THE ART OF INVITING involves excitement, intrigue, compelling & positive phrases, and a relaxed intensity. What are you saying asyou invite those you care about to hear 5 minutes of information from a friend (inviting to a 3-way conference call)? What are you sayingas you inviteothers to attend alive Conference call (or a livecompany overview on line)? Here are EXCELLENT examples!

Special catch phrases to piqueinterest!!!

**Something amazing has come our way and we want you to see it as soon as possible, when do you have 5 minutes for a conference call?

**I want your opinion on something that is so intriguing; I don’t want you to miss it.

**We have been introduced to a company that is moving so fast that it warrants a look by everyone we love/care about and respect.

**I have found something very special and I’d like to show it to you as soon as possible, when is better, Tuesday or Thursday night at 7pm?

**The most incredible thing has fallen into our lap; let’s have lunch as soon as possible.

We admire and respect you both and would love you to be part of the best thing that has happened to us in a very long time.

We have always admired your business sense and would like you to come to the house for support on our new business; we will be financially free in 3 more months.

When was the last time you saw something so great that you knew you needed to be a part of it?

You mean so much to us and we don’t want you to miss the boat on this thing, it is too special.

In 3 months we will not ever have to worry about money again, when do you have 5 minutes to do a call with us and a friend who is going faster than us?

There is a phenomenon happening that has changed our financial future forever.

In four months I was able to change my best friend’s life, he is now at the point where he doesn’t have to practice chiropractic any more.

Imagine helping your friends and family achieve financial freedom in a matter of one year.

There is so much potential for financial freedom when you can catch a company going from small to big at a rapid pace. The secret is to get in at the beginning.

You know that timing is critical in business, we have found something huge with impeccable timing.

If you had all of the money and all of the time you needed, who would you be and what would you do?

I never thought I would find something that has changed my life as quickly and dramatically as this has…,… when can you take 5 minutes to hear about it? or … when can you take some time to look at it with me?

I know you trust me; I want your opinion on something with so much power and so much potential that I feel obligated to show it to you.

Be the Best Inviter by using the

Compliment (I’ve always admired you because… I respect your opinion & thought of you because…)

Create Curiosity It’s best to create curiosity based on your friends needs (you will learn their needs by asking them about F.O.R.
F = Family needs, O = Occupation needs, R = Recreational needs)

I’ve been thinking a lot about how you said your business is slow because of the economy. I think I’ve found a solution for you that’s recession proof. When do you have 5 minutes to hear about it?

Or… You shared with me that you wished you could spend more time with your kids and vacation more often. I never forgot that. I recently found a way for you and I to do those things. Do you have 5 minutes to hear about it?

Or use any of the above “special catch phrases to peak interest”

Control YourselfShhhh. Say no more. Allowing your 3-way partner to deliver the 5 minute ADNmessage will keep you from “throwing up” on your friend. Allowing your friend to receive all the info at the event keeps you in the “friend” role. Remain their friend; someone who is paying it forward. If you go into “presentation mode” you run the risk of appearing to have an agenda and, in the end, if you deliver the message there’s no need for them to hear it from the 3-way partner, and there’s no need for them to attend a live event or see it on-line. We recommend keeping yourself out of the equation. It’s perfect when you keep an air of mystery. Be the smiling cat with the canary in its mouth. They will be dying to HEAR and SEE what you’ve got!

Commitment I’m on my way out right now so let’s talk for 5 minutes tomorrow. Should I call you at noon or would 6p be better? (Shhhh. When you ask a question be silent and listen for their answer) Great, talk to you then. Bye, Bye.

Guess what that just accomplished??? They are now dying to know what you’re going to share with them tomorrow and they are wondering how it’s going to help them! They're going to be thinking about itthey'll be anticipating yourcall all day long.

EXCELLENT JOB! You just scheduled a 5 minute 3-way call for tomorrow at 6p. Now call your up line and let them know and ask them to be your 3 way partner at 6p tomorrow.

WHY 3way Conference call?It’s best if your guest has their 1st exposure to the VEMMA via a 5 minute professional 3-way conference call. As they listen to someone who works with Source who'ssharing 5 minutes of exciting info about the product, they will be excited! The 3way partner will then invite your friend to a live event or an on-line event to get all the details; the live/on-line event is their 2nd exposure. Then, after they’ve seen the details on-line you will want to schedule a 3rd conference call , a 3rd exposure, to occur directly after they’ve heard the conference call, where “between the two of you, you’re sure you’ll be able to answer their questions”. If you are attending a live event with your friend at the conclusion of the overview, walk them over to a team member who can answer their questions & invite them onto your team (this is a 3rd exposure).

Statistically, someone who’s had 3 exposures is ready to say yes and join. Someone who has not had a 3way conference call may need to research & may require more information before making a decision.

Here’s to your Rockets of Desire!!!