Recognition ProgramsUPPS No. 04.04.33

Issue No. 9

Effective Date: 05/30/2017

Next Review Date: 06/01/2022 (E5Y)

Sr. Reviewer: Associate Vice President for Finance and Support Services Planning


01.01This policy establishes a Staff Employee Recognition Program for Employee of the Month and Employee of the Year, a Texas State Quarterly Team Recognition Program, the "What Makes a University Great" Program, and the President's Super Star Program.

01.02Furthermore, this policy defines the composition of the selection committee, eligibility criteria, nomination and selection procedures, and awards for the programs.


02.01The vice president for Finance and Support Services (VPFSS) will appoint a selection committee for the Staff Employee and Team Recognition Programs. Committee members will have three-year staggered terms and will include two employees from each division. Each vice president, as well as the special assistant to the president, will recommend employees from his or her division to the VPFSS. The associate VPFSS Planning will chair the committee and serve as a permanent representative from the FSS division.Committee responsibilities cannot be delegated.


03.01Criteria for determining eligibility:

a.The nominee:

1)must be a regular full-time or regular part-time staff employee (except administrative officers as designated in the University Pay Plan); and

2)must have worked at Texas State for at least one year (cumulative).

b.The committee will not normally consider a nominee previously named as employee of the month for a period of three years. Exceptional conditions will warrant review by the committee.

c.The committee may not consider current Staff Employee Recognition Committee members for the award.

d.Employees will be considered based on the following:

1)What are the nominee’s job responsibilities that prompted the nomination?

2)What has the individual done to exemplify quality service at Texas State?

3)Additional pertinent comments, with supporting documents uploaded to this onlineform.

03.02Procedures for nomination and selection of employee of the month:

a.Anyone may nominate an eligible employee (see Sections 03.01 a., b., and c.). The committee will not accept self-nominations.

b.Twice a year, or as needed, the selection committee’s chair (or the chair’s staff) will send out a call for nominations email. The committee will address effective and efficient methods of accessibility on an annual basis to ensure employees receive the opportunity to submit nominations (i. e., e-mail distribution, posters in buildings, etc.).

c.Nominations must be submitted to the selection committee chair before the seventh day of the current month to be considered for the following month’s award. The committee will hold nominations received on or after the seventh day of the month for consideration of awards for the month after next.

d.The criteria for evaluating a nomination include the nominee’s overall performance over time or the nominee’s outstanding performance for a specific event.

e.The selection committee chair (or his or her staff) will verify each nominee’s eligibility through records in the Human Resources office.

  1. The selection committee chair (or his or her staff) will validate information contained in the nomination as deemed necessary.
  1. The chair of the Staff Employee Recognition Committee (or his or her staff) will contact the appropriate vice president regardingnominations from their division to ensure the nominee is worthy of consideration prior to having the formal committee review the candidate's submission form.
  1. The selection committee may ask a nominator (or the nominee’s supervisor) for additional information or clarification, if needed.
  1. The selection committee will review and rank nominations and will name the nominee receiving the highest ranking as employee of the month.


04.01The committee will recommend one of the 12people who were selected as employees of the month and two alternates for the president to consider for selection as employee of the year.


05.01Anyone may nominate a team for recognition. A team may include individuals from one or several divisions (i.e., cross functional). Self-nominations are allowed.

05.02A team is a group of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable.

05.03The committee will review a team based on the following:

a.Was exemplary service provided to on-campus, off-campus clients, or both? Explain.

b.What was accomplished? (1) Was the team responsible for a one-time project, or (2) did the team develop new or improved standards and procedures?

c.How did the team achieve its accomplishment?

d.How did the team's actions benefit the institution? Examples include: improved service, completed project ahead of schedule, saved money, error rate reduced, time between initiation and completion of an action was minimized (cycle time, etc.).

e.A summary stating the reason the committee should consider this team outstanding.

05.04The chair of the selection committee will distribute a memorandum to the campus community, quarterly, seeking nominationsfor the Quarterly Team Recognition Award. Persons may submit nominations to the chair. The committee will follow the following calendar:

  1. Request for nominations: January 15, April 15, July 15 and October 15

b.Nominations due: February 1, May 1, August 1, and November 1

c.Staff Employee Recognition Committee meets for selection after: February 5, May 5, August 5, and November 5

d.Presentation of awards after: February 10, May 10, August 10, and November 10

05.05The selection committee chair (or his or her staff) will contact the appropriate division manager on submissions for teams in his or her division prior to having the formal committee review the nomination.

05.06The selection committee chair (or his or her staff) will validate information contained in each nomination.

05.07The selection committee will review and rank nominations received and will select the team receiving the highest ranking for the Quarterly Team Recognition Award.


06.01When a vice president receives either a letter or memorandum regarding a “good deed,” he or she may forward it to the president.

06.02The president may:

a.decide to distribute the memo or letter to all faculty and staff under the "What Makes a University Great" program, with the vice president who forwarded the memo or letter responsible for the distribution; or

b.decide to recognize the Texas State faculty or staff mentioned in the letter by authorizing the vice president to present the "President's Super Star Award" to the employee (see Section 07.04 for procedures for presenting awards and benefits). Any of the following criteria may apply to assist the president in reachinga decision:

1)employee brought significant recognition to Texas State through his or her professional endeavors;

2)employee made innovative contributions to the university; or

3)employee demonstrated the "something extra" beyond his or her own job.


07.01Staff Employee of the Month:

a.The Staff Employee of the Month will receive $500 cash (less taxes) and a framed certificate signed by the Texas State president and the appropriate vice president, and presented by the vice president with supervisory staff present. A photographer from University Marketing will photograph the presentation. The university will display a collage of the photographs on the fifth floor of the J. C. Kellam building.

b.The university will give the selected employee administrative leave to take a day off from work. The employee should coordinate the choice of day with his or her immediate supervisor.

c.Each month, the Human Resources Bulletin will recognize the selected employee as the Staff Employee of the Month.

07.02Staff Employee of the Year:

a.The president will host an annual luncheon in August to honor the previous 12Staff Employees of the Month as well as past recipients of the Employee of the Year award (still at Texas State). Each of the 12Staff Employees of the Monthrecipientsmay bring a guest.

b.The president will announce the Staff Employee of the Year at the annual luncheon in August and at the fall convocation.

c.The Staff Employee of the Year will receive an engraved plaque, $3,000 cash (less taxes), and a designated parking space close to the employee's office for the fiscal year.

d.An article in the university Human Resources Bulletin will recognize the person selected as the Staff Employee of the Year. The university will display a collage of the photographs on the fifth floor of the J. C. Kellam building.

07.03Texas State Quarterly Team Recognition:

a.The appropriate vice president will recognize the team selected at a reception held quarterly (March, June, September, and December). The university will make available a maximum of $150.00 per team per reception. The vice president will determine the type of reception, and a photographer from University Marketing will photograph the presentation.

b.State law permits use of state funds for awards for professional achievement or other outstanding service if purchased through the General Services Commission, the cost of which shall not exceed $50.00 per employee (i.e., lapel pins, coffee cups, key rings, tee shirts, etc.). The Staff Employee Recognition Committee will select which award to present to each of the team members.

c.Each member of the selected team will receive a certificate signed by the selection committee’s chair and the appropriate vice president.

d.The selected employees will receive administrative leave to take a day off from work, which the employees should coordinate with their immediate supervisor.

e.The Human Resources Bulletin will recognize all teams nominated.

f.The university will display a collage of the photographs on the fifth floor of the J. C. Kellam building.

07.04 President's Super Star:

The vice president (who forwarded the memo or letter to the president) will present a Texas State Super Star coffee cup, with no prior notice, to the honoree. The vice president will present the award briefly and informally before the recipient’s closest colleagues, at department meetings, or during an unscheduled visit to the recipient in his or her office. The vice president will copy the memo or letter sent to the president to the Human Resources office for inclusion in the Human Resources Bulletin.


08.01Reviewers of this UPPS include the following:


Associate Vice President forJune 1 E5Y

Finance & Support Services Planning

Chair, Staff CouncilJune 1 E5Y


This UPPS has been approved by the following individuals in their official capacities and represents Texas State policy and procedure from the date of this document until superseded.

Associate Vice President for Finance and Support Services Planning; senior reviewer of this UPPS

Vice President for Finance and Support Services
