The Bliss of Breath
Accessing Higher Consciousness, Well-Being, and Orgasmic Expansion through the Breath

Entrance Music(Svadhisthana)


5Massage. Tapping from head to sacrum, whoosh! (Via con me)

5Talk. Breath basic to life (prana), bridge to our subconscious, to the universe. Expansion is key


5Shakti Shake (Circle of Fire)

3Bated Breath

7Pranayama Basics. exhale completely 5x, abdominal breath 5x, 3-part complete breath 3x, continue with 3-part complete breath. Watch gaps between breaths (Singing Bowls and Bells)

7Sexercises (Supine) (encourage mantric sound) in and out through mouth (Gap in Marrakesh)

3Transmutation Breath II3x.

1Quiet Meditation. Gently notice depth, rate, and ease of breath

8Breathe the Body into Motion(Sweet Surrender). Heart, shoulders, elbows, wrists, fingers, spine, head, pelvis, knees, ankles. Move around the room, make love to the space around you, caress others with back of hand

Sensuous Dance. (Sweet Surrender– cont.)Explore other bodies with great respect. Use the backs of your hands, not the palms, keep moving. Inhale – caress with outbreath

5Share. Every step of the formula creates a different effect. Each one was accomplished with the breath. What can we do with the breath. What have we done with the breath so far? 1) to come present and quiet the mind 2) to center within yourself 3) to calm the nervous system 4) to charge up energy in the body 5) to remove energy blockages, increase the flow of prana in the body 6) to activate sexual energy 7) to move and direct energy 8) to energize touch,


BREAK 15 minutes

[64 minutes]


5Talk: A case for not breathing (protection but leads to shut-down). Reclaiming our aliveness

5Emotional Energies and Breath. Experience unique breath pattern for each emotion: surprise, anger, calm, fear, ecstasy. Use body movement, sound/words, and breath

10Introduction and Set up for FireBreath Orgasm. Using breath to expand orgasmic capacity. Breath and Sexual Energy. Breathing during lovemaking should be relaxed. Breathing nose vs. mouth sexual effect. For men, for women. Power and purpose of transmuting sexual energy.

30FireBreath Orgasm(Medicine Trance)
5Cool Down(Kothbiro)

5Tree Dance. For grounding.(Cedar Tree)



5Closing. Circle dance(Feeling Good)


[80 minutes]

[144 minutes total = 2 hours, 24 minutes]