Statewide Protection of Children Coordination (SPOCC) Unit
Month / Date / Topic / TimeFeb / 3 / Understanding the tactics of perpetrators and the dynamics of child sexual abuse (Part 1) / 8.45-4.30pm
21 / Mandatory Reporting of Child Sexual Abuse / 2-3pm
24 / Protecting Children: What WA Health employees need to know and do / 9-12pm
24 / Can I share this? Do I have to? Why aren’t they sharing with me?: Information exchange between WA Health and the Department for Child Protection and Family Support (CPFS) / 12.45-4pm
Mar / 3 / Applying a perpetrator informed model of practice to the work with sexually abused children and their families(Part 2 -Part 1 is a pre-requisite) / 8.45-4.30pm
14 / Understanding perpetrator tactics in family and domestic violence and how they impact on the child / 8.45-4.30
April / 5 / Skills Development: Raising child abuse and neglect issues with parents and others / 8.45-12.30
5 / Writing child abuse or neglect reports to the Department for Child Protection and Family Support (CPFS): conveying your concerns factually and efficiently / 1.15-4.30pm
May / 2 / Health care planning for children in care: what do I need to know and do as a community health nurse / 9.30-12.30pm
2 / Mandatory Reporting of Child Sexual Abuse / 2-3pm
18 / Protecting Children: What WA Health employees need to know and do / 9-12pm
18 / Can I share this? Do I have to? Why aren’t they sharing with me?: Information exchange between WA Health and CPFS / 12.45-4pm
July / 18 / Skills Development: Raising child abuse and neglect issues with parents and others / 8.45-12.30pm
18 / Writing child abuse or neglect reports to the Department for Child Protection and Family Support (CPFS): conveying your concerns factually and efficiently / 1.15-4.30pm
Aug / 14 / Health care planning for children in care: what do I need to know and do as a community health nurse / 9.30-12.30pm
14 / Mandatory Reporting of Child Sexual Abuse / 2-3pm
Sept / 12 / Understanding the tactics of perpetrators and the dynamics of child sexual abuse (Part 1) / 8.45-4.30pm
19 / Protecting Children: What WA Health employees need to know and do / 9-12pm
19 / Can I share this? Do I have to? Why aren’t they sharing with me?: Information exchange between WA Health and CPFS / 12.45-4.30pm
Oct / 5 / Understanding perpetrator tactics in family and domestic violence and how they impact on the child / 8.45-4.30pm
20 / Skills Development: Raising child abuse and neglect issues with parents and others / 8.45-12.30
20 / Writing child abuse or neglect reports to the Department for Child Protection and Family Support (CPFS): conveying your concerns factually and efficiently / 1.15-4.30pm
23 / Applying a perpetrator informed model of practice to the work with sexually abused children and their families(Part 2 -Part 1 is a pre-requisite) / 8.45-4.30pm
Nov / 6 / Health care planning for children in care: what do I need to know and do as a community health nurse / 9.30-12.30pm
6 / Mandatory Reporting of Child Sexual Abuse / 2-3pm
LOCATION: Classroom A, Level 2, WASON Building, 151 Wellington St, East Perth.
RSVP/Further information: SPOCC or 92241932
CATERING: Tea/coffee provided. Participants will need to bring/buy their own lunch for all-day sessions
Check out the SPOCC Website for a full range of information, resources etc