Aldridge State High School

Visual Art Department

Year 9

TASK: / Digital Image and Visual diary

TASK: Create an artwork based on a photo-shopped digital ‘selfie’. Your visual diary will need to include evidence of your design development.


A / B / C / D / E
Literacy / Researches, develops and resolves artworks, showing a personal aesthetic. / Researches, develops and resolves artworks, showing an aesthetic understanding. / Researches, develops and resolves artworks. / Researches and develops artworks. / Copies ideas and information.
Defines and solves complex problems. / Defines and solves problems. / Solves problems. / Solves some problems. / Explores simple problems.
Uses visual language to effectively communicate meaning. / Uses visual language to communicate meaning. / Uses visual language to reproduce meaning. / Uses images and contexts. / Uses images.
A / B / C / D / E
Application / Applies knowledge and understanding when selecting and manipulating materials, processes and functions. / Applies knowledge and understanding when selecting and exploring materials, processes and functions. / Applies knowledge when selecting and using materials, processes and functions. / Selects materials and uses processes and functions. / Uses materials and processes.




Aldridge State High School

Visual Art Department



YOUR NAME:______



Visual Diary Requirements:

1.  Title Page

a.  Make a title page with the heading the “SELFIE”

2.  Task Sheet

a.  Write the heading ‘Task Sheet’ at the top of this page.

b.  Glue your task sheet into your diary.

3.  Research Images

a.  Write the heading ‘Research ‘

4.  Write a heading ‘Developmental Designs’ at the top of each page for this section.

a.  Developmental Design 1’

b.  Developmental Design 2’

c.  Developmental Design 4’

d.  Developmental Design 5’

e.  Developmental Design 6’

f.  Developmental Design 7’

g.  Developmental Design 8’

h.  Developmental Design 9’

i.  Developmental Design 10’

j.  Each drawing should fill the A4 page.

k.  Circle your favorite sketch.

5.  Resolved Design

a.  Write a heading ‘Resolved Design’ at the top of the page for this section.

b.  Experiment with 10 images developmental designs

c.  Use drawing skills to produce a resolved artwork

6.  Procedure List

a.  Write a heading ‘Procedure’ at the top of the page for this section.

b.  Write a step by step list of how you are going to make your artwork from start to finish.

c.  Make sure you write it using capital letters, full stops and complete sentences.

7.  Rationale

a.  Write a heading “Rationale” at the top of the page for this section.

o  Write a 250 word paragraph about the task you have just completed.

Rationale/ Commentary

·  Write a 250 word paragraph about the task you have just completed.

·  Use the following prompts to assist you with your writing:

1.  Task

i. The set task required me to……

ii.  I decided to Photograph a …….

2.  Research Images

i. The selfie I selected to transform looked like …..

ii.  I decided to pick these images because……

iii.  The research pictures inspired my developmental designs because….

3.  Developmental Designs

i. The selfie I photographed was of my……

ii.  They were strong tonal value/colour because…

iii.  They manipulated the images into……because…

4.  Resolved Design

i. My final design was……

ii.  I selected this selfie as….

5.  Procedure

i. I made my artwork by ……

ii.  The first thing I made was the…..

iii.  Then I made the…..

iv.  Next came the….

v.  Lastly I used ……on the….

6.  Evaluation

i. I feel I have/haven’t been successful in this task.

ii.  I feel this way because….

iii.  The most successful part of the digital image is…

iv.  The main problem I faced was….

v.  I overcame this problem by…