confirmed Minutes

PresentMr P Hume (Chair), Mr T Mears, Ms T Wright, Mr J Dawson, Ms A Williams,

ClerkMrs C Coupland

  1. Apologies for Absence/ Declaration of Interest

Apologies were received form Ms L Summers. There are no declarations of interests.

  1. Minutes from Meeting held on27th March 2014


That these be accepted as a correct record.

3.Matters arising

Student Union Constitution:

The Clerk advised the Committee that despite efforts of staff and the Student Union President – no students had expressed an interest in the vacant appointments of the Executive.

It was acknowledged by the Committee that previous members of the Student Executive had only been in post a short time and although generating some interest from students, it had proved not to be sufficient to solidify the future of the Student Union.

The committee reflected upon the number of other engagementopportunities available for students within the college which include college ambassadors, sports ambassadors, school mentors, library volunteers, safeguarding as well as equality and diversity representatives serving the colleges sub-groups. However members agreed that there still is a role for the Student Union in that it provides a clear communication channel between students, the Senior Leadership Team and the Corporation. Whereby the Student Executive can inform and in turn report back on the student voice in respect of local as well as national issues.

The Clerk confirmed that she and relevant staff members, including the Principal, have met to discuss and agree ways forward in securing and motivating year 12 students. It is hoped that by early targeting of students who have previosuly taken an interest in their school council and volunteered for school projects will be willing to invest their time in the Student Executive and the future of the Student Union.

The Committee asked to be kept informed of progress.

Membership Determination Report

The Clerk confirmed that letters had been sent to all Governors to advise them of changes made to their terms of office in order to bring membership expiry dates in line with the end of academic terms preceding / following the relevant anniversary (which ever was deemed to be the most appropriate).

  1. Governance Framework 2014/15.

Mr Hume reminded the committee that for the revised governance framework, to be implemented at the start of the new academic year, a number of corporate documents have had to be modified to accuratelyreflect the changes for how the Corporation and its Committees are to undertake its business from 2014/15.

Mr Hume advised members that amendments to the required documents have been recommended by the governance working party who met on 5th June 2014.

  1. Corporate calendar 2014/15.

Members noted that the draft calendar proposed dates for 8 corporation meetings for the next academic year. It was agreed for the Annual meeting for parents and students to take place after the Corporation meeting on 4th November 2014.

The Clerk acknowledged that she had worked to the existing times for meetings; 5pm for all committee meetings and 5.30pm start for Corporation meetings (preceded by departmental presentations from 5pm, as appropriate). It was agreed however that individual committees could, should they wish, review start times for their meetings – to continue to maximise governor attendance.


  • For the Corporate Calendar to be issued to all Governors.
  1. Standing Orders

The committee was advised that the amendments proposed to the Standing Orders ensured compliance with relevant legislation as well as the revised governance framework. It was agreedappropriate that meetings of the corporation andits committees shall be quorate if the number of members present is at least 40% of the total numberof governors in active membership, therefore excluding anyone on approved leave of absence (section 4.6).


  • For the Corporation to approve the revised Standing Orders.

iii)Scheme of Delegation.

Mr Hume reminded the Committee that the Scheme of Delegation identified who has the authority to take actions and make decisions on key college functions. Members’attention was drawn to the key changes proposed throughout the document which were agreed subject to minor amendments.

The policy approval route (appendix 2) was also reviewed by the Committee. Mr Hume explained that the colleges policy approval route was subject to annual review but that Eversheds, the Corporations governance advisors, had also issued a list of the most important polices and codes which sixth form colleges should have in place. This list distinguishes those policies which are mandatory from those which are highly recommended or desirable. Members were also reminded that under the Schedule 4 Further and Higher Education Act, corporations now have wide powers to delegate the approval of policies and procedures either to a committee or senior leadership. Members notedthat approval should not be so delegated where the policies concerned may affectthe educational character of the college, impinge upon the responsibility of the corporation to ensure solvency and to safeguard its assets. The proposed changes were therefore made in light of the above and are subject to corporation approval. The Committee also agreed it timely for the College and the Clerk to further review the policy list and determine whether all policies are indeed required. The outcome for each policy review will obviously inform next year’s revised policy approval route.

The Terms of reference for Committees (appendix 3) were reviewed in light of the new governance framework going forward. The proposed changes were subsequently approved. Members noted that the Audit Committee’s terms of reference continues to reflect accepted good practice for audit committees publicly funded organisations as required by the Joint Audit Code of Practice (part 2).


  • Forthe Corporation to approve the revised Scheme of delegation and its appendices.
  1. Clerks Report –Membership Determination and Succession Planning.

-External Governor vacancies and appointments

The Committee was advisedby the Clerk that at present the Corporation has 8 external governors, which is to reduce to 7by 10th July when an existing governor – Mr Uppal - is to retire. It was therefore resolved by the Corporation, in April 2014, for the Clerk to advertise vacancies with an intention to recruit up to 3 external governors, preferably from a financial or educational background to strengthen the skill set of existing members of the Corporation and its committees.

Mr Hume confirmed that Ms Priscilla McGuire had responded to the advert and duly interviewed on 20th June 2014. The Committee endorsed the interview panel’s recommendation for her appointment as an External Governor for 4 years and to serve on the Audit Committee at the start of the academic year.

Mr Hume also advised members that Ms Angela Thompson, currently serving as Parent Governor had requested to be considered for an External Governor Position at the start of the new academic year given that her term of office is to expire in December 2014. The Committee endorsed Ms Thompson’s application and Members also agreed to recommend to the Corporation that Ms Thompson is to be appointed as the Equality & Diversity Champion.

The Committee remained mindful that further external appointments are still required for the corporation’s membership to adhere to its Standing Orders. The Clerk was asked to resurrect the recruitment campaign in September 2014, with a view to recruiting at least one (preferably two) external governors by Christmas 2014.


To recommend to the Corporation for:

  • Ms Priscilla McGuire to be appointed as an External Governor in accordance with Instrument 2 (1) (a) for a term of office for four years as of 20th August 2014 and to be appointed as a member of the Audit Committee.
  • Ms Angela Thompson to be appointed as an External Governor in accordance with Instrument 2 (1) (a) for a term of office for four years as of 20th August 2014 and to be nominated as the Equality and Diversity Champion for the Corporation.
  • The Committee wished to record its thanks to Mr Navinder Uppal for his time served as an External Governor.

-Staff Governor Vacancy and appointment.

The Committee was informed that Ms Alison Osborne’s current term of office is to expire on 20th August 2014. Ms Osborne has requested to serve a further term of office of up to two years. The clerk confirmed that Ms Durrans and Ms Rogerson (both staff members) propose and second her nomination. All Staff have been given the opportunity to apply for the role of staff governor, to date no other nominations has been received. The closing date for nominations is noon on Friday 27th June 2014.

In the event that no other nominations are received, Ms Osborne’s continued appointment as Staff Governor shall need to be confirmed by the Corporation at its next meeting. Ms Osborne wishes to continue in her role as Student Governor Mentor.

  • Parent Governors.

The Committee noted that a recruitment campaign to appoint a new Parent Governor will need to take place in the Autumn Term given that Ms Morrison’s term of office as Parent Governor is to expire in December 2014.

Mr Hume confirmed that given the committee’s recommendation for Ms Thompson to be appointed as an External Governor at the start of the academic year – the planned transition to reduce parent governor membership from two representatives to one will be implemented as of 20th August 2014 rather than in December 2014 as originally intended under the revised governance framework.

-Committees Membership

The committee membership succession plan was considered by Governors; the following recommendations were therefore made in light of the revised governance framework.

It was also noted that the Audit Committee would possibly benefit from a co-opted member to maximise its membership – the Clerk was therefore asked to ascertain Mr Uppal’s interest in this position given his relevant professional background and current experience as a committee member.

To recommend to the Corporation for:

•Ms Linda Summers to be appointed as a member of the Remuneration Committee as of 20th August 2014.

•Ms Wright to be appointed as a member of the Finance & Resources Committee as of 20th August 2014. (For Ms Wright to stand down from the Search & Governance Committee and the Remuneration Committee as of 20th August 2014).

  1. Annual review of Governance Policies:

The Clerk informed the Committee that the following policies were subject for annual review:

-Selection of Governors

-Succession Planning

-Governor Induction

-Mentoring Policy

It was acknowledged that the clerk only proposes one minor amendment to the Selection of Governors Policy (section 6 student Governor). Governors were satisfied by this, all policies will therefore be subject to a further review in June 2015.

Mr Hume reminded the Committee that the policies are available on Moodle and via the Clerk.


  • To approve the one minor amendment to the Policy on Selection of Governors.

7.S&G Committee Self-Assessment.

The Committee reflected upon its work throughout the academic year and agreed that it is fully covering its terms of reference.

Members were of the view that it would be beneficial to also record how the Committee believes that its work has impacted/ contributed to the overall work of Governing Body. Members contributed their opinions for the Clerk to insert into the committee’s self-assessment report, practical examples are to be listed to support the agreedimpact statements.


  • That the Committee has complied with its terms of reference

8. Any other Business.

There was no other business to address.

9. Determination of confidentiality

Appendix 3 of the membership and vacancies report is deemed as being a confidential supplement as it specially refers to an individual:


9. Date of next meeting: To be agreed.