PDS Check Sheet and Format
When developing the PDS with your sponsors, set up your questions to answer all issues related to your project. In your reports, we expect to see the following check sheet indicating that you have addressed all potential constrains and related issues.
Criteria / Pages1 / Performance
2 / Environment
3 / Life in service
4 / Quantity
5 / Shelf life
6 / Cost of production per part (material and labor)
7 / Size and Shape
8 / Weight
9 / Maintenance
10 / Installation
11 / Ergonomics
12 / Ease of Use
13 / Safety
14 / Materials
15 / Manufacturing facilities
16 / Shipping
17 / Packaging
18 / Aesthetics
19 / Quality and Reliability
20 / Applicable codes and standards
21 / Testing
22 / Company constraints and procedures
23 / Documentation (processes)
24 / Legal (Related patents)
25 / Timelines
26 / Disposal
Some requirements may appear under more than one criterion – that is all right. Some requirements may not be suitable under any of these criteria in which case you can add your own criterion. The PDS document is updated often and all the details would not be known in the beginning. It is all right to add details later.
PDS Sample Format
Customer Requirements:
- The device is to help Mira out of the pool.
- The device is to set up quickly and easily.
- The device is to be operable by no more than two people.
- The device is to be quickly and easily removed
Primary customers: Zoo animal keepers and management
Engineering Targets
- The device is to handle the weight of a 1500 lb seal
- Basis for target selection: Interview with experts
- Verification: Analysis (details to be added later)
- The device is to be set up in less than 5 minutes
- Basis for target selection: Keepers, Zoo management
- Verification: Testing
- The device is to finish the task in less than 10 minutes.
- Basis for target selection: Keepers, Zoo management
- Verification: Testing
- The device is to fold or be removed in less than 5 minutes
- Basis for target selection: Keepers
- Verification: Testing
Customer Requirement:
- The device is to work in the Seal pool
- The device is to withstand outdoor storage
- The device is to withstand the force and teeth of other seals
Primary customers: Zoo animal keepers and management
Engineering Targets
- The device is to withstand working in seawater.
- Basis: Management
- Verification: Similar materials and devices
- The device is to withstand the outdoor rain, sun,wind, and elements
- Basis: Zoo Management
- Verification: Similar materials and devices
- The device is to withstand a force of 500 pounds applied to it anywhere from within the pool.
- Basis: Keepers, Experts
- Verification: Analysis
- The parts of the device exposed to seals should have adequate hardness and strength to prevent damage by seals teeth.
- Verification: Similar materials and devices
Customer Requirement:
- The device is to be easily transportable by two people.
- The device is to be easy to operate
Primary customers: Zoo animal keepers
Engineering Targets
- The device is to weight less than 80 pounds if it needs to be carried.
- The device operation is to require a force of less than 20 pounds.
Customer Requirement:
- The device is to be safe to transport, install, and operate.
- The device is to be safe to the animals.
Primary customers: Zoo animal keepers, Zoo management
Engineering Targets
- All electrical components are to be UL approved and conform to relevant codes.
- The device is to be free of sharp edges and pinching points.
- The device is to be free of cavities that can trap smaller seals
- The device is to be free of strings and ropes where seals can access them.
- The device is to be free of agents toxic to marine mammals in the areas where exposed to the animals or where leakage into water may occur.
- The device is desired not to require oiling or greasing.
Customer Requirement:
- The device is to work for a long time requiring minimal service.
Primary customers: Zoo animal keepers, Zoo management
Engineering Targets
- The device is to require no more than one hour of maintenance in one year costing no more than $10. The maintenance is to be performed by animal keepers.
Customer Requirement:
- A design that can be fabricated is to be finished by March 30, 2004.
- A proof of concept prototype is to be demonstrated by April 30th.
- The final design and working prototype is to be demonstrated by May 30th.
Primary customers: Zoo animal keepers, Zoo management