Family Movie Daily Way Sheet Jan. 9, 2016NAME:______

This Daily Way can done as a family discusion or answers can be written on a different sheet of paper. If your child brings back with answers on a different sheet or this one signed by parent saying there was a family discusion done, then they will get a credit for one daily way turned in for the Daily Way Challenge for this series.

Have any questions please just ask. Thank you and hope that you and your family enjoyed our family movie night.

We learned that it can be easy to let our emotions run wild and sometimes even get out of control. This can be just like when Satan plays off our emotions (feelings) and try to get us to the wrong things when we know what is right and wrong. Which might cause us to act out or have the freedom to say whatever we want.

1) In the movie, Inside Out, God and Satan don’t have roles in Riley’s life or do they?

2) In Riley’s mind she has a control room where her emotion seem to run things. What role might God play in your control room? Should Jesus just be another character fighting for the controls against your other emotions? Or should God be the one in charge of the control room and the other emotions?

3) What are some of the “Lands” that are your “core memories” that have been created inside of you? Which ones do you hope that will stick around most of your life?

4) Out of all the emotions in this movie what one do you think has created the most memories inside of you?

5) What are you islands that make you who you are? Do you have one that is crumbling? Also, do you have one that might be changing?

For Younger kids

1) What types of things made Riley happy? What makes you happy?

2) What made her sad or angry? Were some of the things that made her feel this way actually good for her?

3) Can we be happy all the time? Why or why not? Can we be joyful all the time? Why or why not?

4) In this story, Riley did not know Jesus. How could Jesus have helped her when she was sad, argry, or afraid? What coulde Riley have done differently if she had known about Jesus?

5) Share about a time when Jesus helped you when you had feelings like Riley.

Bible Verse Challenge—on February 7th, 2016 from

Deuteronomy 6: 5

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.”

Don’t forget the Daily Way Sheet Challenge:


Challenge: 4 of the 5 daily way sheets turned in by Feb. 7th.

ONLY from this series

Day: Feb. 7th, from 10:15 – 10:45 ONLY