Redwood Middle School2016-2017

Mr. Cook,English 8H Course Outline

Dear Parent or Guardian,

I am excited to have your student in my English 8 Honors class this year. The curriculum for this class promises to be both stimulating and challenging with a full schedule of learning opportunities in Language Arts. Designed to prepare students for a smooth transition into high school English next year, this course reinforces and extends language arts skills introduced at the seventh grade level. Units will explore related ideas in major literary forms through a sequence of instructional activities in reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Students will be expected to fully participate in all discussions and class assignments. The purpose of an honors course is not to demand a significant increase in work from students, but rather, to challenge them to achieve at a higher level of sophistication, complexity and maturity and to exhibit consistently excellent work.

Homework is posted daily on my website which you may access by going to RedwoodMiddle School’s website and clicking on the Staff/Teacherstab at the top of the homepage. Please know that your involvement and participation in the educational process is vital to your student’s success. Your comments and feedback are always welcome. I encourage you to call or email me if you have any questions or concerns about this class or would like to discuss your student’s progress. Together we can make a positive difference in your student’s life.I look forward to meeting you at Back-to-School Night.


James Cook


  • General – Studentswill analyze and respond in a variety of written forms to short stories, novels, dramas, essays, poetry, and informational texts while identifying the authors’ purpose, style, and use of literary devices. In response to the literature, students will producea variety ofpapers including paragraphs and essays in order to sharpen their own critical thinking skills and improve their articulation of complex ideas presented. Along with expository writing, students will learn to create narrative and poetic compositions. Use of technology will also be emphasized throughout the year in various forms. Students are encouraged to copy daily assignments from the board into their new school agenda books.
  • Literature – Literary Units studied this year will includeNarrative Form, Literary Analysis, Research and Documentation, Informational Text, Poetry, and Speech. Major Literary selections will include “Flowers for Algernon,” The Outsiders, “A Tell-tale Heart,” The Diary of Anne Frank, Nightand many other selections from the Holt 8th grade Literature Language Arts anthology.
  • Journals – students will write responses to quotes and literary prompts on a weekly basis which are to be kept in a folder. Each response must be a minimum of ½ page in length. These will be later submitted as a stapled packet one week before the end of each trimester.
  • Vocabulary– a new list will be assigned approximately each week with quizzes on Friday.
  • Grammar–Usage and mechanics including punctuation, syntax, structure, and spelling will be studied from the Holt handbook in conjunction with literary selections found in the reading textbook.
  • Writing– Students will use the writing process (prewriting, rough draft, revision, editing, and publishing) as outlined in the Holt textbook. All steps must be kept and turned in for final credit. Essays of varying lengths will be assigned in the areas ofsummary, argument, response to literature, and persuasive research. Students will also write other short responses including paragraphs, journals, letters, articles, and poetry.
  • Research – Students will research various topics for the purpose of writing papers and will utilize the MLA style for source citation.
  • Individual Reading Program (IRB)– Students are required to read from their own selections throughout the year. All selections must be a minimum of 200 pages in length and written at or above an 8th grade reading level with teacher approval. Students will be assigned various genres to read throughout the year. A book report or related creative project will be required approximately every 5-6 weeks.


Students will receive a literature book and grammar handbook to keep at home. A class set of books will be used for daily lessons. Students should come to class prepared with individual reading book, loose-leaf college-ruled paper, pens, pencils, a highlighter,a 3-ringnotebook with subject dividers, and pocketsor folders for collecting journal entries and worksheets. I do not require a spiral-bound notebook.

Academic Honesty

Academic Dishonesty is defined in the CVUSD discipline policy and Procedures manual as “a deliberate attempt to disrupt the learning process by misrepresenting another’s work as one’s own.” This not only includes plagiarism of any kind, but also unauthorized communication or sharing of answers to other students during a test. Unless otherwise instructed, students are expected to turn in work which reflects their own unique ideas and original expression. Academic Dishonesty will result in a zero grade on the assignment or test and a referral to the office along with appropriate administrative action.

Homework Policy

Assignments must be submitted by the due date in order to receive full credit. Assignments may be turned in one day late for half credit except for literary questions which are graded the following day in class whichmay NOT be turned in late for credit. A student has the same number of days he or she is absent to make up missed homework, provided the absence is excused (Check my website if absent).


Each assignment and test is worth a set number of points determined by its level of difficulty and importance. Total points during the trimester are then averaged to determine the student’s final grade. Daily participation is also recorded and considered in final grades. Report cards are issued three times a year posting cumulative grades at the end of each trimester. You may track your student’s grades by accessing the ParentConnect program on the district’s Q website. Grades are determined on a standard grading scale:

97-100 = A+87-89 = B+77-79 = C+67-69 = D+0-59 = F

93-96 = A83-86 = B73-76 = C63-66 = D

90-92 = A-80-82 = B-70-72 = C-60-62 = D-


Criteria for citizenship and work habits grades as noted in the Redwood Student Handbook.

Student Behavior

  • Students are expected to be in their seats by the final bell or will be marked tardy.
  • Students are to raise their hands for permission to speak or leave their seats.
  • Students are to follow the dress code as outlined in the student manual.
  • Students are to be respectful and courteous to all others.
  • Students must come prepared for class with notebook, paper, pen, pencil, textbook, and homework.
  • Students will refrain from using profanity or displaying boisterous or negative conduct.
  • Students are given two free bathroom passes per trimester. Additional passes “cost” students 10 minutes after school or during lunch.
  • Consequences for improper behavior include verbal warning, lowered citizenship grade, parent contact, loss of student privileges, referral, and administrative action.

Attendance Policy

Please review the pages in your student’s Agenda handbook that lists the disciplinary actions for Tardies and Truancies.

Contact Me

Monitoring your student’s progress is essential throughout the year.

  • Visit my Homework Website at:
  • Check student’s grades on Q at
  • Phone: (805) 497-7264 ext. 1132
  • Email:

Return this signed agreement form below and keep the Syllabus for your records.

We have read and discussed the information outlined in Mr. Cook’s English Class syllabus.

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Parent/Guardian (Print) ______(Sign) ______

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