Release Notes -EV Vet from

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This document lists and briefly describes the new features and fixed defects in the different releases of EudraVigilance Veterinary releases 2.5.6.x. Should you need release notes for previous releases, please contact the IT Service Desk at EMA ()

Release Notes of EV Vet 2.7.1. Patches

Change type / Title / Description
Technical maintenance release / Technical maintenance release / Patch 1 (15/01/2016) This was an unscheduled maintenance release to fix a delivery issue of Acknowledgement generated by Gateway partner to Gateway Partner

Release Notes of EV Vet 2.7.1

Release date 7 January 2015

Change type / Title / Description
Technical maintenance release / Fix for a few issues in the new parsers / ·  Simplification of the Gateway configuration
·  Re-enabling the validation of messages exchanged between partners
·  Defaulting the gateway sender ID to EVVETPROD for all transmissions from EMA
·  Fix VedDRA version persistence issue (definite solution to replace the patch deployed on the 17/12/2015)

Release Notes of EV Vet 2.7.0. Patches

Change type / Title / Description
Technical maintenance release / A short term fix to address an issue found in new ADR parser until a more permanent fix is deployed in January. / Patch 2 (17/12/2015) Script to update VeDDRA version in database through script which was scheduled to run daily meaning a small update query on V_SAFETYREPORT table.
Technical maintenance release / Technical maintenance release to adjust schemas / Patch 1 (15/12/2015) This was an unscheduled maintenance release to make adjustments to the schemas:
1) Add VedDRA version 12 to Metabase.lk_supportedveddra table - to enable correct search results to appear for VedDRA SOC and term PT level.
2) Alter table v_othertreatedanimaldata to enable the application to insert larger value data to the table.

Release Notes of EV Vet 2.7.0

Release date 10 November 2015

Change type / Title / Description
Technical maintenance release / Replacement of the parsers / Replacement of the EV Vet parsers (by the ADR project).

Release Notes of EV Vet 2.6.1.

Release date 9 October 2015

Change type / Title / Description
Technical maintenance / Organisations merge / Request to merge Veterinary organisations

Release Notes of EV Vet 2.6.0. Patches

Change type / Title / Description
Datafix / Technical maintenance release to recode nullified product data. / Patch 1 (7/10/2015) Recoding of nullified data

Release Notes of EV Vet 2.6.0

Release date 30 September 2015

Change type / Title / Description
Technical maintenance / Update of VedDRA list / This was a scheduled maintenance release to update the VedDra list 12F into EV vet.

Release Notes of EV Vet 2.5.6. Patches

Change type / Title / Description
Datafix / Validation of a VedDRA term / Patch 1 (19/8/2015) “Gall bladder & bile duct disorder NOS” is a valid VedDRA term for v.11.0

Release Notes of EV Vet 2.5.6.

Release date 19 August 2015

Change type / Title / Description
Defects / Technical release / This was a technical release needed because of the changes made in EV_Human (VSM810324) that affected the EV_Vet application
Release Notes EV_Vet from 2.5.6-
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