EDU 601 Theoretical Foundations of Reading Instruction

Final Examination


Student Learning Outcome I: develop/implement/modify curriculum and instruction that promote children’s development and learning

1. / From a reading perspective, the main goal of instruction is to
a. / teach children to become independent readers and learners.
b. / interact with children during instruction.
c. / develop better attitudes toward reading.
d. / show evidence that such instruction would benefit children.
2. / The ability of students to regulate reading by keeping track of how well they are comprehending is known as
a. / self-knowledge.
b. / self-monitoring.
c. / task knowledge.
d. / task monitoring.
3. / Which of the following student behaviors does NOT actively rely upon metacognition?
a. / Sounding out an unknown word
b. / Asking oneself “what does this mean?”
c. / Skipping an unknown word and continuing to read
d. / Rereading a passage to help understand it better
4. / The system that gives cues about the sounds associated with written symbols is
a. / graphophonemic.
b. / syntactic.
c. / semantic.
d. / pragmatic.
5. / Which characteristic is based on the bottom-up belief system?
a. / Reading and writing connections
b. / Use of context clues
c. / Authentic writing
d. / Letter-sound relationship
6. / Which of the following is NOT based on the top-down principles?
a. / Students writing in journals
b. / Students reading with a buddy
c. / Students identifying beginning sounds on picture cards
d. / Students participating in activities associated with a unit of study
7. / Themes, units, inquiry-based project learning, and literature study are all characteristics of the ______approach.
a. / basal reading
b. / language-experience
c. / literature-based
d. / integrated language arts
8. / Which of the following contributes to a student’s success or failure in school?
a. / The student’s family is impoverished.
b. / The student has no access to books.
c. / The student’s parents are illiterate.
d. / All of the above
9. / In order to develop reading and writing in an early childhood program it is important to incorporate all the following literacy principles EXCEPT which principle?
a. / Children’s development in early reading and writing fall along a continuum.
b. / Developmentally appropriate activities should be purposeful and meaningful.
c. / Language experiences provide the foundation for learning to read and write.
d. / Listening, viewing, and writing should be mutually exclusive activities.
10. / In which of the following locations would children encounter environmental print?
a. / A fast-food restaurant
b. / A library
c. / A bookstore
d. / All of the above

Student Learning Outcome II: plan and deliver instruction in the content areas of language development and literacy

11. / Which of the following instructional practices is NOT part of explicit instruction?
a. / Assign
b. / Explain
c. / Model
d. / Demonstrate
12. / The characteristics of highly effective literacy teachers include the thorough integration of ______to support the development of children’s literacy skills and strategies.
a. / reading activities
b. / writing activities
c. / instructional scaffolding
d. / All of the above
13. / Which of the following characterizes differentiated instruction?
a. / Implementing multiple approaches to learning
b. / Blending whole class, small group, and individual instruction
c. / Assessing students’ needs
d. / All of the above
14. / Which of the following is NOT a typical activity in a literate environment?
a. / An adult reading aloud
b. / Children asking questions
c. / Children scribbling, drawing, and writing
d. / Children working quietly in their seats, completing work sheets
15. / Children who are beginning to develop some letter-sound correspondence may use ______spelling.
a. / scribble
b. / conventional
c. / transitional
d. / invented
16. / When designing a ______consider the setting, location, and props.
a. / unit
b. / literacy play center
c. / course of study
d. / drama center
17. / Which of the following is one of the most important contributing factors in the learning environment of early readers?
a. / Dramatic play activities
b. / Reading aloud to children
c. / Silent reading
d. / Writing in reading journals
18. / What principle(s) should guide early childhood teachers’ teaching of language and literacy?
a. / Demonstrate and model the uses of print and language
b. / Encourage children to experiment with reading and writing
c. / Read to children orally
d. / All of the above
19. / Which of the following activities is least likely to develop phonemic awareness?
a. / Read-alouds
b. / Letter formation activities
c. / Shared reading
d. / Early writing activities with the use of inventive spelling
20. / What principle is represented in the following example? c + at = cat
a. / Phonemic awareness
b. / Function words
c. / Alphabetic principle
d. / Onset and rime

Student Learning Outcome III: identify and administer a variety of assessment instruments and interpret results for the purpose of guiding instructional decisions

21. / A child who is able to identify the front of a book, parts of a story, print directionality, and letter and word order is said to have mastered
a. / a speech to print match.
b. / concepts about print.
c. / linguistic awareness.
d. / letters and sounds.
22. / Which of the following is NOT an informal assessment?
a. / Running record
b. / Miscue analysis
c. / Reading inventory
d. / Criterion-referenced test
23. / ______is good for collecting data about a child’s oral reading during regular classroom activities.
a. / A running record
b. / A teacher folder
c. / A portfolio
d. / An assessment folder

24. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of standardized tests?

a. validity

b. natural environment

c. reliability

d. norms

25. An Informal Reading Inventory (IRI) consists of a series of each of the following


a. graded word lists

b. listening stations

c. graded reading passages

d. comprehension questions

26. Which of the following reading levels has been called the “teaching level”?

a. Instructional

b. Frustration

c. Listening capacity

d. Independent

27. A literacy portfolio that focuses on informal assessments and work samples would

include all of the following EXCEPT

a. list of books read, updated regularly

b. work in progress, documenting changes and growth in literacy

c. test scores

d. writing in several genres

28. Which type of test seeks to answer the question, “Are schools providing effective

instruction so that students make adequate progress?

  1. authentic test
  2. criterion-referenced test
  3. informal reading inventory
  4. formal, group-administered achievement test

29. All of the following can be determined from information gathered from anecdotal notes


a. student behavioral changes during group work

b. placement of students

c. predictions about students

d. instructional strategies and procedures

30. Through ______you can discover what children are thinking and feeling

about literacy learning.

a. observation

b. interviewing

c. checklists

d. miscue analysis

Student Learning Outcome VI: employ effective instructional strategies, accommodations, and adaptations to meet the needs of diverse learners

31. / Which approach has been useful for meeting the needs of English language learners because it embraces the natural language of children and provides opportunities for meaningful text for students from diverse backgrounds?
a. / Technology-based approach
b. / Bottom-up approach
c. / Basal reading approach
d. / Language-experience approach
32. / Traditionally, American Standard English has been the acceptable language of instruction in school because
a. / it is superior to other languages.
b. / it is easier to learn content in English.
c. / teachers speak only American Standard English.
d. / it is viewed as a vital tool for success in the United States.
33. / When choosing multicultural literature, which is NOT a crucial question to ask?
a. / Have the students read the literature previously?
b. / Are cultural issues presented comprehensively?
c. / Are dialogue and relationships culturally authentic?
d. / Is this book good literature?
34. / Which of the following characterizes students of diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds?
a. / They deserve specialized home-schooling programs.
b. / They are primarily from low-literate families.
c. / They learn best in sheltered settings.
d. / They comprise a disproportionately high percentage of students in special education programs.
35. / You are a second-grade teacher with a student whose second language is English. Which activity should you do to give this student more confidence in the classroom and increase her fluency skills?
a. / Pair her frequently with a strong English reader for paired reading.
b. / Clap the number of syllables in words as you read the story to increase her phonemic awareness.
c. / Pair her with a less able English reader so she knows others struggle, too.
d. / Prepare a set of flash cards with words from each story for her to practice at home.
36. / With ______stories, less able readers can use their intuitive knowledge of language and sense to help them develop fluency.
a. / long
b. / multidisciplinary
c. / predictable
d. / repeated

37. Factors that influence an individual’s success in learning to read have been

characterized in all of the following categories EXCEPT

a. linguistic diversity

b. gender diversity

c. academic diversity

d. cultural diversity

38. Which of the following refers to exceptional children?

a. children with learning disabilities

b. children with superior abilities or talents

c. children from diverse backgrounds

d. both A and B

39. Which of the following characterizes people who share a common history, identity,

values, and behavioral characteristics?

a. ethnic group

b. learning-disabled children

c. exceptional children

d. group of gifted students

40. A support or service to help students fully access instructional content and

demonstrate what they know, without changing learning expectations, is known as

  1. accommodation
  2. adaptation
  3. engagement
  4. task analysis


Choose 4 of the following 7 questions to answer. Each answer should be a minimum of 10 sentences to a maximum of 15 sentences.

37. / 1. Suppose that while a supervisor is observing your class a child makes an oral reading error and you ignore the error. Write a short letter to the supervisor justifying your action in terms of a top-down model of reading.
2. Art, song and dance, and other rhythmic activities are valuable means of expression. Suggest sample activities that can link these language experience activities with reading and writing.
3. Formulate 3 questions that you might ask children after reading a text passage that would require critical thinking (i.e., questions that require analyzing, evaluating, or creating).
4. An experienced classroom teacher comes to you and says, “My kids are just not interested in learning new words.” Since you just took a college reading course, what suggestions do you have? Explain to the teacher how students develop interest and motivation to want to learn new words. Suggest specific strategies to implement and your reasoning for selecting them.
5. Mrs. Smith realizes that her students do not have many strategies for interacting with text as they read. In a conversational essay, explain three strategies to Mrs. Smith that can effectively be used to encourage student interaction with text.

6. Explain three strategies you could use to accommodate ELL students in your classroom.

7. / 7. Consider a student who has an IEP. How might a teacher adapt an assessment for a struggling reader?