Name ______Period______
The project you are about to start involves you researching background information pertaining to “The Crucible,” a play we will begin to read next week. This project counts for 30% of your grade this marking period. It is imperative you work independently and complete all required tasks. Please ask for help if you have questions or concerns. This project is worth 200 points. You will have four days in class to complete this project. Feel free to take the project home and work on it there as well. You will need your ipad every day to complete this project. There will NOT be time in the library as there is another research project going on for the sophomores.
To answer the following questions, please read through the information on the websites below. You will need to read and search for the answers. This assignment will help you to focus on searching for factual information.
Use the link to answer the following questions about Salem and the witch trials.
1. What is hysteria and how does it relate to the Salem Witch Trials?
2. What are 3 common uses of the word “witch?” (The Word Witch)
3. What groups are active today in Salem for educating people about witches in today’s society? (Witches Today)
4. Where did those first accused of being witches live? (The Witch Trials)
5. Click on the link Witch Trials in the first paragraph. Look at the tombstones. What do they all have in common?
Use this link for the next set of questions about Salem and the witch trials.
6. Explain the difference between the VICTIMS and the AFFLICTED during the witch trials.
7. Read Salem Witch Trials and explain the two separate geographic communities of Salem and how this contributes to the witch trials.
8. Who is Roger Conant?
9. Why did he settle in Salem?
10. Which former United States President defended clients in Salem when he was an attorney? (Facts and Trivia)
11. What famous game was first published in Salem?
One last link
12. What were some of the beliefs about witchcraft and witches people had?
13. Read the “YOU’RE ACCUSED!” and choose an option. Describe the consequences of your choice.
14. Describe why Giles Corey is referred to as “the man of iron.” (Man of Iron tab on left)
15. How many people were actually accused of witchcraft and how many were actually executed?
16. How did Cotton Mather’s book, “Memorable Providences,” influence the events of Salem?
17. What happened to Salem after the hysteria had passed from the witch trials?
This link will help you find information about
Arthur Miller. Clink on The Crucible Notes and Projects tab at the top
18. Why did Arthur Miller write “The Crucible?”
19. What two people are credited with creating the hysterias that Miller used to write his play.
a. Name time period
b. Name time period
20. List 5 facts that Miller either omitted or changed when he wrote the play.
21. Why did Miller title the play, “The Crucible?”
Use this website to answer the following questions
22. Why did the Puritans leave England?
23. Describe the Puritans’ views about freedom of religion.
24. Why did the Puritans often use witchcraft to explain illness?
25. What reason does Miller give as to why the girls accused others of using witchcraft?
26. What scientific explanation was given by Caporeal as to the cause of the mysterious behavior in Salem?
27. Explain how Salem was divided into two groups, supporting and opposing who?
28. George Santayana said, "Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it." What does this quote mean? How do we keep repeating history? How do we learn from it?
Use this website to answer the following questions on Joe McCarthy.
29. Where was Joe McCarthy born?
30. In what year was he born?
31. Describe his education.
32. Describe his first job.
33. Was his first job successful? And explain why or why not.
34. Did he have any further education? If so, explain what he studied and where.
35. Did he have any other activities he was involved with in his early years? If so, explain what he did.
36. McCarthy attempted a run at public office. Explain the outcome.
37. What did McCarthy accomplish when he was 30?
38. McCarthy did something wrong when he was a judge. Describe what he did.
39. Summarize why McCarthy took a leave of absence?
40. What happened before McCarthy ran for senate?
41. Describe what McCarthy accomplished by the age of 38.
42. Describe what the biggest national issue was at the time McCarthy began his Senate position.
43. Explain the outcome of McCarthy’s initial accusations and charges.
44. Throughout the early 1950s, McCarthy continued to make accusations of communist infiltration of the U. S. government, though he failed to provide evidence. Several things happened next. Explain what happened next using several sentences.
45. When Republicans took control of the Senate in 1953, quite a bit happened to McCarthy. Using several sentences, summarize what happened.
46. McCarthy insisted something was going on and that an espionage ring existed. Was he accurate? Summarize what happened in several sentences.
47. In August, 1954, a Senate committee was formed to investigate censuring McCarthy. Explain what happened next, using several sentences.
48. Summarize McCarthy’s last years in at least 4 sentences.
Search on your own: Find out what “The House Un-American Activities Committee” is. In your description, explain how this organization got started, who started it, when it was started, and why. I expect your response to be no less than 5 sentences. Include the website sources you used to find your information, or you will lose points! WIKIPEDIA IS NOT ALLOWED AND YOU WILL NOT GET CREDIT IF YOU USE THAT SITE.
Source information: ______
Use this website to answer the following questions
50. Explain briefly what the Cold War was.
51. A number of Americans believed that their nation's security depended on what?
52. Committee members quickly settled their gaze on which industry? Explain in at least 3 sentences why this industry was most suspected.
53. Something big happened in 1947. Tell me what that was.
54. What did many of the accused do when they were grilled about their past?
55. Summarize who the “Hollywood Ten” were and explain what they did.
56. Summarize the “Imprisoned and Blacklisted” section of this website in NO LESS than 6 sentences.
57. Choose 2 of the “Hollywood Ten” and research them on your own. Find at least 5 facts and details about that person’s life. Include the website sources you used to find your information, or you will lose points! WIKIPEDIA IS NOT ALLOWED AS A SOURCE. YOU WILL NOT GET CREDIT IF YOU USE THIS SITE.
a. Person 1 NAME: source information ______
b. Person 2 NAME: source information ______
Lastly, please write a SUMMARY OF THE ENTIRE PROJECT, explaining your beliefs about how these critical items are connected TO EACH OTHER and what major flaws or concerns you recognized or came across during your research. Please continue your response on the back of this page if necessary. This summary should be no less than 10 sentences. (This is NOT a critique of the project. I do not want to know what you thought of this project. Instead, I want you to tell me how you feel about some of the things you discovered. Please write your summary on the findings of your research.)