Lesson Element

Unit 17: Food Technology

LO3: Understand the importance of quality control in food manufacture

Sensory sampling of own label products

Instructions and answers for tutors

These instructions cover the learner activity section which can be found on page 4. This Lesson Element supports Cambridge Technicals Level 3 in Laboratory Skills.

When distributing the activity section to the learners either as a printed copy or as a Word file you will need to remove the tutor instructions section.

The activity

In this Lesson Element the learners are tasked with completing a sensory sampling of own label retail multiple (supermarket) shortbread

Suggested timings

30 minutes

Version 11© OCR 2016

Activity 1

NB Please ask learners to disclose any known allergens or intolerances they may have before conducting any sensory evaluation activities.

Learners could consider or discuss product quality and attributes by completing a sensory sampling activity of retail multiple own label products. Tutors could provide a blind testing (without any packaging) of a range of three of more different types of shortbread to present an opportunity to utilise sensory skills and to compare aesthetic information. Use alphabetical labelling (A, B or C) to allow learners to identify each product. Please ensure that water is available to palate cleanse between each sample.

Samples could include

  1. Value range product.
  2. Standard range product.
  3. High value product (authentic Scottish).

These can be from the same retail multiple (if you wish to focus more on price comparisons) or from across multiples (if you want to test perceptions of quality verses retailers) e.g. Aldi basic range, Sainsbury’s standard range and Coop Truly Irresistible range.

Instructions for the learner

Sample each product in order provided to ensure that you have not eaten your sample before finishing all sensory tests. Have a drink of water between each sample to clear your palate. Grade each product between 1 and 3 with 1 being your favourite and 3 being your least favourite, provide comments as to why you have made your choices.

Taste Panel
Product / A / B / C / Comments (Suggested brand, price, niche market)
Appearance / 2 / 1 / 3 / C looks really nice, lots of sugar on top, perhaps M+S
Texture / 2 / 1 / 3 / B was really crumbly, wouldn’t be able to dunk it in tea
Aroma / 2 / 1 / 3 / C smelt lovely, really buttery, Waitose?
Colour / 2 / 1 / 3 / C was not as well cooked as B, but B was a bit too pale
Taste / 1 / 3 / 2 / B actually tasted better, more homemade taste
Total score
(describe your perceptions e.g sweet, crunchy, powdery, dry, soft) / 9 / 7 / 14 / A was = hard, dry not very tasty
B was =Tasted better than the others , a bit sweeter
C was =Looked better, smelt buttery

Percentage of individuals preferring samples: (score /total score x 100 the round up or down)

A = 30% / B = 23% / C = 47%

Learners should record their own results before facilitating collection of results from the group. Learners could calculate the percentage of individuals choosing each sample of their preferred product.

Other products can be used in replacement of shortbread with adaption of Taste Panel table.

Version 11© OCR 2016

Lesson Element

Unit 17: Food Technology

LO3: Understand the importance of quality control in food manufacture

Learner Activity

Sensory sampling of own label products

You are tasked with completing a sensory sampling of own label retail multiple (supermarket) shortbread.

Version 11 © OCR 2016

Activity 1

NB Please disclose any known allergens or intolerances you may have to your tutor before conducting any sensory evaluation activities.

Think about product quality and attributes of shortbread and look at the Taste Panel table below.

Taste Panel
Product / A / B / C / Comments (Suggested brand, price, niche market)
Total score
(describe your perceptions e.g sweet, crunchy, powdery, dry, soft)

Percentage of individuals preferring samples: (score /total score x 100 the round up or down)

A = % / B = % / C = %

You will carry out a blind testing (without knowledge of who has sold it) of three different shortbread products using their letters (A, B or C) to identify them on your shortbread Taste Panel table.

Sample each product in order provided to ensure that you have not eaten your sample before finishing all sensory tests. Have a drink of water between each sample to clear your palate. Grade each product between 1 and 3 with 1 being your favourite and 3 being your least favourite, provide comments as to why you have made your choices.

Record your own results. Your tutor will then collect the results for the group.

Then calculate the percentage of individuals choosing each sample of their preferred product. Your tutor can help you with this if you are unsure how to calculate a percentage.

Version 11© OCR 2016