MARCH 11, 2015
Call to order by President Rauschenberger at 7:03 pm
- New Meeting Format – committee reports will now be handed out in summary form, suggestion box will be passed out with membership encouraged to submit ideas, focused topics each meeting
- School Parking / Traffic Issues
- PTA, police &school officials met to discuss parking & traffic issue
- Police conducted a study
- traffic patterns analyzed – issues included disobeying stop signs & speeding
- Parking issues - At Briarwood, there are over 180 cars a day & only 70 spots, mostly occupied by staff
- Police are proposing short term solutions
- Short term – “no parking” signs to allow flow of traffic including buses & emergency vehicles if need be
- 3 vehicles deep parking in the pit – no more than 3 cars
- Briarwood Road parking – is ok
- Tickets will be issued if rules not followed
- Safety is a goal
- Long term solutions – Police working with buildings crew (Phil Infantolino)
- Wetlands are throughout grounds – these areas must be assessed to determine if they are usable or unusable spaces
- Talks to move playground & make staff parking
- Long term solutions – large project so looking at summer 2016
- Opened discussion to membership
- Questions about changing busing system – this is a BOE issue
- Possibility of closing crosswalks other than crossing at Ms. Chapman
- Suggestion made to put information on facebook to reach community further than those in attendance.
- Emphasis on community cooperation, courtesy & education
- PARCC testing
- PARCC testing began week of 3/2 at RMS
- Students finishing tests within timeframe (less than 75 mins)
- Students maneuvering the click & drag skills with little difficulty
- RMS -6th grade – completed testing on 3/12, 7th & 8th grade on 3/13
- BKL -5th grade began week of 3/9, 4th grade beginning 3/16, 3rd grade 3/18
- Testing to be completed week of 3/23
- Grade 4 Modified block
- Hybrid block classes being introduced into the 4th grade starting fall 2015.
- 5th grade changes class every class, 3rd grade stays with one teacher, 4th grade will change in blocks
- 3 blocks – ELA, math and social studies / science. These 3 transitions all more specific training by teachers in their specialty area. Professional development will be focused
- This allows teachers to have less prep & more concentration & focus in a specific area. Rooms will already be set up & this cuts down time on preparing an activity
- Homeroom teachers remain point person, but conferences will be with all 3 teachers
- 4th grade team is on board
- Support teachers move with class
- Open Executive Board Positions for 2015-2016 school year
- There are 4 open positions for the executive board – treasurer, corresponding secretary, and both VP of Brooklake
- Current board members occupy these positions are available to answer questions about the positions
- If interested in submitting name, please contact Kelly Ewing at by 4/17. Nominating committee will meet the end of April or early May & then those chosen will be notified in May
- Nominating Committee Members Needed
- The nominating committee is comprised of 3 board members and 2 non board members
- The committee will meet late April or early May to discuss open positions & interested parties
- Most importantly, the process remains confidential
- Membership was asked for 2 interested volunteers – Kristen Fox & Lynn Kahn volunteered
- Survey Feedback
- Survey can be completed on line ( link is on the Florham Park PTA website) and changes are being made based on these suggestions
- Asking families & staff on input on how they would like to see PTA monies allocated
- Meet & greet – will be established for September 2015 to learn about organization
- Will be adding a couple of day time PTA meetings
- Streamlining communication system – to take burden off the class moms
- Discussion Forum / Suggestion Box – a suggestion bag was passed to all attendees to encourage suggestions for topics. No suggested were received. President Rauschenberger asked membership if they had anything further to discussed, all declined
Meeting adjourned at 7:58 pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Kelly Ewing
Recording Secretary