Schultz Showstoppers

Member Agreement 2015-2016

Dear Parents,

The Schultz Showstoppers is an extra-curricular choir led by Mrs. Mena and Mrs. Driver. Rehearsals are every Thursday and Fridaymorning at 7:20 the music room. Music Polo Shirts are $13.00 and students will wear them at each concert with nice black pants/skirts and black shoes and socks. Please see order form and payment information on back.

In order for our Choir to be successful, members must attend rehearsals and performances. To continue to be a member of the Choir, members must follow these guidelines:

I. School Performance

  1. Maintain a grade of “E” (excellent) or “S” (satisfactory)in PE, Music, and general conduct.
  2. Maintain passing grades in all subjects. (70 or better)

**FAILURE TO MEET THE ABOVE REQUIREMENTS WILL RESULT IN A PROBATION PERIOD until the next progress report or report card. During the probation period, students may rehearse with the group but will not be eligible to perform.

II. Attendance/Conduct

  1. Absences from rehearsals and performances will be excused only for personal illness or death in the family. A note must be given to a music teacher that states the reason for the absence.
  2. No more than two unexcused absences from rehearsals are allowed in one nine week period. On the fourth absence from rehearsals, the student is dismissed from the Choir. An unexcused absence from a performance will be grounds for dismissal from the group.
  3. Conduct marks can be given at the discretion of the director. Three conduct marks within a nine-week semester will result in dismissal from the Choir.

Reasons for a conduct mark may include:

  1. Not wearing proper performance attire

2. Not following school behavior rules during rehearsals or performances.

  1. Severe Clause: Automatic dismissal from the Choir can occur for severe offenses at the discretion of the Principals.

If you agree to have your child follow the above rules, then please sign and have your child sign the agreement and return the bottom portion to a music teacher.


______I agree to have my child’s photo taken for performances and also to let my child be video taped during performances.

______I do not want my child to be photographed or video taped during performances.

I understand the Schultz Showstoppers Choir Agreement and will follow the requirements for participation.

Parent Signature Child’s Signature Date


Parent e-mail address home phone # cell phone #

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