Pupil PremiumAllocation 2015 – 2016
The Pupil Premium funding is additional funding given to schools annually to close the attainment gap between disadvantaged pupils and their peers. In line with government policy, it is targeted to support learners who receive free school meals, those who are looked after and those whose parents/carers are serving in the armed forces. Please see ourPupil Premium Policy
Financial year 2015 to 2016
In the 2015 to 2016 financial year, schools will receive the following funding for each child registered as eligible for free school meals at any point in the last 6 years:
- £1,320 for pupils in reception year to year 6
Schools will also receive £1,900 for each pupil who has left local-authority care because of 1 of the following:
- adoption
- a special guardianship order
- a child arrangements order
- a residence order
Schools will receive £300 for children with parents/carers in the armed forces.
Please follow the link below for further explanation and guidance on the purpose behind Pupil Premium funding.
Academic Year / Funding received / Number on roll / Percentage of the school on Pupil premium2015-2016 / £26,400 / 154 / 14%
The table below outlines how the funding has been allocated to specific provision for this academic year.
Objective / Actions / Cost / Intended impactTo ensure that the emotional/social needs of learners are met in order for them to be emotionally ‘ready to learn’. / Provide pastoral care sessions for vulnerable children and their families, tailored to individual needs. For example through the ELSA programme. / £7,707 / Vulnerable children will be more engaged in learning, have raised self-esteem and improved attainment and achievement. There will be improved engagement with families and our community.
To ensure that all pupils have access to after school extra-curricular opportunities and enrichment opportunities that are on offer at school. / Be aware to families where finance may be a barrier to participation
Fund educational visits and extracurricular activities as appropriate / £500 / All pupils, regardless of ability to pay, have access to a wide range of educational enrichment and extracurricular activities.
To ensure children have a calm and positive start to the day and are well prepared for learning. / Subsidise cost of breakfast club / £ 530 / Attendance and punctuality for vulnerable children will improve. Children will have an improved sense of self-esteem and belonging. Children will be motivated and ready to learn.
To provide specialist SEN teaching hours, assessments, advice and guidance (Specialist teacher Katie Donlon, PatossLevel 7) / Provide 1:1 assessments of vulnerable children to identify any specific learning difficulties
Specialist teacher to create and deliver intervention programmes to address specific needs
Specialist teacher will provide guidance and support to staff and parents / £4969 / There will be early intervention for vulnerable pupils to address specific learning difficulties. Children will narrow the gap through following short bespoke 1:1 intervention programmes with the specialist teacher. Assessments will identify teaching strategies that can be used as part of good quality first teaching in the classroom.
To provide targeted small group intervention programmes, in reading, phonics, writing, mathematics and motor movement to ensure that pupil premium children are given opportunities to narrow any gaps in their learning where appropriate. / Provide additional intervention small group teaching in reading, phonics, maths, writing and a specialist motor movement programme across each week / £12,718 / There will be improved attainment and achievement for the targeted children. Target tracker will identify attainment and achievement of pupils and monitor impact. Interventions will be reviewed and assessed to deem value for money.