen. The meeting will be part of the October 24th meeting.

5.1.6. Met with a health insurance broker on Tuesday to get quotes for town employees.

5.2 Carolyn Russell:

5.2.1. Came in to ask the Selectmen to accept a donation in the amount of $300.00 to the Food Pantry. Marshall motioned to accept the donation. Eaton seconded the motion. All voted in favor.

5.3 Chief Marshall:

5.3.1. Came in to discuss the value of a 1999 snowmobile that is being donated to the Town.

5.3.2. The Washington Police Department received a grant for three bulletproof vests.

5.3.3. The Selectmen signed a Highway Safety Grant application.

5.4 Ed Thayer:

5.4.1. Discussed the FEMA reimbursement of $10,000.00 from the March storm. (See 7.5)

5.4.2. Discussed the bridges and cleared up which culvert is scheduled for next years work.

5.5 Assessors:

5.5.1. The final value of the Town of Washington is now 226,014,149 the total valuation is down 11%.

6.0 Public Appointments:

6.1 Representative Grenier came in to speak with the Selectmen regarding local issues and discussed 7.2. and 4.3


7.1  Letter from NHDES to the Town of Washington regarding a shoreland permit for an Ashuelot Drive property 10-16. – Filed

7.2  Letter from Lake Ashuelot Estates, Inc. – See 4.3

7.3  Letter from NH DOT regarding the biennial inspection of municipally owned bridges in the Town of Washington- Forward to Thayer

7.4  Notice from the Town of Hopkinton informing the town of an application to construct a personal wireless service facility on TM 237-045. – Filed

7.5  Letter from the State of New Hampshire informing the town that it is eligible and will receive a $10,883.32 reimbursement from March 18, 2013. – Filed

7.6  Invoice from John Cilley Plumbing and Heating – Approved and forwarded to Dagesse for payment. – Filed

7.7  Notice from Town of Warner of an upcoming balloon test notice for October 15, 2013. – Posted at Town Hall

7.8  Letter from Community Development Finance Authority informing the Town of availability of CDBG Planning Grant Funds and an application deadline. – Forward to the Planning Board

7.9  A copy of Primex PrimeTimes- Filed

7.10  Email from Select Print Solution requesting information to bid on this years Town report- Dagesse to respond.

7.11  Agenda from the county Commissioners for October 10, 2013. – Posted at the Town Hall

7.12  Special Meeting Notices of the Sullivan County NH Board of Commissioners set for October 7th and October 14th in Newport. – Posted at the Town Hall

8.0Old Business

8.1 Marshall wanted to update the Selectmen regarding the creation of a non-conforming lot; this was created recently at a Planning Board Public Meeting, the sole purpose of the lot is to merge it to Town owned lot to create space of future for a Safety Complex.

9.0 New Business


10.1 The Board approved cheques for payroll $4425.08 and vendor checks in the amount of $25604.62 October 4, 2013.


11.1 Eaton motioned to adjourn Marshall seconded the motion the meeting was adjourned at 8:03pm All voted in favor.


Michelle Dagesse

Secretary for the Board of Selectmen