October 16, 2012
Jo Thompson (President) / Carolynn Browton / Roberta RiddGemma Goss (Vice President) / Krista Dempster / Koree Rogers
Lisa Tallon (Secretary) / Amanda Giasson / Miyuki Shinkai
Tobi Tonis (Secretary) / Kathy Elson / Andera Stinson
Bob McCubbin (Principal) / Marnie Marshall / Mina Takahashi
Betty Baxter (SD46 Rep.) / Jay Page
CALL TO ORDER:Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm.
VISITORS INTRODUCED:Betty Baxter, SD46 School Board Trustee/LES Liaison
APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: The agenda was approved as circulated
CORRESPONDENCE: No correspondence received by PAC during this period.
Halloween Costumes – The PAC & School asks that any costume that includes any form of prop that can be perceived as a weapon be used at School for the Costume Parade ONLYand otherwise be kept in classrooms during recess & lunch time.
1)LES will proceed to renew its registration as a PAC at a fee of $75.00.
2)Volleyball Camp with Jan Ritchieis currently in progress on Mondays & Wednesdays for all classes Primary (4 @ 30 Minute Sessions) and Intermediate (4 @ 1 Hour Sessions). Sponsored by the PAC.
3)LES has received this year’s Gaming Grant at an estimated $1080.00.
4)Each Division is to receive $350.00 from PAC towards annual Classroom expenditures.
1)District Staff have been in attendance at LES over the last two months and an overwhelming positive response has been expressed on the tone in our school. The wonderful, helpful nature of our students working together has been observed and commented on.
2)The staff at LES has come up with a wish list of items that would be beneficial and helpful in and around the school. The PAC is to consider supporting or fundraising for these items. In no particular order some of those items are: FM Systems for teacher to help with better communications, CD’s and storybooks, Increasing the classroom library selections, Classroom Cameras, Color Printers, Money honorariums for artists, scientists, and speakers for reading/writing.
3)The Playground Committee will try to meet next week to discuss plans for the development of our future new playground areas. Tentative Date: Tuesday October 23, 2012. Committee members will be contacted to confirm time & location.
4)Halloween Pumpkin Carving at LES will commence on Tuesday October 30, 2012. Students are asked to bring in their own Pumpkin for the event. Please be considerate of the size to allow for reasonable transportand time for carving.
Betty Baxter was present and shared some updates with our school from the District:
1)The District has launched a new program called “Coast Reads”, headed up by the SSC Literary Council, Teacher Librarians, andsenior English Teachers on the Coast promoting student reading. This program is geared towards Grade 6 to 10’s providing 12 copies of 8 different books in our schools. The challengeis to have these books readby as many students as possible, with fun prize winning opportunities for those who are “caught reading” and opportunities to attend book readings at participating schools by some of the Authors. October 22nd, 2012 is the launch date called “D,E.A.R. DAY” (“Drop Everything and Read” Day). For more information please visit:
2)The District would also like to increase awareness regarding the usage of our school facilities here on the Sunshine Coast. Our school buildings and grounds are available to all members of the community for rent for any number of events. Please feel free to contact your school for any dates or inquiries about bookings.
3)The Progress Plan is an initiative of community planning to improve the economic well-being of women on the Sunshine Coast. It is in its initial stages and will be discussed in greater detail at the next DPAC meeting on October 30, 2012. We encourage all women to learn more about this initiative at this meeting and to go on-line at and complete their survey.The goal will be to write a plan to identify funding priority projects in order to receive a 3-year grant.
GAMING ACCOUNT:$ 1,508.00 (approximately)
BUDGET:$18,832.00 (approximately)
DPAC REPORT: District Parent Advisory Committee (DPAC) report.
The next DPAC Meeting will be October 30th, 2012 @ Chatelech Secondary School in the Library (5904 Cowrie Street, Sechelt).Come @ 6:15pm for Pizza and Meeting to Start @ 7:00pm.
LNLS REPORT: Langdale Neighbourhood Learning Society (LNLS) report.
LNLS is currently working with Gibson’s and Elphinstone Community School on ways to support Langdale such as providing administrative support for the KidZone. More information will come.
Breakfast Program:
- Available daily at LES.
- We ask if any parents are able to continue to bake & donate healthy muffins for this program please bring them into the office and they will be stored in the freezer for this program. It is much appreciated.
Hot Lunch/Pizza Program:
- Hot lunch is offered every Friday at LES.
- We have a new system for monthly pre-orders, which seems to be taking shape. Please remember to send your student with appropriate utensils & cups on the days they receive hot lunch.
“KidZone” - After School Child Care Program:
- Afterschool care is offered at LES (Mondays to Fridays 2:35-5:50pm)
- Melissa Thompson, Manager, Cell: 604-993-0400, Email:
- As mentioned earlier, some changes are being made with regards to the administration of this program. More information will be coming shortly.
“FamilyZone” – StrongStart Program (0-5 year olds):
- Strongstart & Wonderwheels Bus is offered at LES on Fridays (9:00-11:00am) in the Multi-Purpose Room
- Facilitated by SD46 Early Childhood Educator: Lauri Paul
- This month the Program highlights included a Thanksgiving Potluck Party and to come a Halloween Costume Party on October 26, 2012.
Family Night Sports Night:
- Pending until the New Year.
Glee Club:
- Is up and running for this year with great interest and enthusiasm from the students at LES.
- The students involved in the Glee Club are eagerly pursuing Fundraising options to support the program.
- The program is mentored by Gemma Goss, Maggie Scott, Lisa Tallon and Dara Wyton.
Recycling/Sustainability Program:
- Students & Staff at LES have been conscious in keeping our environment green by shared efforts in our recycling/sustainability program.
Langdale Leadership Club:
- The student council is continuing this year and is organized by the staff at LES.
Grocery tape challenge:
- The Grocery tape challenge is underway and we ask parents & students to continue to bring in your receipts from SuperValue & IGA to your students classroom collection boxes.
Book Fair:
- Scheduled for the early dismissal days in November 2012. If you are interested in helping out with the event please let the PAC know.
Popcorn Day:
- Is on Wednesdays at LES. With 50 pre-paid students enrolled.
Spring Fair:
- Volunteers & events to be organized closer to the date: May 2012.
LES Planning:
- TBA - School Growth Planning is being organized by PAC members through a circulated list.
NEXT MEETINGTuesday, November 20, 2012 at 7:00pm
Multi-Purpose Room @ LES