Spearfish Holiday Inn Convention Center

Spearfish, SD

May 2, 2014


Call to Order: Amanda L. @ 12:03PM

·  Made reminder to renew yearly dues

Call for Motion to Approve Agenda: Motion to approve by Duane C.; 2nd by Gabriel H. --Motion Carries

Call for Motion to Approve Committee Reports (President’s, Financial and By-laws): Motion to approve by Brian D.; 2nd by June R.—Motion Carries

Old Business:

·  AMHCA Trip Review: Amanda L. shared she learned everyone except SD only pays for the Leadership portion of the trip (not actual conference part). Posed the question: Do we want to keep sending people for entire trip or cut back to save on expenses?

o  Duane C. asked what is the benefit vs loss: Discussed costs were about $2000 minimum but some of the benefits are the networking and forming relationships.

o  Brian D. shares if no one is attending we could lose the Government Relations piece and many would not be able to afford to pay and go on their own

o  June R. discussed in the past it may not have been affordable but not is with our current balance/budget/

o  Mark B. discussed there are many issues with licensure and portability and we need representatives to help get involved and have a voice with decision making

o  Christine B. asked questions regarding process of discussion at the conference.

o  Brian D explained process of conference and how issues can be brought up, etc

o  Amanda L. spent some time sharing her person experience with attending the AMHCA conference with the Leadership part along with the benefits from the networking and Government Relations.

o  AMHCA will be in Seattle Washington this year.

o  Amanda L- Discussed if no one was to attend AMHCA what would money then be used for: It would be used for more programming, higher level speakers, improving the website, and resourcing.

o  Christine B. provided a quick budget summary (sent from Jamie F)

Call for Motion to Approve Funding and continue to send to AMHCA: Motion to approve by Duane C.; 2nd Ron F.

Addendum Proposed by Gabriel H.-- for annual review by Task Force (subcommittee). This group will annually review the costs/benefits and impact of continuing to send people to the AMHCA.

Volunteers for Task Force- Gabriel H

Call for Motion to add addendum and Task Force by Amanda L.; 2nd by Joey A. – Motion carries

New Business:

·  By-Laws Review by Joy A: Shares most revisions were grammatical in nature. Reviewed each by-law change.

Call for Motion to Approve By-law changes: Motion to approve by Christine B.; 2nd by June R.—Motion carries

·  Election of Officers: President-elect Brian D reviewed board members for the 2014/2015 year

Call for Motion to Approve Slate of Officers- Motion to approve by June R.; 2nd by Steve—Motion carries

·  2014-2015 Goals (Brian D): listed below

o  Hold Board retreat by August 30th, 2014.

o  Each part of the SDMHCA Board will have their written responsibilies by end of retreat.

o  Increase membership by 10%

o  Continue to build relationships with SDCA, AMHCA, and Licensing Board.

o  Develop and implement a Supervision list for those working towards LPC and LPC-MH

o  Two year terms for Board members.

o  Medicare reimbursement (end of 2014 window closes)

o  Tricare grandfather clause

o  License portability

o  Offer Fall and Preconference trainings along with receiving educational materials

§  Possible topic for Fall- Trauma Focused CBT (Angela Cavatt)

Discussion was held on two year terms for Board members. Pro is that it would bring more consistency, and allow for better training of President-Elect.

Call for Motion to Freeze Board for 2 year term on trial basis: Motion to approve by Duane C.; 2nd by Amanda L. – Motion carries

Brian D presented Amanda L with President’s Award

Howard B. Smith award was presented to Dr. Mark Britzman

Call for Motion to Adjourn: Motion to approve by Christine B.; 2nd by Natasha K—Motion carries

Adjourned @ 12:51PM