Functional Area: Accounts Payable / Execute Check Issuance File
Use this procedure to send an issue file to the bank.
Perform this procedure when an issue file needs to be sent to the bank.
Checks must have been issued (recorded) in SAP via transaction F110 or manual check recording (transaction FCH5).
Menu Path
There is no menu path for this transaction.
Transaction Code
Business Process Information
The Accounts Payable Office will run check runs on a daily basis via SAP transaction F110. In addition to printing and issuing checks from SAP it is necessary for us to communicate this daily information to the bank due to our positive pay agreement. The positive pay agreement enforces that the bank will not cash a check that we have not verified we’ve issued via an issue file.
The issue file not only contains check issue information but it also communicates specific check void information. Void check information must be communicated to the bank via check issue file if the void transaction has not already been sent to the bank (i.e. online stop payment transactions). The check void information that is sent to the bank is controlled by the void reason. The check issuance file will contain issued check and specific void reasons. After the file has been sent to the bank, a system generated e-mail notification is sent to designated personnel at: Accounts Payable Department, Treasury Department and Bank.
Helpful Hints
- The R/O/C column in the field description tables below defines whether the field is required (R), optional (O), or conditional (C).
- On certain screens you may have to scroll to view some data entry fields.
- Enter this transaction code in your Favorites menu.
- Click to store reporting variants.
Work Instruction
Functional Area: Accounts Payable / Execute Check Issuance File
1. / Start the transaction using the menu path or transaction code.
Check Extract Creation
2. / As required, complete/review the following fields:
Field / R/O/C / Description
Paying company code / Required / Company code that will be issuing the payment to the vendor
House bank / Required / Identification for an organization's particular cash account with a financial institution. All information regarding the account is determined using this key.
Currency / Required / Monetary unit; The currency of the entity processing transactions
3. / Deselect to the left of Payroll checks.
/ This is the default setting.
/ The Accounts Payable operation is only concerned with checks issued vendor checks.
4. / Perform one of the following:
If You Want To / Then
Select all checks not selected / Select to the left of Checks not extracted.
This will be the primary option selected
Select checks from a specific payment run / Select to the left of Checks from payment run.
Select checks from a specific extract / Select to the left of Checks from an extract.
Select checks based on selection criteria identified by the user (in section below) / Select to the left of All checks according to further selection criteria.
5. / As required, complete/review the following fields:
Field / R/O/C / Description
Account ID / Optional / Bank account number
Check number / Optional / Identifying number on a check
Amount paid / Optional / Indicates the value of the line item (in specified currency) of an accounting document
Date of lssue / Optional / Date of issue listed on the payment transfer medium
Creation Date / Optional / Date input session was created
Payment Method / Optional / Code identifying the method by which the customer will pay for the order, using the automatic payment transactions
Void reason code / Required / Code identifying an explanation why a check was voided
04 – Check in Hand / Re-issue Payment
The following void reasons should be selected: 04, 05, 06, 07
Name of File / Optional / Location of data element file on your desktop
Specify the file path, the program will assign the file name CheckIssueFile_MMDDYYY
Layout / Optional / Name of the layout that impacts how planning information is presented by the transaction using it
6. / Perform one of the following:
If You Want To / Then
Create a payment summary / Select to the left of Create payment summary.
When this is selected the check register report is started in order to create a payment summary. This selects the records from the current extract creation and generates an output list. To be able to select the checks, the extract date and extract time must have been entered correctly. For this reason, a database update has to be carried out.
Update the system database (check register) with the extract date / Select to the left of Creation with database update.
This option must be selected so that the check information is sent only once.
7. / Click .
Check Extract Creation (2)
8. / Click until you return to the SAP Easy Access screen.
/ The system displays the message, "XXXX checks were written in the file/interfaces/output/pnc/tobeprocessesd/checkissuefile_XXXX."
9. / You have completed this transaction.
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Work Instruction
Functional Area: Accounts Payable / Execute Check Issuance File
You have executed the check issue file.
Ver: / 07_AP_ZFCHX_ExecuteCheckIssuanceFile_0_CheckManagement_01.udc
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