El Camino College Inter- Club Council
Wednesday, May 19, 2010 at 12:00pm
Location: Activities Center West Conference Room
I. Call to Order/Welcome –
Vice President Usama Ehsan called the meeting to order at 12:06 pm and welcomed everyone. Quorum was established.
II. Roll Call – I.C.C Meeting Roll Sheet was circulated – following persons signed in
A. I.C.C. Cabinet
1. I.C.C. Vice President: Usama Ehsan
2. I.C.C. Activities Commissioner: Ryanchase Balthazar
3. I.C.C. Finance Commissioner: Nicholas Mitchell
4. I.C.C. Publicity Commissioner: Kathy Taing
B. Voting Club Representatives
1. Alpha Gamma Sigma – Dan Garrett, Nicholas Mitchell and Stephanie Morales
2. American Red Cross Club: Xu Han
3. Circle K: Dora Dang
4. College Republicans: Damien McDowell
5. EC Society of Music: Maria Portillo
6. Future Disabled Leaders Association (F.D.L.A): Kyle Murray
7. Hip Hop Club: Josh Buan
8. History Club : Juan Davila
9. Honors Transfer Club: Lily Kurosaki
10. I.D.E.A.S.: Lily Kurosaki
11. International Collective (IC) Students Without Borders: Vanessa Villegas
12. Italian Club : Devin Turner
13. Medical Club: Michael Fahmy
14. Muslim Students Association: Usama Ehsan
15. Native American Club: Samantha Romero
16. Psychology Cub: Kathy Taing
17. Rotaract Club : Rodrigo Tello
18. Science Club: Jaypril Cabillan
19. Sociology Club: Adriana Navarro
20. Tailor Made: Walter Mendez
C. I.C.C. Adviser – Janice Watanabe
D. Guests: Chris Pham (AGS)
III. Approval of I.C.C Minutes
A. Minutes for May 12, 2010 were tabled until the next meeting
IV. Announcements and Introductions
A. Club Announcements
Club reps introduced themselves and gave info about their club’s meetings and upcoming activities.
B. Other Announcements
1. Janice Watanabe (ICC Adviser) asked the club reps to notify their club officers to clean out their club boxes at the AC counter by the end of the semester. The staff will be rearranging the mailboxes in alphabetical order.
V. Reports
A. Officers Reports
1. Finance Reports – Nick Mitchell reported that the I.C.C. Club Support account balance is now at $1275. Last day to turn in Club Budget Requests was Friday, May 14, 2010 as announced at the last meeting. There were none submitted.
2. Review Board Reports - none.
VI .Business Items
A. Approval of ICC Finance Committee Recommendations - none
VII. Information Items
A. Past Events
1. I.C.C. Fundraiser at McDonalds
· Kathy Taing and Usama Ehsan reported that there was community support for the fundraiser and I.C.C. made at least $181.24 + the cookie sales (to be determined). They thanked the Red Cross Club and Native American Club for their support at the fundraiser.
B. Upcoming Events
1. I.C.C. Recognition Banquet -
· Usama reported that the I.C.C. Banquet will be on Friday, May 28th at the Portofino Hotel in Redondo Beach. Ana is working on the invitations and will be putting them in the club boxes hopefully today so please check your mailboxes and RSVP soon.
C. I.C.C. Club Awards
1. Nominations were taken for the Most Active Club Award
· Alpha Gamma Sigma
· Muslim Student Association
· Circle K
· American Red Cross Club
· El Camino College Republicans
· Tailor Made
Voting by club reps was by secret ballot - winner to be announced at the I.C.C. Banquet
2. Nominations were taken for the Most Interesting Club Activity (listed by activity and sponsoring club
· What’s in a Democrat? - El Camino College Republicans
· Halloween Style Car Wash - Alpha Gamma Sigma
· Pow Wow - Native American Club
· CPR Training - American Red Cross Club
· Pirates vs. Ninja Charity Event - Circle K
· Cinco de Mayo - International Collective (IC) Students Without Borders
· Chili Bowl Sale - Clay Club
· Happy Hats for Kids - American Red Cross Club
· Toys for Tecate - Rotaract
· Activities Center Performances - EC Society of Music
· CCACA Conference - I.D.E.A.S.
· BMW Sponsored Vintage Sale - Tailor Made
· Rhythmic Floetry - African American Student Society
Voting by club reps was by secret ballot - winner to be announced at the I.C.C. Banquet
D. Election for I.C.C. President and Vice President (Fall, 2010-Spring, 2011)
1. Nominations were taken for President and the following students accepted:
· Nicholas Mitchell
· Usama Ehsan
· Damien McDowell
Nominations will close at the next I.C.C. meeting. Candidates will be given the opportunity to give a speech and voting will take place at that time.
2. Nominations were taken for Vice President as follows:
· Lily Kurosaki (accepted)
· Ryanchase Balthazar (accepted)
· Josh Buan (accepted)
· Kaki Chan (was not present to accept)
Nominations will close at the next I.C.C. meeting. Candidates will be given the opportunity to give a speech and voting will take place at that time.
VIII. Next I.C.C. Meetings
A. Last Cabinet & Finance meeting is on Monday, May 24th -at 12:00 pm in I.C.C. Office.
B. Last General Meeting is on Wednesday May 26th at 12pm in Activities Center West Conference Room.
IX. Open Discussion
X. Adjournment
Motion to adjourn the meeting made by Tailor Made. Seconded by Alpha Gamma Sigma. Motion passed.
Meeting Adjourned at 12:45pm
Minutes recorded by Janice Watanabe
Verified by:
Usama Ehsan, I.C.C. Vice President Janice Watanabe, I.C.C. Adviser
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