/ International Civil Aviation OrganizationWORKING PAPER / ACP-WGW04/WP-05
Fourth Meeting of the Working Group of the Whole
Montreal, Canada 14 – 16September 2011
Agenda Item 02: / Future Communications Infrastructure, progress update and recommendations.ATN SARPs
Proposed modifications to support future implementations of ATN/IPS standards in the ATN
(Presented by the Secretary)
SUMMARYThis paper presents a proposal to amend Annex 10, Volume III, Chapter III with the view to modify the ATNSARPs based on the ISO/OSI standards into a Recommended Practice
The meeting is invited to agree to the modification proposed in paragraph 2 of this paper. Action by the meeting is in paragraph 3
1.1In recent years implementation of ATN SARPs using the Internet society (ISOC) standards for the Internet Protocol Suite (IPS) has surpassed the implementation of the ATN/OSI standards. Future plans are to develop the ATN (ground/ground) as a full ATN/IPS network. Legacy ATN/OSI implementations in the ground/ground network are expected to be replaced with those defined in the ATN/IPS SARPs.
1.2SARPs for the ATN currently provide for implementation of ATN/OSI and ATN/IPOS SARPs. In the light of the near completion of implementation of the ATN based on the ATN/IPS SARPs and guidance material, new implementations of the ATN/OSI SARPs in the ATN should be discouraged. These developments should be reflected in the ATN SARPs.
2.1 In the light of these developments, it is proposed to amend Annex 10 to:
- Keep the Standard for the ATN/IPS SARPs
- Modify the current ATN/OSI Standard into a Recommended Practice.
2.2A Standard in Annex 10 is defined as:
Any specification for physical characteristics, configuration, matériel, performance, personnel or procedure, the uniform application of which is recognized as necessary for the safety or regularity of international air navigation and to which Contracting States will conform in accordance with the Convention; in the event of impossibility of compliance, notification to the Council is compulsory under Article 38.
A Recommended Practice in Annex 10 is defined as:
Any specification for physical characteristics, configuration, matériel, performance, personnel or procedure, the uniform application of which is recognized as desirable in the interest of safety, regularity or efficiency of international air navigation, and to which Contracting States will endeavour to conform in accordance with the Convention.
Modifying the current Standard for the ATN/OSI does not debar States from implementing ATN/OSI SARPs nor continuing any current implementation of the provisions for the ATN/OSI.
2.2It is proposed to amend the provisions of Annex 10, Volume III, Part I, paragraph 3.4.1 as follows:
3.4.1The ATN shall use the Internet Society (ISOC) communications standards for the Internet Protocol Suite (IPS).
3.4.1bis: The ATN may use the Intenational Organization for Standardization (ISO) communication standards for open systems interconnection (OSI).
Note 1.— Interoperability between interconnecting OSI/IPS networks is to be arranged prior to implementation.
Note 2.— Guidance material on interoperability between ATN/OSI and ATN/IPS is contained in Doc 9896.
Note 3. – The implementation of ATN/IPS or ATN/OSI standards in air/ground sub-networks (VDL Mode 2, VDL Mode 3 and VDL Mode 4 is contained in Chapter 6 and for the SSR-Mode S data link in Chapter 5
3.Action by the meeting:
The meeting is invited:
- To agree on the proposed amendment to Annex 10.
- To bring the proposed amendment to the attention of the Panel for approval.
Note: Panel members are invited at the upcoming ACP Working Group of the Whole meeting in September 2011 to submit any material relevant to the proposed amendment. The ACP/WGW may consider agreeing to the amendment proposal or, in the light of received comments, referring the proposal back to WG I and/or WG M.